The middle-aged man frowned slightly. He didn't know what Yun Qing meant by beating around the bush.

"In that case, Mr. Cheng, you have made a mistake of sorry for your profession." Yun Qingman said.

"Oh, I'd like to hear about it." The middle-aged man gave a faint smile. This time, he couldn't stop talking, but he didn't show any emotion because of the other person's words.

"Your mistake is that you didn't see through the nature of the problem, so you just said a piece of rubbish."

"Essence?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly, "I don't know whether the essence of Mr. Yun can determine the fact that you are untrustworthy?"

"Yes." Yun Qing grinned, "the essence is that you think it's wrong to be untrustworthy, but I don't think so. People who know me well know this. If you don't believe me, ask Miss Yu around me, have I always been untrustworthy?"

With that, he said to the woman in red beside him seriously: "Xiaoyu, tell him when I said credit?"

Even Mr. Cheng, a veteran diplomat, was stunned by such an answer. How could there be such a shameless person in the world.

Is it a shame that the values of the inner world are true?

The whole conference room was silent.

Tang Jinhai's face is very blue, and Cheng Fang above him is no better than him.

On the other side, the woman in red, who was sitting next to Yunqing, never looked at anyone.

For Yunqing's question, her answer is to kick him off the stool, and then continue to appreciate his fingers.

Yunqing is kicked also don't care, clap buttock ha ha a smile, stand up, and then very elegant sit back to the original position, a face of the way: "see no, the answer is like this, never."

"So, you take a mistake that you think is wrong and question a person who doesn't think it is wrong at all. Don't you think you are ridiculous?"

In the conference room, on the Chinese side, many people can't help asking a question, "how can this person be so cheap?"

There is also a dream: who will kill this guy!

Cheng Fang asked himself whether the president of the United States is reasonable enough when he met countless diplomatic experts in his half life of diplomacy? At the same time, he could handle it freely, but at this moment, he had a feeling that he didn't know where to speak.

It's not because the other side is strong, but because the goods are too shameless and have already regarded shamelessness as glory.

The old man, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and didn't say much. He pointed to Yunqing and asked Mr. Qi, "Mr. Qi, can you take him with the power of your ninth group?"

Mr. Qi's face changed slightly. I didn't expect that the old man would ask so directly.

But for the old man, he did not dare to neglect him. He hesitated for a moment and shook his head. "Even with all the strength of our ninth group, killing him can be done, but it is not easy to capture him alive."

Yunqing didn't expect that the old man would be so direct, but he looked calm. When he heard Mr. Qi's words, he even nodded and said, "well, what he said is quite to the point, but I don't agree that he can kill me. I'm a little boastful. I'm very good at running for my life."

Mr. Qi, who had seen his shamelessness, didn't care about his words. He didn't deny or refute them with a smile.

But the old man seemed not to hear Yun Qing's words at all. He nodded, "well, it's similar to what Feilong said."

While he was talking, he tapped his fingers on the table, and then asked Yun Qing, "in this case, let's not talk about those empty headed people. You can give us what you want, and we'll give it to you. You can get it and work quickly. If it doesn't work, it's better to break it up. We'll withdraw our troops and leave it to you. Then we don't have to wait any longer. How to fight and how to fight! "

"It's trouble to drag on this kind of thing all day!"

"Well?" The look in Yunqing's eyes moved, and she didn't know whether the old man was serious or bluffing. However, he said with a smile: "see, this is the right way to speak. Mr. Cheng, learn more. "

Cheng Fang's face changed slightly. Although he didn't agree with the old man, he knew that his way didn't work.

When a scholar meets a soldier, it's hard to explain why.

And there is a lack of containment.

At this time, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, "maybe from today on, most of the situations he will face in the future are like this. Is the age of jungle rules of the jungle of the jungle of zero sum game really coming

If so, it's really the sorrow of the whole human race. How many years of accumulation and generations of efforts of the whole earth have finally reached today's goal.

Sensing the cruelty of the future, the diplomat in his prime of life was inexplicably sad.


"Well, what happened?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng and others returned to the camp, they felt that the atmosphere was not right. Although most people were still in order, it was not too chaotic, but it always gave people a sense of panic.

He grabbed a soldier and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I'm not very clear either. I just know that not long ago, someone from above seemed to want to talk to the one surnamed Yun about something, but before they started talking, the one surnamed Yun shut down all the big formations under construction."

"And now? What's going on out there? " Zhao Chengfeng a frown, the other people can't help but scramble to ask.

"As soon as Dazhen passes, the speed of the spread of alienation is accelerated. I just heard that even the surrounding counties are beginning to have biological alienation. Fortunately, there is no sky crack there, and most people have evacuated ahead of time, so the situation is better than that of Beihai, but there are still many people who refuse to leave, and the damage is relatively large!" The soldier replied.

"With all the surrounding counties and districts, how can it be so fast?" When they heard about it, their hearts burst out.

Beihai city originally had three cities, four counties and four districts under its jurisdiction. Dongjiang County, the farthest, is 120 kilometers away from Beihai city.

If there is even Dongjiang County, then even the edge of Dongjiang County means that the abnormal area is outside Beihai City and radiates a radius of 100 kilometers.

Before that, the radiation was only tens of kilometers in a few days, which nearly doubled.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, and he felt wrong. "Is it because of the suppression of the array? Once the array goes, it will cause a rebound, otherwise it shouldn't be so fast."

Others also nodded, and some of them were locals themselves, even more frightened.

"What about the one named Yun? Where is the conference room for their negotiation?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

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