Outside the entrance of the cave, shadow heard Zhao Chengfeng's command again, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and galloped away towards the distance.

"Ha ha, coming soon?"

Miibi, who incarnated as Ouyang Hu, didn't mean to stop him.

Just disdain of sneer, seems to be in the irony into that sentence, then come.

It seems that he is not worried that the shadow will come to the rescue.

"Boy, you don't have to bluff. You can't run away in this city. No one can save you. In order to wait for this moment, I have been waiting for a long time. If it wasn't for the woman beside you to separate from you, and this very suitable environment, you would have been in the bag of this seat. As for today. " Missibi joked.

"You seem to know a lot about me? But I didn't expect that Mr. mixBy would be afraid, too. " When Zhao Chengfeng saw that his old God was there, and listened to him again, he realized that this guy had been staring at him secretly for a long time. He was afraid in his heart, but he still kept calm and calm in his mind.

The brain turns rapidly, at the same time, it can quickly heal the slight damage in the instant of fighting.

Although the damage was minimal, the situation was so severe that he could not tolerate any negligence.

And mibibi didn't seem to care about his delay at all. He always looked at him with a smile and seemed to know his mind completely.

"You don't have to make any bad ideas. It's useless. There will be no improvement if you delay. No matter how well you recover, there will be no improvement in the absolute strength gap."

"As for the escaped mole ant, you can rest assured that I have no interest in such passers-by. The reason why I don't do it is because I cherish this perfect body. I really can't bear to destroy it myself. "

"If there are any sequelae, it's not my wish. Otherwise, do you think I'll talk to you so much, or do you think your little cultivation can really escape from me? "

"Ha ha, if you really think so, I should say that you are too naive."

Missibi said, looking up and down at Zhao Chengfeng's body as if he were looking at his treasure.

How perverse that feeling is.

Zhao Chengfeng is also very sad in his heart. He wants to slap the old glass.

But he also knew that half of what the old glass said was true, and the other half was just deliberately disturbing his mind.

So even if the heart again angry, but still try to keep calm, for each other's words can only be ignored.

Seeing that he was so calm, MIBI could not help frowning slightly, but he immediately regained his smile and joked: "ha ha, you look like you don't believe me. In that case, you might as well run away. "

When mishibi said this, he didn't know what to think. Suddenly, he said, "well, I'll let you escape for five minutes, and then I'll chase you after five minutes. If you can escape from this city, even if you win, I won't pester you any more."

"Well?" Zhao Chengfeng smell speech slightly surprised, don't know this goods said is true or false, is true and what intention.

Seeing that he was puzzled, mibibi laughed again. Then his figure flashed and floated back a few meters. He really put on the appearance of letting Zhao Chengfeng go.

This time, even Zhao Chengfeng could not help but be more suspicious.

I don't know what the hell this man is up to. Do you want to play cat and mouse, or do villains like it?

Or maybe it's the aura of my main character that makes this show funny.

"No escape? That seat will start to time. Five minutes later, whether you run or not, I'm not welcome. Or do you think it's boring, but I'll keep my word. The previous conditions are still valid. If you want to be your slave, this container will still be given to you! "

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't move, mishibi coaxed him into saying that he really wanted to play a game and wanted Zhao Chengfeng to escape.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he bit his teeth.

Then he retreated decisively and cautiously to the exit.

But his eyes were still fixed on miobi, but miobi didn't move, as if he didn't plan to attack.

Until Zhao Chengfeng had withdrawn from dongkai, mibibi still stood still.

Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled and frowned slightly.

But I made up my mind, thought about it a little bit, and then chose a direction to retreat slowly.

Waiting for him to retreat to the edge of the CBD plate, mixBy didn't catch up.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with this old glass? " Now Zhao Chengfeng is really confused.

In a flash, countless possibilities came to his mind.

For example, is there something wrong with mibibi? Just now, he was just a strong man in the field, so he just sang empty city plan and so on.

Or there's some reason why he can't be there.

But I think it's impossible.

It seems that some places always make no sense.

"Or I'll go back and have a look?"

Zhao Chengfeng thought about this and hesitated. But just for a moment or shake your head, can't take this risk.

No matter whether the other party wants to catch mice or cat, or what happens, it seems that escape is the safest choice.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng swept away in the distance.

But just after a hundred meters, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly stops again. Then his body turns, his forehead turns blue, and his eyes become sharp and resolute.

"Damn it, if you run away like a coward like this, you may even hit the other party in the end. Why don't you just gamble?"

Although there is a great risk in doing so, Laozi has escaped once before.

The so-called work hard, and then decline, three and exhausted.

This time, I didn't dare to move my hand. I was scared away by the other party. I was afraid that I would meet him again, or when I was overtaken by him, I didn't even have the courage to fight to death.

What's more, the performance of the old glass just now is really strange.

It seems that he has been ambushing himself there all the time, but with the old glass's invincible attitude, if he is sure, will he still ambush himself?

If it is a person who can ambush, the so-called lion fighting rabbit, then why do you want to play ghost cat and mouse? This is too inconsistent.

In addition, although the opponent's previous strike was very strong, it was still a little weaker than the man's previous strength. If it was due to the limitation of the physical body, why didn't he just give up the physical body?

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