Next to the camp, other alien hunters, seeing that they were refining a crystal nucleus, complained that they couldn't get along with it. They couldn't help rolling their eyes.

"You can't get along. What shall we do?"

"How to say that? We have different standards to measure it. We should analyze the specific situation." The blood monk used the tone of some officials to make official remarks and said that his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

There was a twinge of white eyes all around.

But then everyone began to complain.

Some people said: "I feel that the alienated creatures are becoming more and more powerful, and even have begun to have the appearance of secondary evolution. This morning, our team met a dog like alien beast, with scales all over his body, who could even attack with fire attribute. It was definitely second-order evolution. Unfortunately, our team was a little weak, and we were not able to deal with it. "

The other hunters were amazed by the words. Someone's eyes lit up and asked, "where is it?".

The speaker rolled his eyes and said, "as soon as I'm gone, I'll wait for you."

So everyone felt sorry.

On the side of Zhao Chengfeng and others, when the blood monk heard these remarks, his mouth disdained and said, "cut, second-order evolution is a hair, we have already..."

He said half, was Zhao Chengfeng a stare, also know that he said a leak, chat up a smile, quickly obediently shut his mouth, fortunately he said the voice is not big, no one around to hear.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of anything. He is just making a fortune. There's no need for this kind of publicity.

Because they started earlier than others, they are all well worth and have been envied by some people for a long time.

It's just because they are powerful, they are local leaders, and they don't compete with others very much, so no one really comes to them.

I'm not afraid to find them.

With Zhao Chengfeng's strength, there are few people on earth who can make him afraid by force alone.

And people of that level generally don't come here.

Nowadays, the rule change of the earth world is only the beginning, and the strength of dissimilated creatures is not strong.

The effect of crystal nucleus can only be relatively low-level warrior, such as a dissimilated creature, which is most effective for those who are in fantasy martial arts realm, but basically has no effect on those who are in virtual martial arts realm.

And the virtual world masters, in the earth world, are basically at the top level of the food chain. Everyone has identity and status, and there are too many things to do every day.

When I come here, I am basically in charge of the overall situation.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is worried that in case he leaves.

So these days he is also very ambivalent. He doesn't know whether he should take these brothers with him or let them stay.

No one knows how to develop the present and future situation of the earth world, and there are really few resources here.

If we go together, we don't know the depth of the outside world.

Another problem is that he can't take all these people away. He is willing to take them away, and they won't agree.

So who should be taken away, and those who are left behind are even more weak.

It is precisely because of such contradictions that he has stayed here these days. He has neither returned to the capital nor found a chance to tell you what happened.

"Ah ~!" Think of here, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but sigh.

When Tang Wei saw him sighing, she thought that he was also worried about the decrease of resources, so she asked, "Why are you sighing? We didn't expect this situation for a long time. Anyway, we all have a lot of stocks now. Even if we withdraw now, we can use it for a period of time. As for how to change in the future, we'll talk about it in the future. "

Zhao Chengfeng a wry smile, "which is ah, I am thinking of other things, ah, forget it, some things I just tell you today, specific how, we discuss."

With that, he motioned to the crowd, then got up first and went to a secluded place in the distance.

Seeing this, people were puzzled, but they also knew that Zhao Chengfeng would definitely say something important, so they didn't say much, so they quickly followed.

After choosing a more secluded place, Zhao Chengfeng sat down on the ground and motioned to the crowd. The others also sat down.

Zhao Chengfeng said: "two days ago, aunt Qingyi told me that she hoped I could go out."

"Going out? What do you mean, no more camp? Why, other people can live in such a mess. Why can't you? I'll go to my grandfather and tell him! " As soon as Tang Wei heard that he was going out, she suddenly misunderstood him and thought that Tang would drive them out of the sea.

"Oh, it's not this. Go out and see if you are in a hurry. Sit down." Zhao Chengfeng quickly grabbed her and said with a smile: "it has nothing to do with the camp. How can your grandfather drive me away? He won't let you go without me. "

"Well, also... Well?" Tang Wei first nodded subconsciously when she heard the speech, but suddenly she didn't feel right and glared, "why, why do you want to drive me away?"

"It's not easy. I'm his grandson-in-law." Zhao Chengfeng pretends to be the right way.

"Bah, I'm still his granddaughter, my granddaughter's son-in-law is... Wait a minute, when are you his grandson-in-law? Zhao Chengfeng, can you be more cheeky?" Tang Wei almost fell for it again, and her angry little tiger teeth show out.

Next to the IMP and others are a while without eyes, "I said two, take care of the single dog is not good, day show love, there is no royal law?"

"Who cares about this? Forget it, I'm not kidding. I'm not talking about going out of the camp, or out of a certain city or province, or even going abroad. But... "Zhao Chengfeng pointed to the sky," another world. "

Hearing his words, Xuehe grabbed his arm and howled: "what's the matter with you, boss? What's the matter with you? Can't you cure it? You can't give up hope, boss! "

"Go away!" Zhao Chengfeng raised his foot and kicked him over, but he rolled back in an instant. He giggled, "I'm sure I'm not sick with such strength, but what do you mean, boss?"

People can't help rolling their eyes for a while, "cheap bone."

But then they all looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

But in fact, almost everyone has understood Zhao Chengfeng's meaning. It's just that it's a bit too sudden, so we have to confirm it again.

"Other worlds, such as inner gate world, Chiba world and so on, don't you understand?" Zhao Chengfeng raised a little volume.

This time, everyone understood.

But the reactions were different. The blood monk and the kid cheered, "boss, when are we going to leave? What are we going to take?"

Finish saying but see Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, two people facial expression just changed, "what meaning, boss, you won't take us?"

"No, boss, are you really going to abandon us?"

"No, boss, you can't. That's not what you said."

"That's right, boss. It's said that it will last forever!"

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