What Zhao Chengfeng wants is such an effect, a little bit of hook him to speak, slowly disintegrating his resistance.

Wen Yan said with a smile, "I think you've seen my father, because I just checked your injury, and I should have been hit by a kind of palm technique. I'm very familiar with that palm technique, which seems to come from my father."

When he heard this, mixBy opened his eyes unexpectedly, and the color of surprise, fear and fear in his eyes flashed away.

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out and touch his chest, but unfortunately, his hand was tied and he couldn't move at all.

Then he reacted and glared at Zhao Chengfeng angrily. "I don't think you are the son of that man. No wonder, no wonder."

He even said two no wonder, I don't know is no wonder that Zhao Chengfeng can have this kind of cultivation at this age, or no wonder that Zhao Chengfeng makes him feel very familiar.

Or both.

Looking at the change of his expression, Zhao Chengfeng knows that this guy should have suffered a lot from the old guy.

That's why I hate the old guy.

Although Zhao Chengfeng had expected it for a long time, he was still surprised at the power of his Laozi. Once again, he found that he seemed to belittle his Laozi.

Then he moved slightly in his heart and thought of what Zhao Feilong had said before, "it seems that the old man doesn't have to suppress the power of the eternal tree seed in my body any more. It seems that his strength has really improved a lot. In this way, I'm afraid the old man was really powerful in those days. "

Inexplicably, he was a little moved in his heart. At the same time, he was very proud of his Laozi.

Think of here, he looked at the look of mississibi also involuntarily revealed a trace of condescending color.

This change of his look immediately touched missisby's nerves, and he burst into a rage and said, "what's your look? Yes, that guy is really a bit fierce, but he can hurt me only because I was accidentally plotted, but it's not because he saw my weakness!"

"I've been here for thousands of years. No matter how powerful your father is, if I'm in my prime, I won't be afraid of him!"

But no matter what he said, Zhao Chengfeng always just looked at him with a smile, which clearly means, "what's the use of breaking the sky, don't you still lose?"

Although he didn't say it, it annoyed him even more. Although he knew he was bound, he struggled to stand up again.

It seems that if you don't stand up and scold Zhao Chengfeng, it's not enough to show his prestige.

But after struggling for a long time, I still couldn't struggle. At last, I sat back and bumped my head angrily. "Asshole, I'm just being plotted. You're just a little kid who dares to look down on me ~!"

"Ah ~!" At this moment, missisby really gave birth to a kind of grievance and resentment of the hero's twilight and the tiger's downfall.

At the same time, there is discontent and anger, huge discontent and anger.

At this moment in my heart, I really hate Yunqing who is plotting against me.

Finally, he shed two lines of tears.

The shadow beside looked at all this in a daze. Seeing such a figure as mijibi, such a guy who is not afraid of torture and death, he was stunned and cried by Zhao Chengfeng.

Seeing this man's anger and grievance, even he felt a little sympathy.

As a matter of fact, he knows Zhao Chengfeng's routines, not only him, but also that Missibi.

But Zhao Chengfeng's use of psychological coercion step by step is too clever. Even if you know his intention, you still can't control yourself.

This calm and cold, it makes the shadow feel that the boss is too terrible.

Although the boss doesn't seem to use his mind very much, he prefers to act recklessly when things happen.

Simple, rough.

But once the cold and calm up, but really let people realize his terrible.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's face is still wearing a faint smile, smilingly looking at MIBI crazy, tears, but not moved.

"Fortunately, we are not enemies."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng once again opened his mouth and said slowly: "well, indeed, if you are not calculated, maybe my father will not be able to hurt you easily."

"That's why I'm afraid of you. Even if you get to this point, to be honest, I still don't dare to relax and save your life."

When Zhao Chengfeng talks about this, he doesn't hide his killing intention.

However, mishibi, like a wronged child, was finally admitted and laughed, "haha, you have some knowledge, but I still correct you. It's not that you can't hurt me easily, but that you can't hurt me at all."

Mishibi said here, ferocious head, word by word way: "this seat is invincible!"

"Poof ~" Zhao Chengfeng chuckled and waved his fingers, "I think you misunderstood me. I mean I'm afraid of you and dare not leave you, but it doesn't mean that I think my father is wrong. On the contrary, the reality just proves that my father is right


"You are very powerful and terrible, but you also have shortcomings, and as long as you grasp your shortcomings, you are just a chicken." Zhao Chengfeng said slowly.

"What, I'm a vegetable chicken. Ha ha, what a brave maniac. How dare you say that I'm a vegetable chicken?" Miobi laughed, as if listening to the world's most ridiculous joke, the tears of laughter came out.

"If you're not hurt, you can kill you with one hand for more than ten times without posture. What are you? If you're not lucky, you'll be your container now. Ha ha, this is chicken... Ha ha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in this century." The more he laughs, the more funny he gets. He can't stop. If he doesn't have his hands tied, he will clap his thigh and even hammer the ground.

Unfortunately, he was tied up, so he could only lean against the corner of the wall and tremble, even the corner of his mouth could not stop bleeding.

But Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are full of contempt and disdain.

It's like the Dragon despises the ants in the world.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care either, but looks at him calmly. After a long time, he asks with a smile: "is it funny?"

"Ha ha, isn't that funny? Is it not funny that a mole ant is just lucky enough to take advantage of my depression and dare to say that I am a vegetable chicken? "

"Down, ha ha, what a down, then I would like to ask the great Lord missimbie, if you are not a chicken, how can you be down?"

"Son of a bitch, I've already said that I'm just being plotted. Otherwise, do you think your father can hurt me? I can't wait another thousand years!"

"If you don't have weakness, how can you be tricked?"

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