If it's somewhere else, it's afraid of the sun, but the environment here is full of aura, and the sun has disappeared for several days since the great change.

The whole city is now gloomy, and the death of countless lives makes it full of death. For each other, it's no problem to abandon the body.

What don't want to damage their own body is nonsense, afraid of damage also special attack?

The most reasonable explanation is that the old man doesn't know what's wrong.

It's not because he doesn't want to give up his body, but because he can't give up for some reason.

As for the cause of this situation, either injured or calculated.

The more Zhao Chengfeng thinks about it, the more clear he feels. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it.

The reason why I didn't think of it before is that I was afraid of being hit by the old glass last time, so that I always have a little fear of the old glass.

The first thing I thought of when I saw the old glass was escape and defense, but I didn't think of killing each other at all.

How can this state of mind be against the enemy? If this state of mind does not affect the brain thinking, there will be ghosts.

Thinking through these, Zhao Chengfeng is a little angry, but his mood has improved a little.

This kind of promotion even made him feel that the barrier of the virtual world was a little loose. He could not help but feel a little happy, and his speed also improved a little.

When I came to the entrance, I felt that I swept inside and found that the old glass was no longer in place.

Looking up, I just saw the old glass's figure flashing at the stairway.

At the same time, mixBy also saw him, his face changed, but this time, without saying a word, he disappeared from the corner in an instant, and his escape was very simple and decisive.

"Damn you, why don't you try to scare me this time? Do you think I'm scared?" Zhao Cheng angrily scolded in the wind, but he didn't scold at all. As soon as he was swept away, he chased the direction where miibi disappeared.

When he rushed to the second floor, he glanced, only to find that mississibi's figure had disappeared. Fortunately, his current cultivation perception range was also very large. With a glance, he immediately found that the old man had not stayed on the second floor, but had already rushed to the third floor.

But what surprised him was that he didn't know what secret method the other side used when he perceived the other side, and it disappeared from his perception.

It's not the kind of disappearance out of his perceptual range, but it's like a soap bubble popping out of place.

When he caught up with the third floor, he did not find anything, even if his perception swept the whole third floor area, there was no trace.

Catching up with the fourth floor quickly is also no trace.

Fifth floor, No.

On the sixth floor, neither.


Zhao Chengfeng moved in his heart, turned around and went back to the third floor again.

But there is still nothing.

The third floor of Yida department store was originally divided into two areas. On the left side of the first staircase, there were men's clothing, and on the right side, there were special areas for electronic products and electrical appliances.

Although the area is relatively large, there are not many things that can be blocked. Although it is very dark inside today, Zhao Chengfeng's eyesight can almost sweep away with the naked eye even without perception.

However, I didn't see any living bodies. There are many plastic models in human form.

However, Zhao Chengfeng never thought that MIBI would disguise as those models.

If it's a common human, it's still possible, but it can't have any effect on the warrior's disguise.

And missisby would never have done such a stupid thing.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has an indescribable intuition. This person is definitely on this level.

"Old man, you are really good at it, but I know you are on this floor. No matter what hiding means you use, as long as I keep an eye on this floor, you can't escape!" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly sneered and said in a high voice.

But after his words, there was no breath in the whole floor except his own voice.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw this, he was not angry or worried. Instead, he laughed again. Then he put his hand on a commodity platform and jumped onto it. The old God sat down.

"I'll see who can afford it. If I can't, I'll tear down the whole building. In the current situation of the building, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult for me to achieve this?" Sitting on the commodity stage, Zhao Chengfeng said with ease.

At the same time, somewhere in the dark, mibibi saw Zhao Chengfeng's painting, but his teeth itched.

As Zhao Chengfeng expected, he did have a bit of trouble.

No, not exactly. It's a serious situation.

What's more, the reason for this is exactly what Zhao Chengfeng expected. He was calculated by Yunqing, who claimed to be a disciple of Tianji sect.

From the beginning.

That day, Yunqing and Miss Yu took Ouyang Hu to find him.

And sold Ouyang tiger to him on the spot.

Although he also doubts why Yun Qing does it.

However, because he really hopes to leave the island, to come out and find Zhao Chengfeng, to capture Zhao Chengfeng, the strongest body that he believes.

So even if he was confused, he was still moved.

In addition, he holds his own strength and insight, but also takes it lightly. He thinks that Yunqing just wants to use him to deal with Zhao Chengfeng, and he has no opinion about it.

And he also carefully examined Ouyang Hu's body at that time, and found no problem at all.

But he didn't expect that Yunqing was superior to him. He even gave Ouyang Hu a lot of soul melting herbs before giving him.

This kind of spirit grass is not of high grade, but it is very insidious. If it is taken for a long time, it can completely melt people's soul into the power of the body. During a period of time, the user does not have any feeling, and even feels that his body power is getting stronger and stronger.

But after a long time, people will completely become zombies.

This is used by the cult practitioners to refine corpses and puppets. This kind of thing comes from Chiba world, and the earth world has never appeared.

Even the inner world is rare.

Mississibi, a Western practitioner, although he is a strong practitioner of the spirit way, he has never seen the spirit melting grass.

Of course, it's impossible to notice the difference.

When he refined Ouyang tiger, he found that his condition was a bit wrong. He thought Ouyang tiger's body was pretty good. He didn't know that when he devoured Ouyang tiger's soul, he also devoured the medicinal power of the soul melting herb in Ouyang tiger's body.

Although this medicine can't melt his soul for a long time, let alone make him a corpse, it can't make him leave this body any more.

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