That night, Zhao Chengfeng made a little unbelievable, the guy named Yunqing actually appeared with Zhao Feilong and others, and also appeared in the camp outside the city.

And he and IMP and Tang Wei Wei and others stood in the distance watching a group of people talking and laughing.

I even thought that although I had heard the name no less than ten times before, I even knew that the event on the Internet was planned by this person.

But it's the first time I've seen this man.

It doesn't seem to be quite the same as what I expected. There's no evil spirit, and it's not so cold.

It's clear that he is an ordinary young man who is forced to talk and act, giving people a very funny feeling.

Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng feels that the goods are pretty and funny.

Appearance, although not willing to admit, but it is a little bit cheap handsome.

It's very annoying.

This is more like what I expected. It's really a type I hate.

However, even so, Zhao Chengfeng still admired his courage and courage.

Clearly in the enemy's camp, there are at least thousands of people around, including many experts.

Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that this power, no matter whether the goods are really powerful or not, is enough for him.

But this person seems to have no nervous color at all. All the way, he whispered with the girl in red leather. She didn't know what to say, and the woman didn't pay much attention to him. Occasionally, she even showed a look of disgust, but the goods remained the same, completely as if she didn't have the consciousness of bad thoughts.

"It's really shameless. There are such shameless people in the world." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the goods from a distance and sneered.

Finish saying but see around people are surprised to look at themselves.

Zhao Chengfeng did not understand a frown, "why do you look at me like this? Have you never seen a handsome man?"

Everyone rolled his eyes. "You've never seen a shameless person like this. You never look in the mirror."

"Well, it's too bad for you to say that. That's the impression I give you?"

What do you think?

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless. Can these people see people or not.

A group of people tease mouth, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly wake up, look around, it is sleeping in the tent.

Can't help a burst of funny, "it's really strange, even to have such a strange dream."

As soon as Huisheng and others got up, they heard that he was dreaming and asked, "what strange dream?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "I dreamt that the bastard named Yunqing came to our camp and said that he would build an array for us. What's more strange is that he was a teaser. He kept pestering a woman in red around him to talk, and that woman didn't care for him. I said this person is really shameless, and then you all look at me strangely. Do you think this dream is strange? "

When he finished, everyone looked at him and laughed together, especially the kid who couldn't breathe.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little stunned, "fuck, although this dream is really strange, it's not so funny. Wait a minute, this is not the truth, is it?"

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the crowd, and then the laughter in the camp became louder.

Zhao Chengfeng himself is speechless.

People are laughing, Tang Wei from the outside shouting ran in, a door to see people laughing, don't know, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing, the boss had a dream..." Xiaogui and others said Zhao Chengfeng's dream in one word, and then imitated Zhao Chengfeng's words: "Weiwei, it's not strange for you to say this dream!"

So Tang Wei joined the laughing team.

At the same time, in another camp, Yun Qing, who was holding a volume of books, suddenly turned his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that brother Chengfeng would dream of me. It seems that I'm quite popular."

Miss Yu rolled a white eye, then coldly light way: "it's a pity, in the dream is also a tease force, even don't want to face all can't change."

Yun Qing: "yes."


In a twinkling of an eye, a week passed.

This week, Zhao Chengfeng went into the city five or six times. Because of his previous experience, he felt that although it was dangerous, it was still under control. In addition to Tang Wei's obsession, Zhao Chengfeng could only allow Tang Wei and Huisheng to go together.

Because I didn't go to the most dangerous area, so I didn't have any danger in a few days, and my income was pretty good.

Unfortunately, after refining nearly 20 crystal nuclei, we still can't win the Taiji diagram.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been able to break through the virtual realm, which makes him speechless.

However, the spiritual power is getting thicker and thicker, and the meridians are becoming stronger with the continuous scouring of the spiritual power. It's a harvest.

Compared with him, Tang Wei and others have made rapid progress.

In a few days, Tang Wei, in particular, not only broke through the peak of Lingwu realm in the middle stage, but even approached the late stage of Lingwu realm. It's a great improvement.

And let Zhao Chengfeng at ease is, a few people refining the mysterious light group after no adverse reactions, this let Zhao Chengfeng heart a stone fell to the ground.

In addition, Yunqing, the establishment of the grand array seems to be very smooth. Now, in the military camp outside the city, there is no mysterious light group floating by.

Since two days ago, the cracks in the sky seem to have healed, and many of them have disappeared slowly.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

Of course, there are also some disharmonious things, that is, since two or three days ago, some forces in China and even abroad, as well as the governments and military forces of other countries, have come one after another. Under pressure, the Chinese government and the military have to compromise.

As a result, from two days ago, more and more people entered the city.

And the personnel are in a mess.

There are forces on all sides.

Although we are basically quite restrained.

But the conflict is still inevitable.

Although it is not very serious, it still makes the city feel like a miasma.

And it's getting more and more difficult to hunt alien creatures.

In particular, Zhao Chengfeng and others feel that they are not suitable for this kind of change.

At first, it was good. They were familiar with the environment and terrain and had many advantages, but gradually all kinds of data were published.

The newcomers also began to adapt to the environment.

Their advantages are getting smaller and smaller, and they don't like to compete with others.

It's not worth breaking your head with someone for a small crystal nucleus, but those new people just know the benefits of crystal nucleus and are destitute. They are really willing to give up their lives.

"Boss, it's not the way to go on like this. In two days, I'm afraid there will be only people in the city. I can't get along with it any more." Blood monk while refining a red crystal nucleus, while complaining loudly.

"Some grandchildren even live directly in the city and don't go out during the day and at night. It's just killing the crystal nucleus. Aren't they afraid to fall asleep and be killed by something on the other side of the space-time crack?" The kid also took a crystal core, refining and echoing the blood monk's complaint.

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