"Go away, you two failed in Qiongyao opera?" Looking at their disgusting appearance, Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. Others couldn't stand it. Huisheng kicked them aside, and then said, "boss, what does it say?"

"Well, we're not paid. What does it have to do with us?" The shadow snorted with a cold face.

Huisheng looks at him, ignores him, and then looks at Zhao Chengfeng again.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at the crowd, and then at Tang Wei, who suddenly became silent.

The latter lowered his head, looking at his thumb, as if to see a flower.

Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a moment, and then said: "in fact, it has little to do with what the above said. The decision to go out is mainly my own. Some things can't be avoided all the time. "

He said here, slightly, and then said: "first of all, sister Bingbing, although she always said she would not leave again after she came back last time, I know that she didn't want us to worry about her. She must go back to face some things one day. What should I do at that time? Should I let her face those terrible enemies alone? Let her bear the heavy burden alone? Or beg for nothing to pull her to cry, don't go, I don't want you to go! "

Zhao Chengfeng said while holding out his hands, to make a pair of love drama dog blood Qiaoduan posture.

All the people couldn't help but coax.

Blood monk coaxed: "boss, I think this method is good, strongly recommend it!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't stare at him. He hummed coldly: "monk, everyone else has a chance. You don't have it."

Hearing this, the blood monk immediately reached for Zhao Chengfeng's arm and cried, "no, boss, don't go, I don't want you to go ~!"

Zhao Chengfeng kicked him out, and then continued: "so I have to be strong before that. Only with enough strength can I really share the responsibility with her, not just by mouth."

The blood monk and the kid both have bright eyes when they hear this, and obviously they want to play tricks. However, Zhao Chengfeng has a prescient glance at them. Their cold eyes make them close their mouths immediately and make a zipper move at the same time.

When people saw these two goods, they could not help laughing, which made the heavy topic easier.

"In fact, I've thought about this for a long time, but I haven't made up my mind. At the same time, there are all kinds of things that hinder me. I can only comfort myself in my heart and say that the earth world can also become stronger. But this time the madness of the inner world helped me make up my mind to some extent. "

"Now, we have no choice. Five years more, two or three years less, the inner world will surely launch a real war of aggression, which will be 100 times and 1000 times more tragic than it is now. If we are still at the present level, and we are even a little bit dark about the real cultivation civilization, we will probably be finished on that day. "

Zhao Chengfeng said here with a bitter smile.

"To be honest, for a long time before that, I always despised the cultivation civilization, including the inner world. I always thought they were all local bumpkins. I was surprised to see my mobile phone for a long time."

"But I don't realize that they have something that can surprise us for a long time, but we've all seen it. For example, have we ever imagined the cracks in time and space in the sky? It's amazing that someone can achieve this level with a single array. Of course, to some extent, he may have taken advantage of it, but we won't take advantage of it. "

"The passage from the inner world to our side has always been there before. To be honest, I still don't know how to do that. But before, we selectively ignored it. We just thought we were bullies and they were old-fashioned. What's the difference between this and the treatment of Western civilization in the Qing Dynasty?"

"I didn't know until I was beaten and hurt that they had some powerful things, even a lot of them!"

Zhao Chengfeng sighed, "people are so cheap!"

There was a bitter smile.

In fact, this is not the case when they first came into contact with the inner world. Correspondingly, most people in the inner world also have prejudice and contempt for the civilization of the earth world.

There are only a few people who can really see clearly.

No way, this is human nature, especially a civilization with historical heritage, it is difficult not to produce such standard chauvinism.

Not to mention the inner world and the earth world, the Qing government and Western civilization, even today, there is still mutual contempt and Prejudice in the earth civilization world?

"However, I think it's OK that people who can understand the pain are better than those who still choose to be ostriches when they still don't understand the pain." Zhao Chengfeng said with some self mockery.

"And there are still some people in this world who stand higher than us and look farther than us. There are people in the inner world and we also have people. Therefore, some people in the inner world are scheming. We should not be unprepared. It seems that the selection of some people to send out this time is one of such preparations. "

"The problem now is that although I haven't been specifically talked about above, I don't know whether there is a limit on the number of people going out, but I guess there is one, that is, I don't know how much the upper limit is."

When Zhao Chengfeng said this, he glanced at everyone again.

"So, this..." Zhao Chengfeng slightly some wry smile.

Zhao Chengfeng said half of it, but he didn't know what to say. Huisheng and others understood what he was worried about. They all looked at each other and then all laughed.

Huisheng said: "after working for a long time, I thought boss, what are you bothering about? What's the matter worth bothering."

The kid put his arms around Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder and said, "that's right, boss. You're usually quite straightforward. How can you be a child. This is not a simple matter. If you can walk together, take this woodlouse out for a look. The quota is limited, so let them stay at home, just to save us two humiliations from these families. "

However, before he finished his words, he attracted the crowd's eyes.

"I've never seen anything so shameless."

"That's to say, losing face can make you lose face ~!"

Blood monk is relying on strength and height, a to lift up to throw aside, "while going, while going, want to go is also me, the whole dragon scale who don't know, I am the boss's number one attendant, where the boss is, I... Where ~!"

But before he finished his words, he was kicked away, "why don't you go, poetry recitation? Look at you. Where is the boss? Where am I? Earth or not? The world is about beauty, you know? "

"If you want to talk about face value, eh, do you still use comparison, ladies and gentlemen?"

"Ouch ~ ~"

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