"Isn't that bullshit? I hit them, and they don't hate me, and they appreciate me? " Zhao Cheng did not turn his eyes back.

The shadow was speechless for a while. "I don't mean that. I mean, it's a bit troublesome for you to hit them. These guys seem to have backstage skills."

"What if I hit him? Yes, I hope the world is still in order. But if other people don't obey the order, they still want to bully me. Who can I leave if I don't beat him? "

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, complacent way: "as for the backstage, your boss my backstage put out, scared his mother have to pee pants."

"Really, boss, who are you backstage?" The shadow hears speech to be startled, wide eyes looking at Zhao Chengfeng.

The latter laughed and pointed to himself with his thumb, "see, far away in the sky, near in front of you!"

When Zhao Chengfeng finished, he burst out laughing again.

Before the gloomy I do not know when, it seems to have been swept away.

The shadow looked at him in surprise. He didn't know why he was in such a good mood all of a sudden. "Boss, you seem to be in a good mood all of a sudden."

"When some things are figured out, the mood will naturally get better?" Zhao Chengfeng let out a long breath.

"Oh." Shadow nodded, but actually did not understand, I do not know what the boss really figured out.

But he did not ask, just a smile, the heart felt the way: "boss, I feel your mood seems to have changed a lot."

"Haha, it's OK. I feel as if there are some spiritual fluctuations over there. It should be dissimilated creatures. I'll go there quickly and don't let those idiots rob me." Zhao Chengfeng finish also don't wait for shadow to agree, immediately accelerate to rush away.

"Do they dare to rob?" Shadow see this, mumble a, but also hasten to speed up to catch up.


When Zhao Chengfeng and shadow returned to the camp, it was already dark. To his surprise, he saw several familiar figures before entering the camp.

No one else, but Zhao Feilong, Chen Banxian, Yideng master and Qingyi, who seem to have just returned from somewhere.

At the same time, Chen Banxian and others also saw him. Chen Banxian couldn't help laughing and waved to him, "your boy really ran here. Mr. Yunqing asked you just now?"

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that several people were safe and sound, he was just about to meet them. When he heard Chen Banxian mention Yunqing, he was stunned, "Mr. Yunqing, what Mr. Yunqing?"

After that, I found that there were two strangers in Chen Banxian's group, a young man in white, wearing a kind of ancient Chinese clothes, but not very similar strange clothes, with a folding fan in his hand.

The whole person gives people a sense of cheap handsome.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help frowning.

The young man was also looking at him. He looked at him and said, "this should be Mr. Zhao's eldest son, brother Chengfeng? I've heard a lot about this. It's a pleasure to meet you. "

Looking at the man's dress and listening to his language, it goes without saying that Zhao Chengfeng can guess who he is.

Suddenly, he looked bad.

"Sorry, I don't know you and I didn't intend to know you."

On hearing this, the young man was stunned, but there was no embarrassment on his face. Instead, he burst out laughing, "ha ha, yes, yes, it's true that it's better to meet than to be famous. Brother Chengfeng is as Frank as I think

"It's just that I don't seem to take the overall situation into consideration?" This person's face suddenly changed, originally a mild face, suddenly revealed a hint of cold.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but feel a kind of bone piercing feeling. He can't help being tight.

But he didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he had a sense of war. He immediately snorted, "overall situation, what overall situation? I'm just a warrior. If everyone is willing to give up on you for the sake of some bullshit situation, who will take care of all the people who have sacrificed all over the city and those who are familiar with their faces? "

As he spoke, his whole body was shocked, trying to shatter the chill, but he didn't move under the shock.

Heart not from a surprise, this person's strength is even stronger than he expected. But in this way, Zhao Chengfeng's fighting spirit is stronger.

Although he knows that he is not his opponent.

But in the face of others, he can retreat and compromise, even if he is like the mississians.

But he didn't want to flinch in the face of this person.

Although he didn't know why he was hit by MIBI, Zhao Feilong and others actually invited him back.

It looks like there's really something to work on.

Or is there any reason why we have to, but so what?

If life in this world is not the overall situation, and family and friends are not the overall situation, then what is the overall situation worth considering?

On the other hand, Yun Qing is also surprised. First of all, the answer given by Zhao Chengfeng is somewhat unexpected.

At the same time, he also instantly saw Zhao Chengfeng's character. Although he seemed cynical and tired at ordinary times, once he touched his bottom line, he might be unusually strong. That moment.

Yunqing had a feeling of being ignited.

What also surprised him was that Zhao Chengfeng's mood seemed to be more firm and thorough than he expected.

It seems that this person has had feelings recently.

Unfortunately, the strength is still poor.

Yun Qing suddenly laughed, "good, ha ha, good mood, such strength, ha ha, it's not enough ~!"

Finish saying hand fold fan a shake, PA of open, a body artistic conception and prestige but instantly took back.

This close, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly feel the pressure of the whole body empty, and then the chill will disappear.

When I looked at it again, I found that this man had regained the feeling of light wind and light clouds. He was shaking a folding fan in his hand. It seemed that nothing had happened before.

Zhao Chengfeng felt as if he had hit an empty place with a fist. He felt uncomfortable all over. He was about to take the initiative to attack, but he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Looking around, it turns out that it's really green.

"Aunt green?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Qingyi in surprise. The latter didn't say much, just shook his head slightly.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly and didn't understand, but he didn't say anything more.

On the other side, Yun Qing saw all this clearly, and with a smile, he walked towards the camp with his folding fan. When he passed by Zhao Chengfeng, he knocked him on the shoulder with his folding fan.

"Brother Chengfeng, work hard, I'm waiting for you!" With that, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to respond, he has gone away again in the company of Yideng and others.

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