At the same time, the two official news released by Huaxia also caused a lot of opposition in the international community. However, unlike the military people in the camp, they are more concerned about the first one, but the forces of all countries in the world are more concerned about the second one.

Because in the second article, it only stipulates that all martial arts practitioners must be registered with the Chinese government. At the same time, it also emphasizes the freedom of Chinese martial arts practitioners to come and go and the right to choose to work for the Chinese government.

Not a word has been said about other countries.

As a result, countries all over the world think that Huaxia officials, as a camp of human beings on the earth, only consider their own interests, but ignore the interests of their allies. This is a private exchange between Huaxia and the inner world, which is strongly condemned and protested by governments and most forces.

However, the official response of Huaxia is very simple.

A spokesman for XX said: Chinese officials are very willing to maintain cooperation and mutual assistance with various forces in the world to jointly safeguard the common interests of the earth and the world.

But in the case of isolation, Huaxia will retain the right to give priority to its own country and its surrounding allies.

In fact, the subtext of this sentence is similar to the meaning of the Chinese martial arts in the camp. It's probably, "what did you do so early? When you have something to do, you go to the theatre. After the performance, you have an opinion, but you haven't considered your interests. Why should I consider your interests?"

Of course, if it's almost the same, it's much more impressive from the official mouth.

At the same time, it also reminds some neighboring countries, "don't forget, if something goes wrong at that time, it's not only us, but you can't run away. Those guys who are eight poles away have nothing to do with themselves, and you are noisy, are you stupid?"

If you really want to give up, we have a vast area of China, and we can still save half of it. You have to finish it all.

As soon as this reply came out, many people were immediately dumbfounded. Some people still wanted to make trouble, but they were wrong first. In the end, they could only express that they did not recognize the agreement and had reservations.

In response, a spokesman for Huaxia said: "Huaxia is always willing to consult with its allies and help each other, but never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries."

The subtext is, "if you like to admit it or not, it's none of my business!"


Of course, the forces of other countries are not very satisfied with China's attitude, but there is no way.

They also know that Huaxia now has managed to stabilize Yunqing, so that it can resume operation and construction again, and at the same time, it can control the speed of regional diffusion.

Both the government and the people are working hard to provide disaster relief and prepare for war. At the same time, they are organizing large-scale evacuation of the people. At this time, it is impossible to cut corners on the agreement that has been reached.

They had hoped that the Chinese government would come forward to talk to Yun Qing again, to give them some protection, or to extort some benefits from the Chinese government.

However, the tough attitude of the Chinese side made them know that the Chinese government would not compromise on this issue any more, so they had to talk about it on their own.

But unfortunately, after that, Yunqing, in addition to perfecting the array, played and disappeared, and all parties could not find him at all.

Although he had won the right to recruit disciples before, he never made any action.

All parties have to pull their energy back to their own internal. All countries are selecting talents and collecting resources in the hope of cultivating warriors loyal to their own countries.

As we all know, from the moment of great changes in Beihai City in China, a catastrophe and a war across planes that human beings have never experienced on earth are imminent.

When the world's existing scientific and technological means are completely suppressed, only practitioners and martial arts masters who can adapt to the new rules can be relied on.

As a result, governments and forces of all countries are not willing to provoke China too much. After all, China is the most important resource area for the generation of warriors.

For this, all parties in the world can be said to be both fortunate and jealous.

Fortunately, they don't have to bear that kind of disaster. What's envious is that Huaxia can get the moon first.

Although every inch of the expansion of the area of change is accompanied by a lot of sacrifice and loss, there are also some people who stand out in this.

Just in Beihai City, I don't know how many warriors have been created. For example, those who have been hit by the mysterious light group but have finally preserved their senses, almost all of them have been secretly transferred by the Chinese military, although it is said that there are some dissections and slices outside.

But other forces know that China is not so violent. Those people are all cultivation geniuses now.

There are also materials and crystal nuclei of alienated organisms. Although most of them have been divided up by the people and various forces, a large part of them must have flowed into the hands of the Chinese government.

All this will inevitably form a huge force in the future.

All this makes all parties afraid and jealous.

It is almost conceivable that in a few years' time, when these people really grow up, when the world really becomes a world of complete cultivation and civilization, what kind of existence China will become.

However, for all parties in the world, they are just envious, but no one wants to exchange with Huaxia.

Because no matter how good the prospects are, there is a premise that they will not die in the middle.

And in all people's understanding, when the future change breaks out in full swing, when the future war really comes, China, which will bear the brunt, will surely be the first disappeared civilized country on earth.

This is also the reason why they rarely tolerate Huaxia.

Everyone in jealousy at the same time looking at Huaxia sneer, and desperately to their talents to Huaxia to temper.

Of course, all this is later.

In retrospect, at this moment, all the ordinary people in the camp of the former military blockade line in Beihai have been evacuated.

And those who survived despite alienation were also divided into two batches and were also secretly transferred.

Of course, those who have retained their sanity will become the key armed forces in the future. For those unfortunate people, no one is willing to think deeply about their fate.

Even if I think of some possibility, I will only mourn for them in my heart, or say, "I hope it won't be like that ~!"

And now teams of soldiers in radiation suits are evacuating in turn.

The originally crowded camp was very lonely and empty, and the iron fence became more and more desolate.

On the outskirts of the camp, in an open playground, hundreds of fighters are divided into two camps, fighting each other.

The two sides who had been quarreling and abusing before no longer spoke, but they did not speak any more, which made the smell of gunpowder in the air more intense. The atmosphere that only a coin dropped on the ground could cause an explosion was almost suffocating.

This is the first large-scale formal conflict between the warrior, a new group in the earth world.

In a sense: a new era is coming!

And Zhao Chengfeng at this time is under the leadership of an officer to a camp deep in the camp.

At this time, he just came out of the closed door and didn't know what was going on outside.

All the way, he asked the leading officer, "this chief, do you know what he wants me to do?"

Zhao Chengfeng pointed up mysteriously as he spoke.

With a smile, the officer said politely, "ha ha, I'm not a chief. I'm just an errand man. My surname is Lu. Just call me Lao Lu. As for what the man called you, it's hard for me to say. Anyway, you'll know when you go to see him. "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about this officer surnamed Lu but refuses to reveal his secret. On the contrary, he appreciates it. Of course, the soldiers should keep their mouth tight, especially the people around them. If they are really other people, they will say everything, but Zhao Chengfeng looks down on them.

So he said with a smile: "that's not suitable. I'd better call you brother Lu. It seems that you should be a little older than me, right? By the way, brother Lu, in the morning, you negotiated with the boy named Yun. What happened in the end? "

"Ha ha, it's OK. Anyway, it's all a title. If you look up to it, I'm more happy."

Army officer smell speech is a smile, but for Zhao Chengfeng's problem, he is smiling at Zhao Chengfeng one eye way: "you were not outside to listen to it, how did not know the result?"

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