"I would say yes, do you believe it yourself?" This time, it's Tang Jinhai's turn to give him the cold shoulder.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded seriously, "believe it, why don't you believe it? Sometimes I look in the mirror and even mistake myself for God."

Tang Jinhai and Tang Wei give him a look of disdain together. They have known for a long time that this guy is shameless, but they still didn't expect that the cheek could be so kind.

However, Tang Wei herself is also very curious. She didn't expect that Tang Jinhai would agree so readily.

Tang Jinhai sighed and said, "it's different. In the past, I didn't let you join the army or work as a policeman because I was worried that if a girl couldn't do these jobs well, it would bring trouble to others. Besides, I was also worried about your safety. But this time, even if you don't mention it yourself, I will ask for a quota from the top! "

Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei are stunned by this answer. They are a little surprised.

But then they both thought of the possibility that the situation might be worse than they thought.

So bad that his identity and influence can no longer protect Tang Wei.

Realizing this, Tang Wei couldn't help worrying, "grandfather?"

"Don't worry, although the situation is not very good, no matter how it is, it will be in the future. Now the world is still in our hands."

Tang Jinhai laughs, claps her hand, then looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "OK, you go out first, I'll have a few words with Zhao Chengfeng."

Tang Wei was stunned, slightly surprised, but she nodded and went out.

Zhao Chengfeng also had some accidents. He didn't know what the old man wanted to say to him. He couldn't even listen to Tang Wei.

But he didn't ask much. Anyway, the old man asked him to stay. He frowned and asked, "Mr. Tang, how bad is the situation now?"

"Very bad!"

Tang Jinhai didn't say much. After Tang Wei went out, he immediately said, "although I asked you to stay, there's not much I can tell you. I know something, but I can't say it yet. There are other things that I don't even know much about. "

"I can only say that there are only two points. First of all, if possible, we should strive for more places. It's dangerous to go out, but it's never better to stay. "

"One more thing..."

Speaking of this, Tang Jinhai suddenly stopped, went to the door, opened the door, looked left and right, and then came back.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised to see that he was so careful. This is the military camp, and Tang Jinhai is the commander with the highest status at present. At least on the surface, is there anyone who would eavesdrop outside his office?

What's more, there are guards on both sides?

However, Tang did not relax at all.

This makes him worried. Is the old man being elevated?

Or worse, controlled?

He was about to speak, but the old man suddenly laughed and said, "I can't help it. I have to be careful in this special period."

But as he spoke, he waved to him and then pointed to his desk.

"Old man, you are too careful. You are the boss here. Are you afraid of alienated creatures to spy on intelligence?" Zhao chengtui in the play ha ha, eyes but along the direction of his fingers a look.

I found a bamboo wastebasket in a corner of my desk. There was a lot of waste paper in the wastebasket, but one of them was outside the wastebasket.

At first glance, no one will pay attention to it, just think it is not thrown in.

While talking, Zhao Chengfeng picked up the paper ball and tried to open it, but the old man waved his hand to stop it.

Then he pointed out the door again, which meant to let him go out to see again.

Although Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled, he did as he was told.

Although the old man said a few more things, which seemed very important, it was already a piece of news.

He drove Zhao Chengfeng out.

Until he reached his camp, Zhao Chengfeng opened the waste paper and saw a line written on it: "take good care of Wei Wei, and be careful of your own people when you go out!"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned, some unclear. Want to go back to ask, but look at the look of the old man, even if he asked, the old man is afraid that he will not say, there may be a threat to the old man.

It's just what kind of "own people" are.

Does the old man mean that I have a spy around me?

It's impossible that all my brothers are around me, and if they are around me, they don't need to be so careful.

And what the old man said is: "be careful of your own people after going out. Obviously, going out is not going out of the camp or office, but going out of the earth."

That is to say, there is no problem in the world of the earth, only when there is a problem outside. In this case, the old man himself should not be in danger.

It should be aimed at me!

And that person should be in the camp now, and have some influence, or he has the ability to measure the scope of the old man's office.

And now all the electronic products in this area can't be used. Then the means of audiometry can only be human, or perception.

Finally, Zhao Chengfeng sorted out several pieces of information.

That person of his own may really be himself.

Second, the man is now in the camp.

Third, he is a warrior, and his strength should be good.

To satisfy these three points, you can be called your own person, and you can also make the old man afraid.

Zhao Chengfeng's mind is almost ready.

In this way, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved, as long as the old man himself was not in danger.

For others, he is not worried.

At the moment, they simply do not care about him, so as to avoid self defeating.

Sure enough, in the next few days, nothing happened to Tang Jinhai.

Other things are just as calm.

On the third day, a big thing happened.

Zhao Chengfeng and others are pursuing a cat like alien creature.

It's a black and white cat. It's very special compared with the ordinary dissimilated creatures.

The reason why it is special is that the body size of the general dissimilated creatures will change much larger after the change than before.

Some exaggerations can even be five or six times larger. For example, before they met a group of mice the same size as rabbits. Let alone fighting, just looking at them was frightening.

The size of this cat like alien creature is almost the same as that of ordinary domestic cats, even among ordinary cats.

If it wasn't for this little thing with a pair of wings, it would be hard to believe that it was an alien creature.

However, although this thing is small, its ability is amazing, especially its speed. Zhao Chengfeng finds that he is not as fast as it.

"This guy must be a second-order dissimilator!"

At this time, nearly two weeks have passed since the original change, and the aura concentration in Beihai city is getting stronger and stronger. The secret places of guwu family can't be compared with here.

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