"As for the matter of neglecting the people, I think you could have wronged your government, otherwise the military would not have appeared so quickly."

"There may be many reasons why the injury is so big. For example, the specific time and place must be in the hands of the inner world. It's certainly not going to inform the government of the earth world. "

"It may also be because the seriousness of the incident has been underestimated. As for whether there are other reasons, such as whether there are some internal parasitic forces, this is not what others can know? "

MixBy gave a little smile, but he was very pertinent in this matter.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. To be honest in his heart, it was a bit complicated.

After thinking about it, he realized that maybe it's no wonder that the government is passive in dealing with the inner world.

But thinking of those who died and looking at the broken city, his heart was still a little complicated.

But mishibi said, "but I want to say the point is that, like all the big powers in the world, including all forces, I have mastered something that can guide the future. For example, life science and technology, now that the rules of the world have been changed, most of the scientific and technological forces in the earth world may be obliterated by the power of the rules, but life science and technology can be effective in any civilization and under any rules. "

"And these demonized beasts, or in your opinion, dissimilated the nuclei in the organism, are an important part of life science and technology. So you should understand what I mean? "

Even Zhao Chengfeng was shocked by all these things in miibi's mouth.

He thought that he had contacted enough, and then he realized that he had only touched the world before.

So the real secret can only be known by those who really stand high.

At the same time, he also knew that missisby's so-called mastery of the future was not empty words.

What's more, he didn't know that all forces had been fighting for this since he didn't realize what the inner world was.

But then he could not help frowning slightly and asked, "since you have so many things in your hand, why are you still moved by Yun Qing?"

"The reason is that he has more things on hand!" Mishibi gave Zhao Chengfeng an unexpected but reasonable answer: "we have been preparing for this for so many years. Bai Yujing and qianjimen have been preparing for this for thousands of years. Of course, they will also make corresponding preparations. They will certainly study what the earth world has, but what the earth world doesn't have is just their strength. "

Zhao Chengfeng had nothing to say. He wanted to say, "why don't you cooperate with them?"

But then he realized that he didn't need to solve this problem, because the answer was on the surface. He had already been sold by Yun Qing, and he was regarded as a pawn by others, and he didn't look up to him.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, have you thought about it?" Asked missisby.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned, but did not immediately answer, but asked: "I want to know about that Yunqing, if the answer makes me satisfied, no matter how other cooperation, I am responsible for sending you out of the city, even if not satisfied, I will at least untie you."

Mishibi said with a bitter smile, "it seems that I haven't moved you. I can only say it's a pity. As for Yunqing... I think you should be able to see him soon."

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, didn't understand his meaning, does that cloud Qing want to deal with me?

"If I'm not wrong, your father and they should be talking about cooperation with him now ~!" When Missibi said this, he was gnashing his teeth for some reason.

But when Zhao Chengfeng heard this sentence, he was stunned, and immediately couldn't help laughing, "poof, ha ha, Mr. missisby, I think you regard everyone as yourself, and not everyone will be easily tempted by the interests in front of you, for example, I, haven't you said it for a long time?"

"That's because I'm not him."

"What's the difference?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned.

Missibi burst out laughing without saying any more.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned, feeling a little bad in his heart, but he didn't say any more. Instead, he told the shadow to untie the rope for him, but this kind of answer didn't need to think about his help to send him out of the city.

Mibibi also did not say more, watching Zhao Chengfeng leave, slightly shook his head, a wry smile, murmured: "you will soon know what the difference is."

Just as he was talking, his face suddenly changed, and then he quickly struggled to get up and disappeared at the corner of a dilapidated building.

Zhao Chengfeng, who has walked out of a certain distance, looks back and sees his action. He is a little surprised, but then he understands why mishibi escaped.

Because at this time, another couple came.

It's Mr. Qi's staff, headed by No. 9.

At the same time, No. 9 and others also saw Zhao Chengfeng.

"Zhao Chengfeng, why are you here?"

"Where do I need to report to you?" Zhao Chengfeng sneered.

The ninth frowned again, obviously very dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's attitude.

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to pay attention at all. He called the shadow and turned away.

Nine see this immediately angry, mouth in a rage, "stop!"

Then his figure flashed, and instantly surpassed Zhao Chengfeng's side and stood in front of him.

Then he reached for the shadow and said, "who is he and why is he here?"

At the same time, those people who came with him also quickly flew over and surrounded Zhao Chengfeng.

"I'm in a bad mood now. Don't mess with me!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

He would be depressed. He didn't want to make friends with these people.

Who knows the other party even dare to block his way, Zhao Chengfeng almost instinctively gave birth to the intention to kill.

But he didn't want to get into trouble when he thought that the other party was official anyway.

This just a bite, held back the anger, the footstep move, plan from this person side around past.

But the mood is more depressed.

What's the matter today? As soon as I entered the city, I almost didn't encounter any pleasant things except the shadow of my old friends.

Finally, a long-time enemy fell into his own hands. He thought he could kill quickly, but he still couldn't bear his enemies.

And miss than the last words is to let him feel, heart pressure a haze.

I don't know what that means. Dad would cooperate with that kind of person?

It's impossible.

Although he and Zhao Feilong hurt each other as soon as they met, Zhao Chengfeng thought that Zhao Feilong was very important and respected Lao Zhao in his heart.

But missisby's tone didn't seem to be aimless, so he couldn't help worrying.

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