When Zhao Chengfeng saw that the eavesdropping incident had been exposed, he laughed and touched his nose. "I didn't expect you all know that. I couldn't help being curious at that time, but I wasn't spying. In the future, I think both sides seem to have reached a tacit agreement, because they left first in case of emergency, so I don't know the situation behind. "

"Oh, did you make it?" Asked the officer, nodding.

"Success?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and then thought that his situation at that time should have been noticed by Mr. Qi or someone inside. He shook his head and said, "it's a little worse, but it's almost there! Anyway, I've seen it inside the door. As long as I accumulate it again, it's basically no problem. "

The army officer looked relieved when he said this, "Oh, that's good, that's good. If we can't make a breakthrough because of this, the elderly will be very sad. Now the country needs talents like you. "

"Who knows about it? Did Mr. Qi tell him? " Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, feeling that this surname is really talkative.

"Ha ha, yes, you don't have to blame Mr. Qi. It's his duty. Besides, he has a lot to say for you. "

"He said good things to me?" Zhao Chengfeng sneers, but he has no good impression on Mr. Qi.

"You seem to have a problem with Mr. Qi?" Asked the officer, frowning slightly.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care. He said flatly: "there's not one. I'm not familiar with him. I just had contact with him once. I just don't think he's a good person. What's more, the ninth group under his command makes people feel bad. "

"Hiss ~" the army officer frowned again, pondered slightly, and thought about whether there was any misunderstanding between the two sides, or whether you are important talents of the country and should cooperate sincerely.

But I don't think it's appropriate.

He was hesitating, but the destination had already arrived. The army officer had to put the matter aside for the time being and pondered whether he wanted to talk to that man later. Maybe he could arrange mediation.

Otherwise, although the two are officials and the people, they are both important talents of the country. It's not good for them to have conflicts with each other in the face of the enemy.

As he pondered, he nodded to Zhao Chengfeng and made a sign: "the old man is in it, you go in, I won't go in!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded a good way, then went to the door and knocked, in which came an old but dignified voice: "come in!"

That's when I pushed the door.

But he didn't know that his casual words made the newly recognized elder brother Lu even more worried. Of course, if he knew, he would only laugh and sigh, "this elder brother Lu is really dedicated to the country!"

As for holding hands with Mr. Qi, good friend, let's forget it.

Even if I really misunderstood Mr. Qi, I didn't intend to harm him or make enemies with him.

As long as he doesn't invade me, I will ignore him.

There are so many people in the world, why do you have to make friends with people you don't like?

The world has made it impossible for you to choose your enemies. If you still can't choose your friends, it will be boring.


"Good, good, good!"

Sometimes people really talk about eye contact. Some people feel that they are not tired of seeing each other as soon as they meet, while others clearly don't know each other and don't understand each other, but when they meet with each other, they immediately feel like each other.

The so-called white head is as new as ever, and it is as old as ever.

For example, at this time, the old man, who is respected by people in China, and Zhao Chengfeng feel that they have a good impression on each other.

Especially when the old man looks up and down at Zhao Chengfeng, his dignified face is full of loving and appreciative smiles. If someone familiar with the old man is nearby, such as the army officer, seeing this scene, he will envy Zhao Chengfeng for three minutes for his grandchildren.

Not to mention Zhao Chengfeng, the old man was his hero, even an idol.

In the morning, he listened to the old man's style through the door, and even cleared his heart barrier for many days, almost breaking the realm.

At this time, when we met, we saw that the old man was dignified, honest and peaceful.

That's definitely better than seeing Zhao Feilong.

They look at each other for a moment, and then laugh together. No one knows what they are laughing at.

"Sit down!"

The old man pointed to the sofa opposite him and motioned to Zhao Chengfeng to sit down.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng nodded, he was not polite, so he sat down directly. Unlike most people, he always sat on one third of his buttocks in front of big people. The whole person was holding it there, as if he was taking a bath.

Just a big stab.

If there are those people who pay attention to appearance here, they will certainly wrinkle their brows with bows, shake their fingers with disgust and say, "what do you think of this, this, this? Do you know how to be polite? "

Even the old man himself would frown and snort if his grandson sat in front of him like this.

But at this time, it's strange to say that he didn't feel disgusted. Instead, he nodded in secret, "yes, yes, I'm so frank in front of me. Young people should be free and easy."

When he said this, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. Then he realized that his sitting posture was a little indecent and his behavior was not strictly forbidden. He was not the attitude he should have when he met such a big man.

In fact, it can't blame him. He has been used to cynicism all the time, and with the improvement of his strength, it's hard to meet someone who can restrain him now.

What's more, since he was a child, he was faced with Zhao Feilong, a powerful figure at the top of the virtual world, and he never went straight. Who else makes him have to be respectful?

So in his behavioral memory, he almost forgot this kind of thing. Otherwise, even if he, in the face of this old man, he will restrain himself.

However, looking at the old man's look and voice, it seems that he is not hurting himself, but really appreciating me. I can't help but feel happy, "well, this one seems to understand me and appreciate me."

Immediately more lazy to restrain themselves, subconsciously slip way: "ha ha, I this is also the way of nature, the release of nature."

The old man nodded seriously, "ha ha, yes, from the point of view that people are evolved from monkeys, you are really very natural."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, then said with a bitter smile: "I can hear that. Your sentence is damaging to me!"

The old man laughed and nodded again: "yes, yes, it's good if I can hear it. It seems that the comments I heard about you before are not objective.

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