Even in the long run, his soul power will be more and more integrated into the body, which is fatal to him.

When he finds something strange, he is very angry and finds Yun Qing. He is very frank, and he doesn't hide anything. He says everything clearly.

And also promised to give him the antidote, but put forward a request, want him to do a period of time bodyguard.

He also said that when they leave the earth world, they will not only offer the antidote, but also send him a set of high-level secret scripts of soul Tao.

He even gave him half of the secret book of soul way.

Although not reconciled, but helpless, he had to compromise.

But he didn't expect that the other side made such a big stir, and all the Chinese experts were attracted.

At the critical moment, his bodyguard was taken as a shield for the first time.

Originally, he still had his own strength and didn't pay attention to the experts in China, but he didn't expect that the strength of the three people was so strong, especially the man named Zhao Feilong.

Although he had heard a little before, he knew that he was an expert, but after the first World War, he knew that the strength of the other side was much stronger than he thought.

Because he just changed his body, he couldn't give full play to his strength. If it wasn't for his cleverness, the Chinese experts were eager to chase Yunqing and Miss Yu.

He just escaped at the last minute and almost died.

But Rao is so, he also suffered a lot in that war.

What made him vomit blood even more was that when he was fighting with those Chinese people, the guy named Yunqing and the woman ran away without even a shadow. As for the antidote, he didn't even see it.

For several days, he had no choice but to lurk here to recuperate.

But I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng, who was hard to find in the past, appeared at this time, and his strength improved so much.

His humiliating sneak attack failed to succeed. On the contrary, it affected his old wounds.

It's not easy to scare the boy away. Who knows that the damned boy has seen through it, and then he comes back on the way.

It's all tears.

"These bastards, all damn, damn!"

Missisby scolded in his heart, but he didn't dare.

As for Zhao Chengfeng's words, he just sneered.

"It's just a little kid. He even cheated in front of me. You know I'm on this level. You scare ghosts. No one can crack the hidden God Dafa in this place for a thousand years. You can do it by yourself? Hum

"Do you think you are also that damned Yunqing? This kind of clumsy means even wants to scare me."

Although Missibi hated, he was not afraid.

As for Zhao Chengfeng's so-called demolition, he doesn't care.

Because he had heard the conversation between Zhao Chengfeng and shadow before, and knew that Zhao Chengfeng came here to search and rescue, so it was impossible to destroy the building before he searched all the debris of the building.

And if Zhao Chengfeng goes to search the building, he has at least ten ways to sneak out of the area quietly.

"Hum, when I get away from this disaster and take care of my wounds, either you or the damned Yunqing can't run away!"

However, to his surprise, Zhao Chengfeng, who seemed to be on this floor, sat down and fought a protracted battle.

It made him wonder, "what's the matter? Did the boy really find my trace?"

No, if he had found out, he would have come to me without such a stalemate.

Although he was worried, mibibi was worthy of being a thousand year old monster. Although he suffered a loss in the hands of the young man named Yunqing, the loss was due to carelessness and insight.

The soul melting herb does not belong to this world, and he is a Western monk. Although he has lived for a thousand years, he is a ghost, so he has been out for almost a thousand years, except occasionally with a puppet.

Most of the time is almost a otaku life.

I can't blame him for not knowing the weirdness of ronghuncao.

But thousands of years of otaku life, really sink down, patience is not built.

If Zhao Chengfeng doesn't go, he won't move.

It depends on who can afford it.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't hold on any longer. He jumped down from the commodity platform and muttered, "what's the matter? Is my intuition wrong? Isn't old glass hiding in this layer?"

In the dark, mibibi almost didn't get angry when he heard the words, "this bastard, I thought he really found something. After a long time, he even said something special about intuition. Do you think you are a woman? I don't speak logic, I speak intuition."

What's more, why is this bullshit intuition so accurate?

But after all, Zhao Chengfeng began to doubt his intuition. He was a little relieved.

See Zhao Chengfeng standing there, a few words, and then finally turned away, mibibi heart completely relaxed.

But he just thought that Zhao Chengfeng left or went to another floor. He thought for a while, and then he tried to find a way to get out quietly.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng turned back.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

Miss than speechless scolded a sentence.

Suddenly, seeing Zhao Chengfeng's action again, mishibi suddenly burst into a rage, "damn bastard, even set fire!"

It turned out that Zhao Chengfeng didn't go out to leave. Instead, he didn't know where to go and carried several barrels of gasoline back. Then he began to pour it everywhere.

Mibibi was really angry, and he knew that he could not hide any more. No matter how secret his hiding place was, no matter how powerful his hiding method was and how much he could hide his breath, he could not bear to wait for the fire to burn all the layers.

Even now he has raised his body to the virtual world, but the virtual world Master can't stand fire without spiritual resistance. If he uses spiritual power, he can't hide it with Zhao Chengfeng's perception.

"Son of a bitch, don't deceive others too much. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

In his fury, mibibi no longer hid himself. His body in the dark expanded in a flash. With a roar, he squeezed out his hiding place and jumped out, pointing to Zhao Chengfeng's nose and swearing.

"Whether you or the damned Yunqing, are you bastards human or not. Let's give way again and again. You are so aggressive. OK, OK

Miss than eyes canthus to crack, even say three good.

Trembling, he pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "I'll fight with you today, and let you know if you can really handle me.

As he spoke, MIBI roared, and then rushed to Zhao Chengfeng like a mad cow.

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