However, after Zhao Chengfeng cut off the tree with one sword, he could not help scratching his head. He saw the shadow coming out of the dog's head, but where should the peach tree's crystal be?

After a half circle around the mutant peach tree, Zhao Chengfeng didn't see where its crystal nucleus should be.

"Is it the eye? It's unlikely. "

Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart, but he still dug out the eyes, but when he felt it, he found that the eyes had completely lost their vitality and didn't have much aura.

It's just like a dry tree, but it's a little special in appearance.

"It seems that this eye is not a real eye, just a tree block similar to the shape of an eye."

It's reasonable to think that trees can really grow animal eyes?

If it's a kind of biological mimicry, it's easy to understand.

Zhao Chengfeng thought in his heart that his eyes were useless. He was rather gloomy and left them aside.

But still didn't see the crystal nucleus in what position, had to simply that sword will whole kill the tree trunk and branches all give split of one after another.

But still nothing special has been found.

"What's the matter? Don't all mutated organisms have nuclei?"

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin. If the nucleation is accidental, it is not impossible.

Think like this, sighed a breath, planned to pull.

Suddenly there was a movement in his heart.

No, "if the core of an animal is the brain, what is the core of a plant?"

An animal, at least most animals, will die if its head is cut off. But as for plants, will they die if their crown is cut off?

No, it doesn't.

Don't mention these mutated trees. Even for ordinary plants, after their crowns are cut off, the lower part of them will not die, and even grow another tree.

For example, in the grafting of fruit trees in rural areas, the upper part of the fruit trees is sawed off, and then the branches that need to be grafted are inserted into the epidermis. After a certain period of time, a new tree will grow.

"So the root of a plant should be the root. I'm so stupid that I didn't even think of it." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng patted his forehead, he quickly found a tool from a nearby house that seemed to be managed by a park, and immediately began to dig the stump of the peach tree.

With this digging, the roots of peach trees, which used to grow in the ground like common stumps, vibrated, as if they knew the real threat was coming.

But unfortunately, there was no attack power, the trunk was cut down again, leaving only a stump, and there was no resistance.

Zhao Chengfeng was allowed to dig it out from the ground.

As soon as the root was soaked out, Zhao Chengfeng immediately found that it was very different from the ordinary root.

Generally, the roots of a peach tree should be yellowish brown, but the roots of the peach tree are pink. After the roots are dug out, they still twist like snakes, and even there are bright red liquid like blood coming out of the fracture.

This strange situation, if ordinary people are scared directly, they will be scared to death.

It's so weird.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a little hairy, "if you give it some years, maybe it can really become a strange thing in the legend, which has been separated from the category of plants to some extent."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking up at the cracks in the sky. Through those cracks, he seemed to be able to see the darkness, like the endless abyss hanging in the sky. He didn't know what kind of world the cracks led to.

"What kind of world is it? It's just the intersection of two worlds, and a trace of rules can cause such a strange change in the world. And the world behind the darkness itself is beyond imagination

Inexplicable Zhao Chengfeng suddenly gave birth to an impulse to go into the back to have a look. Of course, this impulse is just an idea. He can't really die to rush into the space completely unknown.

Whether it can pass through the cracks in the past or not is another matter. Even if it can pass, the result will be nothing.

So he soon put down the thought and turned his attention to the root of the peach tree again.

Sure enough, he soon found something like a tumor at the end of one of the roots, as big as a duck's egg.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately guessed by intuition that the crystal nucleus of this peach tree should be here, and this thing is probably the most fundamental existence of this peach tree.

Without hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng took out the Xuanyuan sword and immediately split it in two.

A pink crystal immediately rolled out of it.

It's about the same size as the one taken from the giant dog's head, but it's a little smaller.

Zhao Chengfeng uses the spiritual power to feel, and sure enough, this small crystal is full of vigorous spiritual power and vitality.

However, different from the crystal removed from the body of the giant dog, if the breath in the crystal core of the giant dog is like the smell of corruption like the swamp abyss, this crystal is like a pink cloud full of charm.

Zhao Chengfeng also didn't move the place, directly urged the spirit power to wrap the crystal nucleus in place.

But this time, most of his attention was focused on the Taiji map in the sea.

Since it's an experiment, even if it can't be stopped, he should at least figure out what's going on.

Sure enough, as soon as the surface layer of the crystal nucleus was permeated by the spirit power, his perception also just sensed the power of the rules, and the Taiji diagram moved again.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng felt that the power of the rules of Taiji diagram was perceived, and it even sent out a kind of inexplicable and mysterious atmosphere that seemed to be the supreme of the emperor.

The power of the rules seems to be that the common people are silent when they see the emperor. At the next moment, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have time to make any response. The power of the rules in the pink crystal nucleus has gone into the Taiji yin yang fish like a swallow in the forest.

Everything happened so fast that Zhao Chengfeng didn't have time to make any response even if he was ready.

However, this time he felt much clearer than before. He was surprised to find that it was not Taiji who took the initiative to hunt, but the power of the rules.

And the power in the Taiji diagram is like the king of the rule world or some kind of supreme existence at a higher level.

These two discoveries make Zhao Chengfeng vaguely understand something, but it is still a little bit worse.

"It looks like we'll have to try it twice."

Heart decided, Zhao Chengfeng is going to find new prey, suddenly heart feel, step, a turn, just saw a man panting to come here.

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