So Zhao Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, or turned around and asked, "what do you know? Maybe I can consider untiing the rope for you. If the information you provide is of enough value, I can even send you out of the city, but cooperation, ha ha, is still free. I can't trust you! "

It's more than just trusting. It's impossible to prevent.

"Ha ha, Mr. Zhao, why do you say that you are so resolute? You have a saying in China that you should solve your enemies rather than settle them, and that you can't conclude a deal if you don't fight. Although there are contradictions between us, and I also admit that the responsibility before me. But the situation is different now. " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng stopped, mibibi was relieved, but still didn't give up persuasion.

"Oh, it's different. What's the difference? Is it because you've changed your body that you're not the old missisby? " Zhao Chengfeng sneers sarcastically.

However, mibibi nodded and said, "yes, it's because of this container. Now we don't have to be enemies any more! If you think about it, I used to fight against you for nothing more than your body. Now, I can't get rid of this container. I can't even rob your body. To tell you the truth, this is the most unwilling thing for me. What a good body! It's perfect! "

Speaking of this, mibibi looks at Zhao Chengfeng with his eyes shining. His expression is really creepy.,

Zhao Chengfeng was so angry in his heart that he wanted to gamble. He went forward and slaughtered him with a sword and let him out.

What do you mean I can't take your body now, so we don't have to be enemies?

Love is good. If you have needs, you can treat me as an enemy. If you have no needs, I have to make friends with you. Is this the cultural difference between the East and the west?

However, if you think about a hegemonic country, you can't wait for the whole world to use the money issued by it, or you can say that the trade deficit is too large.

He just prints a pile of paper and then buys things from all over the world, which he is not willing to do.

In this way, it's not surprising that missisby, the ancestor of Westerners, had such a theory.

However, in the end, he still endured, and had no way. If he really released his soul, he really didn't have much confidence now.

But in his tone, he was no longer polite. He sneered, "I'm sorry, although you know a lot of Chinese, there's one sentence you should not know."

"What's that?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a sneer: "a meal of grace will taste, the Revenge of bared teeth will pay! If you say that you can't do it now, you just want to laugh it off. Do I still thank you? "

"This..." MIBI was speechless for a moment, but then he suddenly said with a smile, "ah, I see. We can't be friends, but it doesn't hinder our cooperation. For example, you must be interested in one thing! "

"Oh, and that kind of thing, you can tell me." When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he felt a move in his heart. Although he didn't think much of this person's theory, he also wanted to see where his confidence was. "

Mibibi said with a mysterious smile, "Mr. Zhao, do you know the secret about alienated creatures?"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the shadow. The latter's look was also moving. Obviously, he thought of something. He couldn't help chatting. He thought it would be his exclusive secret before?

However, although Zhao Chengfeng had guessed something, he didn't say it. He just said, "Oh, what's the secret of alienated creatures? Does Mr. mibibi already know the reason for their mutation?"

"Ha ha, is there any reason for the variation? Of course, it's because of the aura erosion in one section, and there are more regular projections. It's no secret. The real secret is that these alienated creatures are actually a huge wealth. No, it's not wealth, but the future of the whole earth! " Missisby's mysterious way.

"Why do you say that?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, although he vaguely guessed in his heart that what mibibi said was about crystal nucleus.

But although the crystal nucleus is really valuable, if it's the future of the earth, it's too serious, isn't it?

At best, it can make a few people stronger.

MIBI smiles a little, but refuses to say, "Mr. Zhao, is this to show that you are interested in this secret? Is there a foundation for our cooperation? "

"Cut, I don't know what you say, what basis?"

"Ha ha, Mr. Zhao, we are all smart people. Why pretend to be confused? Although you guess you don't know the real magical effect of yaoyuanjing, you must have found it, because I feel more about it from this little brother!"

When Zhao Chengfeng and shadow heard this, they immediately knew that miibi must have found the existence of crystal nucleus.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately did not cover up, nodded and said: "yes, we have indeed found that there will be a nucleus like thing in the alienated organism, but we don't know that it was originally called yaoyuanjing. As for the magical use..."

He chuckled and didn't go on.

"All in all, this is certainly not enough to be called the basis of cooperation."

"Well, that's it. I'll give you two pieces of information. Specifically, I can't give you any more until an agreement is reached. First, Yunqing moved me with this secret. I was cheated by him because I was greedy for a while and I didn't meet anyone who was really worthy of the enemy for a long time! "

"Second, including your Chinese government, several big powers and even some big forces in the world were preparing for this day many years ago."

"What?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard these words, his face changed. "What do you mean? Do you mean that the major forces in the world already knew this situation several years ago?"

Aware of this, Zhao Chengfeng looks very ugly.

The shadow on one side is unbelievable.

If so, what is the reason for the sacrifice of so many people in this city? If we know, why not stop it.

Even if we don't stop it, at least we should let the civilians evacuate safely.

"Ha ha, well, I can't say it exactly like this, but it's almost the same? If you don't know at all, Mr. Zhao, you probably don't believe it? "

"For example, people from inner world have guwu family in your earth world, and they recruit many disciples from earth world. Is it possible that the major forces in the earth world will not care at all, and they have not arranged for it? " Missisby gave a mean smile.

"Of course, the main promoter of this event must be the inner world, and the countries of the earth world certainly want to stop it, but if they can't stop it, it's inevitable to make some preparations early and do some promotion and containment by the way."

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