But the speed is not very fast, but under the perception is an old man, but this old man is already non-human.

In other words, he has already lost human consciousness.

In his heart, Zhao Chengfeng lamented and grabbed the attacker's neck.

Although the attacker is no longer human, his strength is not particularly strong, that is to say, he is better than the ordinary people. At most, he is not better than the junior high school of Lingwu realm, even the giant dog.

Zhao Chengfeng pinches his neck and immediately loses the ability to act. He just struggles desperately and sobs in his mouth.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng saw the attacker's face clearly, and even recognized that it was an old man in the welfare home. He did not expect that he would become like this.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes swept, but he happened to see the attacker's mouth sticking with a pinch of white hair mixed with flesh and blood.

At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng's heart trembled and almost released his hand.

"Damn it Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help roaring, but it wasn't aimed at the attacker.

Zhao Chengfeng slowly closed his eyes and opened them a moment later. However, he had regained his fortitude. Then he put his hand over the attacker's eyes and made a sudden effort on the other hand.

The attacker was strangely quiet at this moment, and his lips moved slightly.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Zhao Chengfeng seems to hear him say "thank you".

Since entering the army, Zhao Chengfeng has never cried, but at that moment, he couldn't help crying.

Silent tears flow along the cheek in the entrance, salty and bitter.

After a short silence, Zhao Chengfeng put two bodies here.

Many things, to this meeting, he did not want to study.

Half an hour later, Zhao Chengfeng left the welfare home and set a fire in it. The bodies of two old people and other bodies around him were also put into the fire.

Although I want to bury them, maybe it's more appropriate to think about it.

However, he made up his mind not to tell Chen Shuxian, or even anyone, the real situation here.


Zhao Chengfeng's heart is very heavy. Looking at the broken void above his head and the broken cities around him, he is at a loss for a moment.

At this time, he wanted to leave the city, but he knew in his heart that this would not solve the problem.

Sadness, anger, discouragement can't solve any problem.

We must improve our accomplishments and break through the void.

Only by taking this immediate step can we be qualified to talk about others.

As for the way to break through, after thinking about it, I finally feel that it is more reliable to fall on the nucleus.

Of course, the premise is that taijitu will no longer compete with him for rule fragments. As long as he does not compete with him, he feels that if he has one or two, he may have a chance to break through.

So now he has to make another nucleus and do some experiments.

If it can be done, then according to the previous plan, before more forces are involved, more mutated creatures will be hunted and more nuclei will be created.

In this way, not only his own use, people around him, such as Xia Bingbing, also need it.

It's just that during this period of time, because he was thinking about search and rescue, he didn't hunt mutated creatures any more. Every time he met them, he would go far away, so he didn't get any more nuclei.

Now I want to kill him, but after a long time, I haven't met a mutant.

"It's really evil. So many creatures have mutated in such a big city. How can it be so hard to find? Where are they hiding?"

When he didn't want to kill before, he met occasionally along the way. Now he wants to hunt, but he doesn't.

"Otherwise, I'd better go to the flower and bird market according to the previous idea. Lao Yin may be there too. If not, a zoo in Nancheng District might also be a good choice. "

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and immediately went to the flower and bird market.

The flower and bird market is located near Gulou Street, Zhongshan Road, Beihai city.

It's not too far away from the CBD, but it's different from the high-rise buildings in the CBD, but it's more of an antique building.

Flower and Bird Street and antique street are all here.

It used to be a very busy place, but now of course, like any other place in the city, there are no living people.

However, as Zhao Chengfeng expected, there are more mutated creatures in this area than in other places.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng walked to Gulou Street, he found a mutant of the flora.

Originally, he didn't pay attention to it. He thought it was a peach blossom tree growing in the park, but compared with other peach blossom trees, it had more gorgeous flowers and stronger fragrance.

He thought it was because of the aura between heaven and earth. He was surprised to find that the peach tree had eyes.

It's not a tree scar in the general sense, but a real eye, long eyelashes, black and white pupil, and even smile at him.

"I'll give you a rub. Is this a mutant creature? Is this NIMA a a tree demon? Is this the legendary peach blossom eye Although Zhao Chengfeng had killed a huge dog before, he was still surprised to see the tree with this eye.

However, although the eyes are very beautiful, they grow on the tree trunk and immediately make people feel a little scared.

It's even goosebumps.

"But this kind of mutated creature, although it looks numb, does not do much harm."

Just as he thought about it, he felt that the eyes on the tree trunk winked at him. He even felt that he could speak. It seemed that he was saying, "little brother, come here!"

Although he didn't make any sound or even his mouth, Zhao Chengfeng did feel this kind of consciousness.

Then he could not help feeling a trance, and even took a step forward subconsciously. However, his will was stronger than that of ordinary martial arts. This kind of confusion made him wake up in an instant.

But in my heart, I was a little bit shocked. "Damn, a tree has this strange ability. Mutated creatures are really interesting."

However, although the tree can confuse people, it seems to be more of an instinct. It doesn't have much intelligence. It's even worse than the giant dog before, and it doesn't have any means of attack.

Apart from the eyes, there seems to be hallucinating toxins in the pollen. However, to this extent, not to mention Zhao Chengfeng, ordinary ancient martial artists are afraid that they can resist.

I don't know if it's all from the flora, or if the peach tree itself is so weak because of its low level.

Zhao Chengfeng solved this guy by dividing five into two.

As soon as the peach tree is broken, its eyes will be dim and become like a dead fish. On the contrary, it will be more gloomy.

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