Outside the door, Zhao Chengfeng sighed slightly and lost his interest in listening again.

Now that the two sides have reached a tacit agreement and each side has a clear bottom line, the rest is just bargaining over the details.

There's no point in listening any more.

Back outside, the IMP and Huisheng immediately came up and asked, "boss, what's going on? Do you know what's going on?"

Other soldiers and soldiers in the camp also came together, eager to know what happened.

In addition, there are also some fighters from other countries in the camp. Although they are not as urgent as the fighters from the Chinese side, and they do not move forward, they quietly raise their ears.

Today's situation affects the whole body. What's the real situation? It's not just China that is affected.

"Let Tang Wei tell you about this. I'm going to have a try and see if there is any possibility of breakthrough."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and gave the problem to Tang Wei, while he got into the barracks.

He has suppressed the throb of breakthrough before, but the feeling is still there, so he still wants to try it as soon as possible, even if it is not successful, he can make a more mature preparation for the next impact.

"Boss, what's the matter? Suddenly, it's hard for you to break through..." Huisheng and others saw that they were going to eavesdrop, but they came back and said they were going to try to break through without saying a word. They were all confused, and even evil. They began to think of some 18 forbidden pictures, and looked at Tang Wei strangely.

Where does Tang Wei know these wretched guy to come up with what kind of idea, smell speech just said the matter probably reason again.

When people heard that Zhao Chengfeng had gone to eavesdrop on the news, he could break the heart barrier, and even realized the opportunity to break through the virtual world. Then they even suppressed the opportunity. They all felt that there were 10000 grass mud horses flying over their heads.

This is exactly what kind of unconstrained ideas can become like this.

However, knowing that Zhao Chengfeng may be about to break through, Huisheng and others are still very happy.

However, as for the content and process of the negotiation, Tang Wei refused to disclose it, because she didn't know if she would have any impact if she disclosed any information. After all, there are so many people here.

Just said: "I can't hear clearly outside the door. I don't know the details, but things shouldn't get too bad. Maybe there will be news soon. Don't worry too much. "

Of course, people around will not believe it.

Both of you are warriors, and Zhao Chengfeng is about to break through the void. One door can make you unable to hear the people inside, and if you can't hear them, can the boy break the barrier?

But Tang Wei didn't want to say more, and they couldn't help it.

Fortunately, Tang Wei at least revealed some information, tone and manner, and made them feel that the situation should not be in a big crisis, which made them feel a little relieved.

Sure enough, the Chinese authorities announced two news that afternoon.

First, the Chinese government will withdraw its troops from the outskirts of Beihai City and blockade it, and the government will no longer interfere in the affairs of Beihai City, and the camps in the area will be managed by non-governmental organizations.

Second, as a friend of the inner world, Mr. Yunqing is grateful for his efforts to help suppress changes. At the same time, he is also grateful for introducing advanced martial arts civilization, improving the quality of the people, and enhancing the ability of the people to resist the radiation of the law, so as to better cope with the situation that may continue to deteriorate in the future.

The Chinese government will allow Mr. Yunqing and his school to set up sites in Beihai city to recruit disciples, but all disciples must register with the Chinese government, and Mr. Yunqing and his school should ensure that the disciples of Chinese descent have the right to choose whether to work for the Chinese government.

As soon as the two pieces of news were announced, there was a commotion in the whole camp.

"What does the Chinese government mean by evacuating the blockade and no longer interfering in the management? Does it mean that it wants to give this place directly to the inner world?"

"It's really possible. Anyway, it's impossible for China to manage it now. Who can ordinary soldiers manage here when they can't use scientific and technological weapons? There are not so many warriors in China, are there

"That's what I said, but in this way, isn't it true that people will give up this place to the inner world? When they invade in the future, they won a bridgehead without a single soldier! I don't think it's right for the Chinese government to do so. It's not only irresponsible to China itself, but also irresponsible to the whole human world. "

"I also think that the Chinese government has gone too far in doing so. Shouldn't we ask for the opinions of us and other countries in the world?"

As soon as the two news came out, many people in the camp were dissatisfied. In particular, some fighters of foreign forces used to hide from each other. Now, as soon as the situation comes out, they jump out one by one. When everyone opens their mouth, they all open their mouth to the world and shut their mouth to human beings.

In the face of this situation, of course, those who have Chinese martial arts are not happy.

Immediately someone retorted: "please think about the facts. The Chinese government just said that it would not send troops to block or interfere in urban affairs. When did it say that this is the inner world?"

"And they say that in the future, the camp will be managed by non-governmental organizations, that is, as long as you have the ability, you can become the manager of the camp now."

To this kind of refutation, some people agree, but others sneer, "cut, become a manager, I don't think you wake up, do you think that Yunqing will sit back and ignore? Not to mention the strength, let's say that the big array here is arranged by him. Who can compete with him here? It's not stated clearly, but it's just acquiescence. "

"Ha ha, you know that no one can compete with him here. In this case, even if the Chinese government does not agree, what can happen?" The warrior on the Chinese side immediately sneered back, "I don't think you are worried about the ordinary people and the country, but that Yunqing won't let you go into the city to hunt the alien creatures, and you won't get the crystal nucleus any more?"

The Chinese warrior's words broke through the true thoughts of the people, and immediately made the opponents angry. "Damn, it seems that you don't worry about it, and am I wrong? As a government of the earth world, the Chinese government of course has to stand on the side of the Earth World Warrior to protect our interests. Is that wrong?"

"Fuck, protect your interests. Did you pay taxes to the Chinese government? When Yunqing shut down the battle, why didn't you say that you were a warrior in the earth?"

As a result of the quarrel between the two sides, the camp was immediately disrupted, and supporters from all sides joined in one after another. Originally, they were more restrained, but then they became mindless mutual abuse.

Then it became more and more fierce, and the two sides were almost at loggerheads.

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