The woman in red beside him took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, but she didn't stay much, so she walked with the crowd. From the beginning to the end, there was no change in his expression, as if he didn't care after everything, or no one in the world was worthy of his care.

Passed by, passed by, even if saw some people, some things, also won't stay in her eye center.

Such a look and temperament, even Zhao Chengfeng can't help but take a look. It's not that I'm interested in her or covet her beauty.

Although it's really beautiful, it doesn't seem to be the point for this person.

See her, can't help but ignore what she looks like this matter.

It's just this person's manner. As long as you see them, you can't help looking at them more.

Until the other party has gone away, Zhao Chengfeng just took back his eyes, turned his head and asked Qingyi, "these two people should be the people who caused the disaster in Beihai city. Why are they here?"

Qingyi also looked at the direction of Yunqing and others, stopped for a while, and then said: "these two people are very strong, we can't win them."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and was about to ask again.

But Qingyi said a second sentence, "the one surnamed Yun has a kind of array, which can suppress the influence of this change and rule pouring in a certain area for a period of time!"

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, "he, why..."

He can't go any further.

Because he has realized that Yunqing's hand is not prepared for the earth world, it is the backhand for him to leave calmly.

Only two people came to the earth world to do such a big thing, but then they were able to leave leisurely, because he had made no choice for the earth world.

At the same time, this so-called array can also leave a buffer time for the inner world to launch a real war of aggression.

It's like counting the birds with one arrow.

"This is a cup of poisoned wine he prepared for us on earth, and he told everyone that this wine is poisonous, but we will still ask him to give this wine, and even need to pay some price, right?"

Qingyi did not speak, but nodded.

Zhao Chengfeng is also silent.

Qingyi did not speak, so he stood beside him.

Put your hand on his shoulder.

The shadow bowed his head, clenched his fist and did not speak.

In this silence, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, and then asked: "this period of time, how long?"

"The shortest period is five years and the longest is ten years. However, during this period, it is not completely suppressed, but slowed down. It is expected that it will spread to the three Southeast provinces in three years. In five years, I am afraid that the whole south of the Yangtze River will no longer be able to use any electronic technology products."

"Can he suppress all the cracks in the sky? He doesn't have the ability, does he? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with a sneer.

"Those cracks in time and space don't need to be suppressed. They will disappear soon, but the change of rules may not be reversed."

"That is to say, one day, the whole earth civilization will be replaced by cultivation civilization and martial arts civilization, right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a low voice.

A moment later, Qingyi nodded slowly.

After a while, Qingyi suddenly said, "Chengfeng, it may want you to leave the earth."


"The elder brother also has such idea, but the elder sister-in-law does not quite agree, so the elder brother does not dare to make a statement." Green clothes smile a way.

But this is not the answer Zhao Chengfeng wanted, so he asked: "why, do you think I do harm to the earth?"

Tsing Yi patted him on the shoulder with a smile, with a trace of love on his face, and then said: "Chengfeng, we only have five years..."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard these words, he suddenly tightened up.

Of course, he understood what this five years meant.

The guy named Yunqing actually prepared such an array. In a sense, it was a tacit temporary armistice treaty.

These five years are not only the preparation time for the inner world, but also the last time for the earth world.

Even five years is an optimistic estimate, which may be shorter, such as three years, or even one or two years.

As long as the passage of the inner world is completed and the preparations are made, they will not wait for the people of the earth world.

But Zhao Chengfeng did not speak.

Although he is a warrior, Zhao Chengfeng is not an ambitious man, and he doesn't want to be the best in the world.

It's better to muddle along, rub shoulders with your wives every day, and make a little money when you have time.

Don't feel good when bullying a bad guy, and then with backstage pressure each other bullshit dare not say.

I can't hold it any longer. I can find a triad organization to vent my anger. It's just the joy of life.

Why do you work hard? Will you live forever?

What's the point of being immortal like a stone?

In addition, his relatives, women and friends are all in the earth world. How can he leave at ease.

Qingyi said slowly: "in fact, you are not the only one. How many candidates have been selected from the top? Surely there are forces in other countries? If you really don't want to go

"But..." Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and asked.

Green clothes ha ha smile, "also have nothing, but, as long as you are willing, no one has to save the world."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and then said with a bitter smile: "in fact, I have no choice at all. Even if there is no inner world, I am afraid I will have to leave soon."

Speaking of this, he thought of Xia Bingbing. Although she never said it, he could feel it.

And mom.

It's just that he's been relying on it all the time, and there are too many things in the earth world that can't be separated.

"It's time now, but isn't the passage of the inner world collapsed? How do we leave?"

Green clothes smell speech to smile, "connect with the earth world of the cave and more than one inner door world, otherwise you think those western monks who come from? And the earth is not idle all over the world for so many years. But have you really decided? "

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, "decided? When do you leave? "

"I have to make specific arrangements. In addition, I'm afraid I have to talk to you about it. For example, I always want to tell you what tasks you have and what benefits you will have after completing them." Green clothes said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs, "I like this kind of thing best!"

Green clothes smile to stare at him one eye, then way: "since you decide, I go to say with elder brother, let him and above say, you also hurry up to go and your those wenches to explain, return your mother, also want to talk well."


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