"What's the matter, Lord missisby, you don't know me in a short time?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered and asked jokingly.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you..." after hearing what Zhao Chengfeng said, MIBI really woke up. Subconsciously, he was about to stand up and attack. Then he found that he was trapped like a rice dumpling. Wang stood up for a while, and then sat down again.

Missisbeton was furious, "asshole, you dare to treat me like this. Let me go, let me go!"

Missisby struggled and yelled.

But all over the body are trapped dead, where can struggle to move, on the contrary, it is a earned zadun affected internal injury, a pale face, lips are a shiver, seems to be very painful appearance.

Zhao Chengfeng always looks at him with a smile. Originally, he was worried that this guy might have the means to break the bridge. Although he had never used the means to break away from the body and attack directly with the soul before, who knows if he can use it when he is in a hurry?

But seeing him like this, I was completely relieved.

I can't help it if I know the other person looks real.

This reassurance, Zhao Chengfeng look more indifferent, also not in a hurry to interrogate, just smile at him.

Watch him struggle, shiver.

This kind of look in his eyes was more painful than any kind of criminal law to MIBI. However, after struggling for a while, he realized the reality and stopped struggling. He gave a sad smile and leaned back against the corner for a while.

Then he raised his eyelids and looked at Zhao Chengfeng. He sneered, "I didn't expect that this seat would fall into your hands after thousands of years. Boy, if you have the ability, you can kill me. As for interrogation, it's OK. You should know that this is not my body, so I don't care what you do. "

"As for the pain, I've been through thousands of years, and I'd like to know what kind of pain I haven't suffered. If you have any moves, please come!"

With that, his eyes drooped again, and he didn't want to pay any attention to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng did not speak, but still looked at him with a smile, as if appreciating some art.

After a long time, he nodded and said, "I have to say, Mr. mississibi, what you have said is really good among foreigners."

"Cut ~" although missisby didn't expect him to say that, he didn't care. He rolled his eyelids, gave a scornful cut, and then hung down again.

That means, don't play tricks on me. It's useless.

"In fact, I really want to ask you something. Of course, it's up to you whether I ask or not. I know what you say is true. Although I have many ways to make people talk, it's not necessarily useful for you. " Zhao Chengfeng looked at him for a moment, and suddenly came to the point.

"Hum ~" MIBI snorted and did not answer.

Zhao Chengfeng was neither angry nor discouraged. He continued: "in fact, although I was very angry with you at the beginning, no, not at the beginning, I still want to tear you to pieces, because we are the enemy, and I didn't invite you, but you want to take my body by all means. If you were me, I'm afraid you would be more angry?"

This time, mibibi finally took the call. He slowly raised his eyelids, looked at Zhao Chengfeng, and gave a sneer in his nose, saying: "hum, the law of the jungle is the law of the world, the fittest survive, but now this seat is in your hands, you have to kill and scrape casually."

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, "if you kill me, you will certainly kill me. Even if I say I will let you go, I think you are not so naive. Because to tell you the truth, I'm afraid of you. No, to be exact, I'm afraid! "

When mishibi heard him say this, he was stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to be so frank.

Generally speaking, few people in this world will admit their fear and fear of each other in front of their enemies.

Not to mention the enemy, even in front of outsiders, there are not many who will admit this, especially those who are armed.

This will expose one's weakness. As a warrior, no one is willing to admit one's weakness, although in fact no one in the world can be truly fearless.

If there is someone, that person must be a fool. Only a fool knows nothing about fear.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about his reaction, as if talking to basin friends, and continued: "I once asked my father, I asked him, is there any way in the world to kill you? But my father told me that in the earth world, you are invincible in theory. "

When mishby heard this, he gave a sneer, full of sarcasm and complacency, "do you think I'll be fooled by your flattery when you say this? Boy, you are so naive. Oh, of course, your father's words are really to the point

Zhao Chengfeng secretly turned a white eye in his heart, but the wind was still light and the clouds were light on his face. He waved his hand a little and asked him not to interrupt. Then he suddenly showed a mysterious smile and looked at miss and said, "but my father said that everyone has a weakness, and you also have a huge weakness!"

When he said this, he stopped and looked at missisby with a smile.

His eyes, however, were actually looking closely at missisby's reaction.

When mishibi heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, his face was calm and smiling. It seemed that the words poked his nerve. However, he immediately recovered his sneer and snorted with disdain, as if he didn't care.

But his look fluctuated for a moment. Although it was only for a moment, Zhao Chengfeng was keen to catch it.

Zhao Chengfeng laughed in his heart.

"By the way, do you know who my father is?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly said something that seemed to be irrelevant.

"Well, what does it matter to me who he is?" Missisby said with disdain, but his big words just reflected what he really wanted to know.

At the same time, it also shows that he wants to know what Zhao Chengfeng's father said was his weakness?

He wanted to know, even though he thought it was nonsense.

It's human instinct or nature. Everyone is the same. Of course, no one doesn't want to know what the other person says when they see others evaluating themselves?

In particular, weakness, even if his heart has confirmed that the other side is definitely wrong, he must be perfect.

But I still want to know.

But when Zhao Chengfeng said half of it, he just didn't say it. It was like scratching. When he saw the itch, he suddenly shifted. It was hard, but he couldn't ask.

When Zhao Chengfeng asked him if he knew his father's identity, although he said so, he still wanted to know who the guy who boasted that he had weaknesses was.

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