Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "well, that's what it is. Then the question comes again. Mr. mibibi, who is so brave and invincible, how can you be plotted by others?"

"I..." mixBy opened his mouth to explain, but after several times, he didn't find a reasonable explanation. In a moment, he felt confused in his mind.

He wanted to say that he was not careful, or that the bastard Yunqing was too cunning, but it didn't seem enough.

No matter which one, don't say Zhao Chengfeng, he can't even convince himself.

"Do I really have weakness? No, it's impossible. I'm invincible." Missibi couldn't help muttering to himself.

In fact, it was not unbearable to have a weakness, but he didn't know why he couldn't tolerate his weakness at this time.

In fact, this is precisely the trap that Zhao Chengfeng has set for him step by step. In addition, he is really arrogant.

After living for thousands of years, he has already put himself above all his life, feeling that he is the existence of God.

This kind of pride, it is easy to accept Zhao Chengfeng to his preset that he should be invincible, perfect trap.

And at this time, if he admits that he has weaknesses, it seems that he also admits that his failure is due to incompetence, and his failure is because as long as he is caught, his weakness is a chicken.

It was too much for him to take.

Therefore, he must not admit that he has weaknesses.

Zhao Chengfeng saw that the fire was almost over, and he was mercilessly mended again. "I know you want to say that you are not careful before you are calculated."

"Yes, I was not careful!" This was the reason why he had already rejected it. At this time, when he heard Zhao Chengfeng say it, he seemed to catch a straw like eye and nodded repeatedly. Then for a moment, he seemed to regain his self-confidence again. "Yes, I'm just careless, and I'll be calculated by that bastard named Yunqing. Sooner or later, I will take revenge on you

Missibi said gnashing his teeth, hatred in his eyes almost condensed into essence, and he didn't even realize that the situation in front of him was impossible to revenge.

It was obvious that he was in a state of mental confusion, a sense of hallucination.

But Zhao Chengfeng where willing to let him hide in the illusion of self deception, immediately sneer a way: "you are not careful or what reason, not to say, your weakness, I am not interested in now. But if you want revenge, I'm afraid you don't have a chance, because you said you wanted to kill or scrape me. How can I allow you to live? "

Miss than smell speech facial expression big change, "no, no, you can't kill me, I want revenge, I must revenge, I can promise I will never again and you for enemy, but that cloud Qing this seat must kill him, must revenge."

A moment ago, MIBI, who was totally indifferent to death, begged a mole ant he totally despised for his life. This kind of thing, if MIBI was killed, he would never say it. This is the dignity of a strong man.

But at this time, his heart has been completely engulfed by the hatred of Yunqing, and the will of the strong is also destroyed step by step by Zhao Chengfeng.

Of course, this is also his injury. His spirit and body are at the weakest node. Even his fusion of Ouyang Hu's body is polluted to some extent.

This kind of pollution and influence is usually covered up with a strong will, but once it falls into a fragile situation, this negative effect will be revealed.

A person always depends on other people's body, how can there be no cost.

It's sad to think about it.

But Zhao Chengfeng's heart at this time is extremely cold, smell speech a sneer, "forgive you, with what, as for guarantee what, you this kind of person, you think I will believe you?"

"I swear, I can swear, by the way, I still have wealth. Over the years, I have gathered countless wealth, which are hidden in a secret place on my island. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will give them all to you!" When mishibi heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, he seemed to seize the hope all of a sudden and even sat up.

Even can't live to Zhao Chengfeng side move, that meaning seems to want to hold thigh.

But Zhao Chengfeng saw this, but quietly a flash, back a step.

Although the situation of the other party is not likely to threaten him now, even if we really let him go, I'm afraid he can't live.

However, he has also learned the cunning of this person, and will never take it lightly because of the successful approach.

However, he seems to think too much about this kind of caution. Before he could move to his previous position, MIBI, who was tied like a silkworm, fell down. This time, he fell sideways and struggled for several times, but he couldn't do it again.

One side of the shadow to see this can not help but some softhearted, subconsciously want to help, but Zhao Chengfeng with eyes to stop.

The latter one Leng, some don't understand, but still stopped action.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw his situation, he suddenly said with a smile, "OK, Mr. missisby doesn't have to play any more. I said I'm extremely afraid of you, so no matter what you behave like, I won't let you close, and I won't relax. Any tricks are useless!"

Originally, the silkworm baby fell into the mud and was extremely embarrassed. When she heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, her face suddenly returned to calm. Although she was still in a mess, her face suddenly became calm.

No longer see before the crash, miserable appearance.

But he really can't do it when he gets up. He can only squint at Zhao Chengfeng, "I didn't expect you to be so timid!"

With that, the hand tied behind his back, the fist he had been holding, suddenly let go, and then a strange wisp of black smoke floated out of his palm, and disappeared after a moment.

See this scene, the shadow can't help but a burst of dumbfounded, a burst of fear in the heart, even the clothes are wet with sweat.

He did not expect that, to this extent, the series of performances he just performed.

"NIMA, why don't you get the little golden man when you can perform like this?"

Fortunately, the boss stopped him just now.

Shadow grateful to see a Zhao Chengfeng, at the same time in the heart of a burst of admiration, the boss is really too fierce, so cunning guy was seen through.

But he didn't know that Zhao Chengfeng was also afraid, "nimabi, too cunning, have you!"

At that moment just now, he almost said that, especially when the other party mentioned something about the treasure on the island, he thought that the goods really broke down, and this kind of thing has been leaked.

I also want to have a chance to go to the island to see something. Maybe I can make a fortune.

Fortunately, fortunately, I'm more careful.

There's nothing to see through.

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