If there is, at best, it feels a little too smooth.

Only then did he cheat. How can I know that this old glass is really a routine.

Nima, the world is too insidious.

How could such a cunning guy be fooled by the guy named Yunqing.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is full of fear to the guy named Yunqing who has never met.

If you meet that guy in the future, you must be careful, you must be careful.

Such a cunning old guy has been tricked by that guy. If I didn't meet this old guy today and didn't understand his cunning, I didn't know that he was tricked by Yunqing.

And it's a routine to the point where life is worse than death.

If you meet that guy in the future, you will be hard to avoid if you are careful.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt very lucky at this time.

But on his face, there was an expression of light wind and light clouds. It seemed that he was saying, "you want to cheat me with such a little trick. Save it!"

But he said faintly: "Mr. missisby, you are really powerful. I almost fell for you again. But I really want to know if it's your plan that you were caught by my brother?"

His expression fell into the shadow eyes, and he immediately admired the boss.

Sure enough, he's the boss. He's very cunning. No, he's as smart as a sea.

Once again, Zhao Chengfeng said that catching the goods by himself was the beginning of the routine, and there was more sweat behind it.

But I still don't believe it. It's impossible. What if I didn't catch him at all and killed him with one sword?

Or simply abolish his cultivation?

Thinking about this, he calmed down a little and thought that it was Zhao Chengfeng who thought too much.

And he has no advantage at all in this situation. Is everything pinned on the mysterious wisp of black smoke.

But the eyes still couldn't help looking at missisby.

But see this person hear Zhao Chengfeng's words slightly Leng for a while, and then even laughed, did not admit, but also did not deny, but asked: "why do you think so?"

Although Zhao Chengfeng had a lot of conjectures in his heart, he subconsciously wanted to talk about his reasons, but then he woke up and said with a smile: "intuition."

Hearing his answer, MIBI and shadow were stunned again, and the former immediately laughed again, some self mocking way: "intuition, intuition again, what a intuition!"

I hate that in my heart. As a big man, can you not always rely on your intuition? Before, you used your intuition to find hide and seek. It's not easy to play a routine, but it's your intuition again.

But at this meeting, he didn't have to deny it. He struggled for a while, but of course he didn't succeed. "Hey, can you let me sit up and talk? This posture is really strange."

Zhao Chengfeng secretly Tucao, "this posture is not your own make complaints about."

But he motioned to the shadow and said, "there's a stick over there. Bucket him up. Don't touch him. Stay away from him. His original purpose should be to approach me with your hand and then control me, but now it's hard to say that he won't change his mind. "

Shadow heard his words, some suddenly, slightly nodded, deeply thought, turned and ran to get a long bamboo pole, to poke up missisby.

However, mixBy, lying on the ground, could not help rolling a big white eye and swearing in his mouth: "Damn it, easy, easy. Nowadays, young people are really more than one. Do you want to be so cunning when you are young?"

Zhao Chengfeng and shadow rolled a white eye at the same time, "NIMA coin, who is cunning in the end?"

Mibibi was "helped" up, and resumed his previous posture again. He took a little breath and sighed bitterly: "I didn't expect that I was still on the verge of success or failure after a long calculation, and I also trapped myself in the Jedi."

"Ha ha, it's true. After fighting with you before, I realized that my injury was more serious than I realized. Now the whole city is blocked by the Chinese military, and I can't leave at all."

"What makes me more urgent is that I feel that there are other warriors coming in this city. If they are mole ants, I can solve them easily..."

When Missibi said this, he was suddenly silent.

Zhao Chengfeng secretly guessed that those people should be Mr. Qi's men. He took a look at the shadow, but the latter shook his head blankly, obviously did not find it.

It's not surprising that his perception can't be compared with that of MIPPO, even if MIPPO is injured now, the ship is broken, and there are still three hundred nails, and a hundred feet of insects are dead.

This is also a reason why Zhao Chengfeng is suspicious.

Under such circumstances, it's unreasonable that missisby should be caught by the shadow.

On the other hand, after a long silence, mixBy sighed, "but I'm in a situation, not to mention those people. Even some powerful mutants, I'm afraid I can't deal with them."

"Just at this time, I found a little tail behind me, and this little tail is still your man. When I think about it, I'll do whatever I can. If I can control you and have your help, don't say I'm out of town. If I meet you, I can still be a hostage... "He says.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but be stunned. It turns out that this guy already knew that the person who hurt him was my Lao Tzu. The bastard just pretended to be real.

Mishibi seemed to know what he was thinking. He said with a smile, "in fact, you don't have to be discouraged. Just now, you really succeeded to some extent. I didn't completely pretend that I just broke down. What you said hit the spot. Of course, if that's the only way, my emotions are not easily aroused. It's just that I'm fused with this body now, and the negative emotions of this mole ant are trying to influence me when I'm vulnerable. Ha ha, it's funny, just mole ants. "|

When he said this, he suddenly laughed and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, "but it's a pity that what you said behind is a little bit too much. In your Chinese philosophy, it's better to say too much than too much."

"You even want to completely destroy my will. Hum, I've lived so many years. I've never experienced any frustrations."

Zhao Chengfeng was silent, but he had to admit that he did a little too much.

However, he refused to admit defeat and said with a sneer: "so what, no matter what, you are now in my hands. It's easy to kill you with one sword. Although I really want to ask you some questions, I won't die without asking! Do you think you are in a bind? "

Misty than smell speech, did not speak, but looked at him with a smile, just as he used to look at each other with this expression.

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