After a pause, he solemnly said: "if there is, there is only one. Strive to be strong and then live. If you can save your relatives and friends, it's best. In this way, you can at least leave some seeds for the Chinese nation."


Zhao Chengfeng looked at the old man in consternation. He didn't expect that the old man who was impassioned and willing to give up would say such desperate words.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say anything for a long time.

There was silence in the room.

After a long time, Zhao Chengfeng said, "when do you start? Oh, by the way, I hope to take a few people with me!"

"Yes!" The old man was a little depressed, but he straightened up quickly. "As for starting, the faster the better. The time is less than we think. If you have any other requirements, I will arrange them for you. "

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, a smile, and then shook his head, said no.

Then he asked, "what about the third thing?"

"Oh, and the third thing, the third thing..." the old man seemed to be a little distracted. When he came back, he went and waved his hand with a smile and said, "the third thing is really forgotten. Ha ha, I'm really old, but since I forget it, it shouldn't be important to mention it!"

Zhao Chengfeng is a little speechless, so he will forget.

However, he immediately realized that he couldn't forget. Can such a big man forget anything? What about the people?

There must be some reason why he didn't want to say it. In that case, he didn't ask.

After he left, the army officer came in. He saw the old man smoking and frowning slightly. But he didn't dare to disturb him when he was wandering in the sky, so he had to stand by quietly.

"Say what you have to say. What are you doing standing by?" As the old man put out his cigarette, he said. But before the army officer could speak, he added, "except don't smoke so much."

Army officer a wry smile, "this is blocked by you, what else can I say?"

"Then don't say it. Lorry's nagging annoyance." The old man said with a smile, and then sighed, "do you want to ask, why don't you say the third thing?"

"No, I know that." The army's official way.

"You know?" The old man was very surprised. "Why do you say that?"

"Ha ha, because someone was going to write three things, but suddenly forgot what to write here, so he changed the plot."


Of course, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know this fate. He was still thinking all the way, what was the third thing the old man was going to say?

But it's a pity that even if someone forgets himself, how can he guess.

Unconsciously, he had already returned to his barracks. From a distance, he saw Tang Wei wandering at the door. He was surprised and was about to ask.

But Tang Wei had already seen him. Without waiting for him to speak, she came forward and held him: "Chengfeng, it's not good. It's a fight!"

"What's the fight? Who's with whom?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, some of them didn't know.

But looking at Tang Wei's look, he knew it was no small matter.

Immediately waved his hand: "don't worry, you lead the way, walk and say."

Tang Wei nodded, then reached out and said, "this way."

With that, he went ahead and said the whole story over and over again.

After listening to her, Zhao Chengfeng knew the whole story.

Suddenly, he said: "I see. No wonder I feel like there are fewer people in the camp. The man said that he would give me the management right of the camp and the surrounding areas. The authorities have already evacuated. So, this should be treated as a buffer zone. "

But then he could not help frowning, "but why me? And now that I've been told to go out and give it to me, isn't it contradictory? "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand, but he knows there must be deep meaning in this matter. It can't be just because of the compensation of the secret script.

After thinking about it, I probably chose me because of Laozi and Shifu.

I'm the only one who can take over the whole China. Who else?


Others are either weak or official.

Only me, although I am not in the earth world, as long as he belongs to me and has problems, no matter my master or old bar or elder martial sister, I can't ignore him.

And although they also have relations with the government, as long as they are nominally mine, they are not in conflict with the agreement.

Otherwise, can we say that I can help my son?

"I've been strangled. I've misjudged the old man. He's too cunning. What's the compensation? It's a clear plan!" When Zhao Chengfeng patted his forehead, he felt that he had been sold again.

I was very moved just now. I tried to show my consciousness. I asked this question and asked that one.

Too young.

When Tang Wei saw that he was afraid of his forehead and shaking his fist, she muttered in her mouth. She didn't know what he was talking about.

I can't help but say, "what are you muttering about now? What's yours and mine? "

"Ha ha, what's yours, mine, yours is mine, mine is yours, what's yours and mine for the couple?" Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry.

"Isn't it just fighting? Don't worry, I can jump out of the sky in my territory?" Zhao Chengfeng's spirit was suddenly shocked. Anyway, he has already taken over. He can't throw it out.

And although this is a hot potato, but one of the advantages is leverage.

Let's just say that the Chinese government has scruples about camp management, but he doesn't.

From now on, there will be no free living here. If you want to camp here, you can take the crystal nucleus. Don't give the nucleus. Go live in the field.

It's OK here now. In the future, the degree of alienation will become more and more serious, and the ability of breeding and evolution of alienated organisms will certainly become stronger and stronger.

When it comes time to live in the wild, it will be a dead end.

Moreover, this business is still exclusive. Others dare to open it and wipe it out, because I am the only one who is officially authorized and approved by many parties.

Even after the expansion of the alienated region, the chain situation can be established.

By the way, I still have a lot of secret space in my hand. It would be better if I could move to the right place. I'll ask elder martial sister Qingqiu about it and see if she can help me.

It would be great if it could be done.

"Well, let Bingbing be the CEO. In this way, elder martial sister Qingqiu has no reason to ignore. It's just like that old man who used me to hold my father. Ha ha, I've learned a trick. Then let the wives manage a secret space to form an air base. The high-end atmosphere is high-grade and safe. "

The more Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, the more proud he was. Suddenly, he seemed to see the crystal nucleus rolling in.

And I feel that the alienation of the world is not so terrible, at least before the inner world war, my people are safe.

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