I'm not in the mood to stir things up with these people.

He just wants to make more crystal nuclei and strive to break through the void earlier, so that even if there is something, he can have more power.

But what he didn't expect was that on the ninth, when he heard what he said, he didn't give in. Seeing that he was going to make a detour, he stood in front of him in a flash.

Ha ha a strange smile, pretending to exaggerate the way: "Wow, I'm in a bad mood, I'm so afraid ah, how, I'm in a bad mood, want to bite me?"

Then he laughed again, as if he wanted to be condescending. Only when he came up to him did he find that he was shorter than Zhao Chengfeng. His face changed slightly and he stepped back half a step.

This is the irony of the inclined Zhao Chengfeng, "hands on, how, dare not, ha ha, you are such a counsellor, zero that idiot should suffer losses in your hands, what a special waste!"

Several other people also laughed at the speech. Before, they didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Mr. Qi, but a group of people didn't like Zhao Chengfeng very much.

In the past, no one dared to be polite to them where they were performing their tasks. Unexpectedly, this guy named Zhao Chengfeng dared not pay attention to them.

What's more, it's said that No. 0, who is always full of brawls, has suffered losses under this man's hands, so everyone wants to see what Zhao Chengfeng has.

Of course, some of these people feel that this is not appropriate. After all, they are here to carry out the task, and Mr. Qi has repeatedly explained that this task is very important.

It doesn't seem very good to make a fuss like this. If Mr. Qi knows, he will be criticized.

But this operation is the ninth after all.

And everyone is like this, one or two people do not agree, it is not easy to talk.

On second thought, maybe it's no big deal. It's just a dandy who knows how to handle things. Even if he has some skills, do he dare to fight with them who represent the government?

What's more, if he suffered a loss, for the sake of face, I'm sorry to go to Mr. Qi to complain.

But even when these people think about it like this, they suddenly hear a scream, and then they see that No. 9 is turned upside down by a palm fan.

They were shocked. First, they were surprised that Zhao Chengfeng really dared to do it. Second, they didn't expect that No. 9 was slapped in the face.

Even a strong man is not so casual.

No. 9, who was fanned, was even more surprised and angry. He dared to hum his head in the air, but he still wanted to raise his spirit force to adjust his body shape.

However, before he landed on the ground, Zhao Chengfeng flashed over and caught up with him again. He grabbed him by the neck accurately, pressed down directly, forced him to change his flight path, and smashed down on the ground.

No. 9 only felt dark in front of his eyes, and his head was full of Venus spinning around, while Zhao Chengfeng's hand was still stuck on his neck, making him unable to breathe at all.

His hands subconsciously grasp Zhao Chengfeng's wrist, want to move it away, but where can move, it is just like a welded iron pillar.

When other people around him saw this, they were stunned at first, and then their faces changed greatly. They looked up at Zhao Chengfeng, and saw that his eyes were cold and slightly red, and his whole body was so murderous that he could not help shivering.

In an instant, they realized a problem. Zhao Chengfeng really planned to kill No. 9.

With this idea, these people were suddenly surprised and angry, which was incredible.

Is this guy crazy? How dare he?

After a while of stupefied spirit, someone reflected it and quickly called out: "quick, quick, pull him away, this guy is going to kill No. 9!"

"Asshole, Zhao Chengfeng, stop it. Do you really want to kill people?"

"Stop it, have you thought about the consequences?"

For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng is really going to kill this person. Even if there is trouble, the world is like this now. Even if I kill all these people, and then throw them in any building, maybe they will be eaten up by the mutated creatures in one night.

Hearing these shouts, Zhao Chengfeng regained his consciousness and realized his state just now. He was in a cold sweat. "What happened to me just now? How could I kill so much? I want to kill all these people for such a small matter. What's the matter? "

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, and then slowly released the No. 9, who was too scared to speak. A trace of disgust and disdain flashed in his eyes. "I thought I really cultivated some great power. Is this the result you have prepared for so long? It's just a bunch of rubbish. "

No. 9 covers his neck, coughs and blushes morbidly. He looks at Zhao Chengfeng with fear.

At that moment, he really thought that he was going to die. It was not like facing a human, but more like facing a fierce beast from a myth!

The eyes of other people around looking at Zhao Chengfeng are also flickering, frightened and suspicious.

When they heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, they felt angry, frightened and ashamed.

And Zhao Chengfeng slowly got up, eyes swept, he swept to subconsciously avoid his eyes.

No one dares to speak again.

A moment, see these people's look, Zhao Chengfeng heart can't help but give birth to a kind of inexplicable pleasure.

Is this the so-called law of the jungle?

It seems really good.

But the premise is, always be the strongest.

Zhao Chengfeng slowly closed his eyes. A moment later, he opened them again. He had completely recovered his pure brightness.

In just a few minutes, he felt as if he had experienced two completely different attitudes towards life.

One is the killing life based on killing, and the other is the absolute honor of respecting the strong and obeying the weak.

These two feelings, in a moment, made him feel intoxicated.

"No wonder those who come out of the inner world and Chiba world open their mouths and shut their mouths and respect the strong. If they have enough strength, people at the top of the food chain are really happy in a world where there is no law and the law of the jungle."

But neither is the way I should go.

Because even if I am a strong person, the people around me can not guarantee that all of them are strong, so the world is still in order.

Thinking of this, he looked up at the sky and whispered, "I still hope the world is orderly, but..."

No. 9 struggles to get up. He looks at Zhao Chengfeng in fear, but sees that the other party doesn't pay attention to him. Instead, he looks at the sky and talks to himself. He doesn't hear what he's saying.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned his head to the shadow and said, "Lao Yin, let's go!"

With that, he ignored No. 9 and others and went away.

No. 9 group of people see this, can't help but feel relieved, but at the same time in the heart and secretly rose a trace of hate.

The shadow took a look at these people, and then quickly chased them. When they got close, they looked back at No. 9 and others anxiously. "Boss, it doesn't matter if these people are like this. You beat that idiot, I think they hate you very much!"

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