At this moment, although mibibi is still tied, he looks like he is the interrogator, which makes Zhao Chengfeng slightly angry.

However, he was also familiar with this routine, so he soon restrained his emotions.

Seeing this, mibibi didn't care. He suddenly gave a smile and said slowly, "do you dare to kill me?"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed and subconsciously touched the handle of Xuanyuan sword, "do you want to die? I can think about it for you, too. "

"Then come on!" Missibi smiles and looks at Zhao Chengfeng provocatively.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little suspicious for a moment. He didn't know whether this guy was bluffing or whether he really had something to rely on.

"Why not?" Mishibi chuckled, "you should also realize that killing me is a gamble. Killing me by you is also a gamble. The gambler is that because of the medicinal power of the soul melting herb, my body now imprisons my soul. Even I don't know whether my soul will be destroyed together or can take the opportunity to get out of trouble after destroying the body, so I dare not take risks."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned when he heard the speech. He didn't realize it. He just found that the other party couldn't get rid of his body like before for some reason. But if he killed him with a sword, would his soul get rid of him? Zhao Chengfeng didn't think about it.

After this person said, he suddenly realized the problem.

The hand holding the hilt was embarrassed.

"Yes, you can kill each other by chopping your head, and it's tender to pierce your heart, which makes you hiccup, but that's the way of thinking for ordinary people."

"But he is not an ordinary person. He is the existence of a soul. Now Ouyang Hu is more like a container and a cage to him."

"After breaking this container, will the soul in it be released? In that case, you will commit suicide."

What should I do?

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly found that he was the controller and the winner, but with a few words from the old man, the situation seems to have changed.

Is it too cheap to let him go like this.

But what can we do?

More importantly, he didn't know that the old man's words were true or false.

But no one knows if this possibility exists.

After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "what is the spirit melting grass? It seems that I have never heard of this kind of poison?"

"Hum, nonsense, don't say you haven't heard of it. If you've heard of it, how can you be fooled by that bastard boy?" Speaking of this, missisby's face was calm, and his forehead was full of blue veins.

It seems that the performance of this person before, although most of them are acting, but the hatred for Yunqing is real.

After a while, he calmed down his anger, and then explained, "it's a kind of spirit grass from Chiba world. This spirit grass has no other use. Its only function is to refine human and animal souls into pure vitality, and then integrate them into the body. It seems that the practitioners of Chiba world use this method to train people into puppets

"What, there is such a poisonous grass." When Zhao Chengfeng and shadow heard the ability of the soul melting grass, they couldn't help but stare. This method is too evil.

Refining the soul of human beings into the body of Tao is tantamount to turning a good living person into a vegetable. This is not to say, after that, he even turned a person into a puppet.

"Hum, it's not only insidious, it's just... Forget it, you don't understand this kind of thing." Mississie clenched his teeth and snorted coldly, then waved his hand again, as if unwilling to say more.

Then the topic changed: "anyway, now that you know the situation, I'm in your hands. You decide whether to bet or not. If I gamble, I'll admit defeat. If I don't get out of trouble, it's bad luck for me. If I get out of trouble, we'll never die! "

"If you don't want to gamble, I have a proposal ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng's face moved. For a moment, he couldn't make up his mind. After thinking about it, he asked, "what's the proposal?"

When he asked, mixBy suddenly changed his smile. "How about our cooperation?"

"Cooperation?" Hearing the words, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and sneered, "I'm cooperating with you. Do you think I'm crazy?"

Are you kidding me? Even if I dare not gamble, can't I leave you here to survive? What's the difference between working with you and hanging an old man?

Miss than also don't care, again ha ha a smile way: "Mr. Zhao, I am serious."

"Ha ha, goodbye, you, I admit I counselled, I dare not gamble, you play here slowly, I don't serve you!"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said to the shadow, "let's go, Lao Yin!"

With that, he also simply, since there is no courage and need to gamble, then simply do not gamble, put him across.

Isn't he poisoned? Maybe every once in a while, he will become a puppet himself.

Besides, although Zhao Chengfeng is afraid of the old ghost, as long as he breaks through the void, even if the old ghost comes, he will not be empty. At that time, even if the old ghost becomes a ghost again, Zhao Chengfeng feels that he may not be sure.

See Zhao Chengfeng said to leave, Miss than anxious, "wait a minute, Mr. Zhao, wait a minute."

"Mr. Zhao, we really don't have to be enemies!" Cried missisby.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he didn't have a sneer. He didn't even bother to reply, "do you have a stand for this? It's clear that you have always wanted to take my house. Now tell me that we don't have to be enemies? "

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng was not moved at all, mishibi could not help but scold him secretly, "son of a bitch, why don't you let oil and salt in? Even if you want to leave, you can untie me?"

However, although he scolded in his heart, he continued: "Mr. Zhao, don't you want to know about Yunqing? As far as I know, he should be your enemy, too?"

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, although know should not pay attention to this guy, but can't help but still stop.

As for Yunqing, he has heard his name more than once. He knows that the whole situation of Beihai city is basically caused by that guy.

So no matter from the standpoint, or from the personal feelings, they and that person will definitely be enemies in the future.

Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng has a hunch that he will even become his biggest enemy so far.

Although Zhao Feilong, Shifu and Yideng are going to hunt down those two people, he has a feeling that his Laozi and Shifu probably can't do anything about that guy.

And just now I controlled MIBI and tried every means to ask about Yunqing.

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