"Oh, some people have commented on me in your face. I don't know how they all praise me?" Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised, but if no one mentioned himself in front of the old man, why would the old man want to see me? Even if there was that episode during the day, it was impossible for such a person to meet someone on impulse because of such a thing.

When a person is in such a position, his words and deeds must be the result of careful consideration, and he will never be so impulsive.

Because their random behavior may change the fate of a person, or even a group of people.

To be more mysterious, it's called too much cause and effect. If you act rashly, there will be a problem.

In this way, can I be regarded as Jian Zai Di Xin?

Zhao Chengfeng laughed at himself.

But when the old man heard Zhao Chengfeng's question, he laughed and joked: "well, someone really praised you in front of me. He praised you and said that you are a great person, but you don't like to use your head."

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, "this is praise me?"

I'll go. Is that a compliment? Who doesn't like to use his head?

Listen to this tone again, not from a clap thigh, "I know, must be Zhao Feilong, in addition to him no one else."

"Ha ha ~!" The old man smelled the words and laughed very heartily. He seemed to feel younger. Then he said with appreciation: "it's a pity that the time is not right now. Otherwise, I can't help but want to leave you around and chat with my old man."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he said with a smile in his heart, "you have to ask me if I'm happy with what you said. Although I think you're always pleasant to me, it's OK to stay around. You're not a beauty."

Of course, since it's not the right time, he can't be left. No matter how low his EQ is, he won't say it.

Instead, he changed the topic and said, "so what are you calling me for today?"

However, his careful thinking did not escape the old man's eyes. As soon as he heard his tone, he knew what the boy thought. Of course, the old man also said it casually and didn't care. At most, he just thought that the boy really thought different from other people.

Generally speaking, if you change a young man, even if you have Zhao Chengfeng's accomplishments, if you can stay with him, you will still break your head.

This kid even looks disgusted.

Ha ha, it's a little interesting.

It's rare to be despised, and the old man is not angry. On the contrary, he feels that the boy is not utilitarian and is very good.

But now that he had said the right thing, he looked serious and said, "today I'm calling you here, mainly three things."

"First of all, I heard that you have a batch of secret places from the guwu family. If you can, I hope you can let the state copy them in exchange. From today on, the management and operation rights of the camp and its surrounding areas belong to you. It's up to you whether you are in charge of it or others! Of course, if you want any conditions, we will not be stingy within a reasonable range. "

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was slightly stunned. He didn't know the two official information yet. Although he had asked the army officer on the way here before, he didn't have time to say it later because the topic diverged.

I was surprised to hear that he had to give the camp and surrounding areas to him.

As for copying a secret book, it's not a problem. Anyway, as long as it's not the attitude of group 9, he's not stingy about this kind of thing. Even when he talked with Tang Wei before, he had already thought about it.

However, although he had doubts in his heart, he did not interrupt the old man, but waited for him to continue.

"Second thing, I have a task for you. In fact, your aunt Qingyi or your father should have mentioned it to you before. You know what's going on now. We Huaxia are running on a burning suspension bridge, and there is a beast chasing behind us. If we can't run across the suspension bridge before the fire breaks or burns us, and defeat the beast, Huaxia will be doomed! "

When the old man said this, he looked dignified. After a pause, he continued: "but in today's situation, if we only follow the normal development, we will not be able to make it through in any case. Therefore, we have to start from other places, one of which is to let some talented people who have feelings for the nation-state go out and look for opportunities from the outside. "

"And you are one of the people we value most."

When the old man said this, he stopped again and looked at Zhao Chengfeng solemnly.

"My aunt has already mentioned this matter to me, and I have plans to go out myself, so it's no problem. But I don't know the outside world. I don't know where to start this matter, and I don't know if there are any ideas for reference?" Zhao Chengfeng pondered and asked.

As for the other party's saying that he was one of the candidates, he didn't care. He didn't even ask who the others were. The future of a nation and a billion people can not be given to him alone. Is this what it should be?

If he needs to know, he will tell him. If he doesn't need to know, he doesn't need to ask.

The old man shook his head. "Sorry, No."

After that, the old man stood up, picked up a cigarette from the table, drew out one, lit it for himself, and gently spit out a wisp of smoke. The old man seemed to be wandering in the sky, pacing slowly, and said: "at the time of reform and opening up, our leaders once said that we should cross the river by feeling the stones."

"Now, to be honest, we don't even have any stones. We don't even know whether we are going to cross a river or a sea of fire. Although we have tried our best to understand the world of cultivating civilization for so many years, it is a pity that this disaster has come faster than we expected, and our country started late. "

"In those turbulent years, I didn't even care about them. Although there was accumulation in the former dynasty, most of them were scattered. After that, more energy was put into the fields of economy and science and technology. To be honest, we had too much luck in this field. It was only in recent years that we really began to increase our strength. But we said that we should increase our strength, but it was only relatively more than ourselves. "

"So we can't really give you advice on what we have." When the old man said this, his voice was full of helplessness and guilt, and he deeply felt that his generation had not done their duty. In the end, we have to put the burden on these children.

I feel guilty.

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