At the same time, on the rooftop of one of the surviving floors, a group of warriors of Western origin are discussing similar problems.

One of them, a young warrior with blonde hair, blue eyes and handsome face, even described a similar answer to the female warrior.

For his description, some people look scared, exclaimed, "I buy high, too terrible, never let the Chinese do it!"

But it attracted people's sneer, "if Chinese people are not afraid to die together, why don't you let them do anything?"

But also some people doubt, "we have so many human beings on the earth, even if we really get to that point, we should be able to hold on, and the sacrifice should not really be that great, right?"

"Ha ha, is it useful to have more people? In the absence of scientific and technological weapons, any one of us should be able to defeat the ordinary soldiers of a company, right? Those ordinary people and big bellied uncles who work from nine to five are just the food of alienated creatures. It doesn't matter that they are more powerful. The city under your feet is an example of this. "

The doubters subconsciously looked at their feet and stopped talking.

But there is humanity: "what about the inner world? Isn't it powerful? If all the existing technologies in the earth world are destroyed, and there is not much time to grow, can we compete with them to this point? Maybe they can wipe out human beings on earth, and then clean up alien creatures? "

"It's possible, but I don't think it's possible." Blonde, young and humane.

"How can you judge that?" Some people disagree.

"Ha ha, it's very simple. If the inner world really has such a great deal of confidence and does not worry about the deterioration of the earth's world, then why does the man named Yun Qing kindly help the Huaxia people to build an array? " Asked the young man.

The speaker, slightly pondering, then said: "maybe it's because of the Chinese experts that he has to do so?"

"Ha ha, is that right? If the Chinese experts can suppress him so easily, why dare he play tricks now?"

The doubter, with a slight change of face, immediately said, "you see, you know that it's him who plays tricks to offer conditions. Maybe he really failed? What's more, if he is really afraid that the earth world will develop in the direction you described, why does he dare to put forward conditions? Is he not afraid of the death net of the Chinese mermaid? "

The young man said with a smile, "that's the third possibility I'm talking about..."


"The third possibility is that Yun Qing will compromise at last and the array will continue."

"There is a fourth possibility, that is, people from other forces are afraid, and finally help the Chinese to pay the price." In the alley, the female warrior said with a smile. Then he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "however, these two possibilities will not be possible until at least half of China's provinces become alienated areas. Maybe it will be bigger. It depends on which Yunqing is confident in controlling the alienation process. "

Two companions, Wen Yan did not speak, seemed to be thinking.

After a while, the young man was the first to say, "in this way, in any case, except for the unconditional compromise of the Chinese people, it would be more tragic."

The woman nodded.

"Then, your highness, which result is more likely?"

This time, the female warrior shook her head and gave a wry smile, indicating that she could not judge.

The girl turned her glass eyes, but suddenly asked: "Your Highness, if there are more alienated creatures and higher Reiki concentration, don't we have to leave the earth?"

The female warrior smiles and says gently, "if you don't want to leave, you can stay."

The girl was always lively and mischievous, but when she heard the words, her face suddenly changed, and she immediately knelt down on the ground, "Your Highness, Liuli is wrong. Where your highness goes, Liuli will go!"

On the other hand, the young people's expression has become extremely solemn, bowing their heads, dare not speak.

The female warrior quietly looks at the girl's Liuli, and her face is still smiling, but the Liuli's face kneeling on the ground is pale under the silent gaze.

After a long time, the female warrior waved her hand slightly. A small curse fell on the back of the glaze. The girl kneeling on the ground screamed and trembled.

But sweat could not stop dripping from his face, but his face seemed relieved.

On the other hand, the young man with the knife also returned to his normal look and quietly breathed out a breath.

The female warrior took her hand back and said, "this time, if you don't want to follow me, you can leave at will. But if you want to follow me, you have to have a stronger consciousness. I don't like the weak who are greedy and comfortable. Do you understand?"

"Hi ~!" Liuli's voice trembled because of the weakness of pain, but she didn't dare to hesitate.


Outside the city, camp!

In the middle of the camp, a temporary conference room.

Yunqing and Miss Yu were present. On the other side of China, Mr. Qi and Tang Jinhai were also sitting at the conference table. In addition, there was a dignified old man and a white faced middle-aged man. He said that the middle-aged man was at least 50 years old, but he was well maintained, so he looked like he was about 40 years old.

Among them, the old man was the best. Mr. Qi and the middle-aged man followed closely. The brigadier general Tang Jinhai could only admire the last one.

"Mr. Yunqing, it's not good for you to turn back like this, if you don't believe me." It was the middle-aged man who spoke first.

The voice is not big, and there is not much anger, although it is the tone of censure, but it does not contain anger. But there was also no cowardice.

It shows extraordinary diplomatic accomplishment, even if the other side is a strong man who has surpassed the definition of ordinary human beings, it is also neither superior nor inferior.

Even Yunqing could not help but admire him, but he paid more attention to the old man.

I don't know why, he felt a bit of pressure on the old man. The other person just sat there and didn't say a word, but it made people have the courage to ignore his existence.

However, with his perception, we can clearly feel that no matter the old man or the middle-aged people are ordinary people.

"An ordinary person should have this kind of bearing. Is this the result of the so-called superior people's respect? Different civilizations are really interesting! "

For the middle-aged man's question, Yun Qing smiles, "this is Mr. Cheng, right?"

The middle-aged man nodded, then waited for his subsequent answer, and did not say anything, "I did not expect that Mr. Yun would know such nonsense."

As a good negotiator, you will not be biased by irrelevant issues.

Yun Qing didn't care. He laughed again. "Mr. Cheng, you should be a diplomat of your country, right?"

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