Finally, an Asian female warrior sneered and said, "we are not kind and great, but at least we are normal people and not mentally disabled. And not everyone is as selfish and cold-blooded as you. And you'd better not let those Chinese people hear this, or I don't know if those ordinary people will die, but you're afraid it's hard to see the sunrise tomorrow. "

Hear the woman say so, people around can't help snickering, many people look at this person's eyes is with a trace of pity.

And that person at this time also finally reaction come over, facial expression array green array red, very wonderful. He said reluctantly, "I, I'm not aiming at the Chinese. I'm talking about the whole world. What can they do to me?"

The woman chuckled and ignored the man. She turned to her companion and said, "let's go. Just now, the dragon scale man seems to be chasing a second-order cat like beast. Let's see if we can find it!"

Then he led his companion to the direction where the alienated cat disappeared.

Most of the other people around them shook their heads and dispersed.

For a moment, only the man and a few of his friends remained where they were.

"I wipe, that woman hurt me!" All of a sudden, the man seemed to understand something. He turned to his companion and said, "Damn it, I didn't say Chinese, I mean the whole world. That woman said that just now. She was intentional, asshole. I mean the whole world, all the damned dirty ordinary human beings..."

"Shut up, asshole!" All the time, his fist hit him hard in the face. He fell to the ground and looked up. He found that he was his friend who beat him. He burst into a rage, "are you crazy? You hit me!"

The man and several other companions looked at him in disgust, ignored him, and then turned away without saying a word.

"Hello, hello ~!" This man saw that several of his friends had gone, and it seemed that he didn't want to talk to him anymore. He was a little flustered and yelled, but no one paid attention to him and didn't even look back.

A moment later, he was alone on the spot.

This person to this meeting still full face ignorant force, two hands a spread, inexplicable cry out: "why

The female warrior and his party, who had gone a long way, could not help laughing when they perceived this scene. One of them sneered, "there are so many stupid guys in this world."

The woman also chuckled, but did not speak. Just look around, as if to find out the trace of the cat.

At this time, other people also came to this side. Obviously, many people saw Zhao Chengfeng and others chasing the cat before. Because of the Convention, Zhao Chengfeng and others were already chasing, so it was not easy to intervene.

Now that Zhao Chengfeng and others are gone, there is nothing to come first and then come. Naturally, many people are interested in a second-order alienated creature.

Seeing this, the young man beside the woman felt a chill on his pretty face, and subconsciously grasped the Japanese knife inserted in his waist.

The woman stretched out her hand and pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, smiling and shaking her head slightly, "no need ~!"

The young man looked at the latecomer, gave a cold hum, and then released his hand.

On the other side, another female companion sighed and said, "in fact, those idiots just now are not all wrong. If the area of such change is expanded a little, you don't have to fight me for it any more."

"Ha ha, you say that because it didn't happen in our country." The woman laughs and shakes her head.

Although she was a companion, and she was almost the same age, there was always an elder or superior look in her conversation.

Although he is not strict with others, he is not condescending. On the contrary, he is very kind, especially when talking to this female companion, he even dotes on her like an elder.

However, as long as the discerning people look at it, they can see the master-slave relationship between them. It's like there's an invisible force that makes people around her obey her.

The female companion didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with it. Everything was natural. Smell speech, smile, some mischievous way: "what method, who call them bad luck?". Besides, don't the Chinese hate us all the time? They have better luck. "

The female warrior shook her head and said nothing more.

It was the young man who glared at her and said in a cold voice, "Liuli, your remarks and thinking are very wrong. Whether they hate us or not has nothing to do with how we think."

"If necessary, even enemies can become friends. On the contrary, even friends can make use of the needs of interests. This is the way of thinking that the superior should have."

The girl named Liuli didn't pay for him at all. Hearing the words, she made a face at him with her tongue sticking out, "big idiot!"

Young popular eyebrows pick, but after all, still hold back, or he can not take this girl.

Then he leaned over and asked the female warrior, "Your Highness, what do you think was the problem just now? Is it really the inner world that failed in the array?"

"It's hard to say, but it's unlikely." The female warrior said slightly, "it's more likely that people in the inner world want to threaten more benefits."

"I see. It's possible. If so, will the Chinese agree? "

"Do Chinese people have a choice?"

"What about people from other countries?"

"People from other countries?" The female warrior sneered, "aren't those people the projection of other countries before?"

"If so, Huaxia will pay a great price this time." The young man touched his chin and thought, "if the Chinese people really want to be broken, they would rather be broken than broken."

"That's hard to say?" The female warrior smiles. "In the end, there may be three results. The first one is that everyone will die together. The Chinese people will kill those two people, and then the whole world will be in chaos. All the scientific and technological civilizations will disappear in a very short time. All the existing order systems will disappear. Then a large number of human beings will disappear on the earth, and the remaining human beings will gradually give birth to the strong, To survive under the pressure of alien creatures. "

"Of course, the premise is that before that, people in the inner world have not had time to come. Otherwise, it is the second possibility. Although a group of strong people were born in the cataclysm, they did not pass their infancy after all. At this time, the inner gate world was invaded. Some people fought bloody battles, while others took refuge in the inner gate. After years of hard fighting, both sides paid a great price. Except for a few who fled from the earth, all the others were destroyed. "

"The alienated creatures take the opportunity to grow, and the earth becomes the world of alienated creatures. The losers of the inner world return to the inner world, and then wait for the cave to break, and then destroy! "

When women say this, their eyes are as bright as stars, and they seem to have a feeling of expectation.

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