And aura is no longer as complicated as before. Although human beings are still unable to practice directly here, the speed of alienation of other creatures is accelerating. Nowadays, second-order alienated creatures are no longer legends, but more and more.

However, the value of a second-order alienated creature is still quite high. Even Zhao Chengfeng and others are very surprised to meet a second-order alienated creature.

Everyone was excited.

The blood monk and the imp are two living treasures, and they shout like chicken blood.

But at this moment, people suddenly felt the earth shaking under their feet.

Although the vibration amplitude is not large, but the vibration range is very wide, the whole city is shaking.

"What's the matter? It's not going to be an earthquake again, is it? "

In the urban area, all the people who are hunting have to have a meal. Zhao Chengfeng also stops subconsciously.

All of a sudden, someone called out, "what a terrible earthquake, look over there..."

All the people around followed the direction of the man, most of them were stunned, and their faces were uncertain.

However, some people didn't react and asked the people around them blankly, "what ghost, there's nothing there?"

The people around him rolled their eyes and said, "nonsense, it's because there's nothing wrong. Have you forgotten what you should have there?"

After being reminded, the man responded, and then exclaimed, "Da Zhen, the light over there seems to have disappeared ~!"

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng and his party also made a difference.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help frowning.

Nine days ago, the guy named Yunqing was invited to the camp by Zhao Feilong and others. He began to arrange arrays around the downtown area of Beihai City, and then gradually appeared around, and gradually spread around Beihai.

People who hunt in the city, including Zhao Chengfeng, are used to it.

But at this time, one of the directions disappeared.

"What's the matter? Is it the failure of the man surnamed Yun?" Tang Wei asked subconsciously.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Come back to life slowly.

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting in the distance, "look, the light over there has disappeared!"

Zhao Chengfeng and others turned to see that the array light in the other direction disappeared.

Then, one after another, the light that had already surrounded 70% of the surrounding area went out in just ten minutes.

Then people felt that the rich aura in the city began to spread rapidly to the surrounding areas.

Seeing this, all the hunters in the city belong to foreign forces, but the Chinese people, especially the people in the nearby areas, are not surprised.

As warriors, they can clearly feel the diffusion speed of aura. At the same time, most of today's Warriors also know what it means!

The diffusion of Reiki will mean that the rules of heaven and earth in the surrounding areas will be alienated quickly.

As for the consequences, just look at the current situation of Beihai City, you can probably think of it, even more serious.

Although this city is full of people and it's hard to find alienated creatures, what's gathered here is the effect of at least 60% of the world's warriors.

If this scope is extended to a province, or even the whole of Jiangnan, then they will be of no use.

With the advanced speed and reproduction speed of alienated creatures, it can be seen that so many people have gathered in such a city and failed to kill the alienated creatures.

If we expand to a wider scope, we can't tell who will be looting and killing.

"What does that Yunqing mean? Is it really a failure?" The faces of all the people were not very pretty.

"Go back to camp!" Zhao Chengfeng said to go, turned and galloped towards the camp.

"Ah, the cat..." the shadow subconsciously pointed to the cat in the distance, who was actually challenging them, and asked.

"What cat are you talking about now? Hurry to catch up. Damn it, go and see what's going on. "The blood monk glared at him, but then he also looked at the cheap cat, some reluctant“ Damn, it's a pity that there is a second-order crystal nucleus. With this crystal nucleus, I may be able to reach the middle stage of magic martial arts. "

Then he reached out and put up a middle finger to the cat, gritting his teeth and saying, "I'll deal with you later!"

Who knows, the cat turned around and shook his ass, and then disappeared into an alley.

Blood monk gas is not clear, but there is no way, can only turn around and shadow together toward already almost invisible shadow Zhao Chengfeng and others catch up.

"Come on, let's go back!" All over the city, the hunters of local Chinese warriors saw Zhao Chengfeng and others leave, and they also returned to the camp.

The rest of the fighters of foreign forces look at each other.

"Well, these guys are gone. What about us?" Someone asked.

The others looked at each other again.

Then someone shrugged and said, "it seems that it doesn't matter to us. No matter how it spreads to our country, it will take a long time."

A warrior who seems to be from Europe said with a smile: "that has nothing to do with us."

"In that case, let's go on."

There are also some people who feel that this is not appropriate and frown: "this is not good. If we really want to say that the inner world is also our common enemy, and sooner or later we will be affected."

Hearing this, some of the crowd began to hesitate.

But more people sneer, "cut, virgin watch, if you don't think it's right, just go and compete with each other."

As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted a burst of strange laughter.

And before that said wrong person's face rose red, some not satisfied, looked at the distance, after all, still did not move.

At this time, another warrior with a rebellious look in his eyes said with a smile: "if I say it, it's no big deal to spread it all over the world. There are rich auras and countless crystal nuclei all over the world. Isn't it heaven for us warriors? As for those ordinary people who die, anyway, there are billions of people in the world. It's better for the natural environment to die a little more. "

When he finished, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong. Everyone looked at him strangely and couldn't help getting angry. "Hey, why are you looking at me like this? Am I wrong?"

They shook their heads and laughed, but most of them ignored him. Obviously, they just regarded him as a fool.

Of course, some people in the crowd had the same idea as him, but they didn't speak wisely.

Even the man's friends are far away from him.

That person sees this more indignant, "Hey, what kind of look are you, a group of idiots, think you are very kind and great?"? You are so kind and great. Why don't you go with those Chinese people? "

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