"By the way, isn't that the third thing that the man just wanted to say? Fortunately, he forgot, otherwise I would cry to death if I agreed with him

Thinking like this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help humming a tune.

Tang Wei, who led the way ahead, was confused. "This guy didn't fail in the promotion. Is he possessed?"

Can't help but worry: "Zhao Chengfeng, are you really OK?"

Zhao Chengfeng is planning to share her plan with her. By the way, she wants to be the boss.

Suddenly I heard a distant cry, accompanied by a scream.

"Damn, it's like a fight!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's face changed, he speeded up.

But when I came near, I was happy again.

Because he saw that a group of people were chasing another group of people everywhere.

The pursuer didn't say a word. He was just trying to make a fool of himself. The people who are being chased yell at each other in different languages, but they can only scurry.

It's obvious that the pursuers are all Chinese. Although the number is small, they are generally stronger than the pursuers, because this change happened in China. Naturally, the warriors on the Chinese side are the first to win. If development is earlier than that of other parties, there will be a gap in strength.

In addition, Huisheng and Xiaogui are in the realm of magic martial arts, in which the blood monk and the shadow are already in the middle of magic martial arts. It's like a tiger in a sheep's blood.

What is more important is the unity of China and the unity of all.

The party being chased has all kinds of skin color and language. Although there are a large number of people, they have different ideas. Sometimes they want to pit their teammates. That's good.

And there are many people who just watch the fun and don't participate.

If it wasn't for the restraint of the Chinese side, all the international friends would have been exhausted, but even so, the fleeing side would be in a mess.

One by one, they scolded and ran. Occasionally, one or two of them wanted to turn back and resist the attack. They were immediately suppressed by several experts on the Chinese side.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry, and even stops Tang Wei who wants to stop.

Then, heartlessly holding his arms, he cheered with those onlookers, "beat him, beat him, beat that abusive grandson!"

When he called out, most of the onlookers were international friends, but they were not in the same group as those who had been beaten, so they followed suit.

Those who have been beaten are very depressed. Suddenly, they hear someone nearby shouting to cheer for the beater. I hate that in my heart.

However, at this time, these people also learn to behave well, because they find that whoever scolds fiercely will be beaten more.

As a result, most of the people stopped scolding and ran with their heads in their arms. Only a few of them could not see the situation clearly and were still stubborn, so they were beaten all over their heads.

Tang Wei covers her eyes and can't bear to look directly at Zhao Chengfeng's schadenfreude.

At this time, among the crowd, a female warrior suddenly asked Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, "why, don't you stop it?"

When Zhao Chengfeng looked at it, he found that the speaker was a woman with an Asian face. The Chinese language was correct and round, and he was a little familiar. He seemed to have seen it in the hunting crowd before.

Guessing that it was either Japanese or Bangzi, he said with a smile, "why didn't you participate?"

The woman a smile, jokingly asked: "you are going to wait for me to participate in, good mix inside hit me?"

When Zhao Chengfeng was exposed, he laughed and touched his nose: "that's not what I said. And I don't know you. Why should I beat you? "

"Maybe because I'm Japanese?" Women smile.

Zhao Chengfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile: "should the Japanese fight?"

The woman was not angry, but she still said with a smile: "it's hard to say. It depends on who answers this question. If you want to beat me, you will say that the Japanese should fight. If you don't want to beat me, you will say 'how do I know'"

Zhao Chengfeng was very happy when he heard the speech. He asked jokingly, "what kind of person do you think I am?"

The woman showed a mischievous smile, and then a show of hands: "how do I know!"

After that, he chuckled. Originally, he was quite brave, but suddenly he became graceful. His figure made him more charming.

But when Zhao Chengfeng saw this, although he still had a smile on his face, he narrowed his eyes slightly and his eyes became cold.

But this woman did not feel it. She wiped her cheek slowly with her fingers. Then she looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile, "you look more like the first kind of person now."

Zhao Chenggong laughed, his eyes even colder, "but you don't seem to be afraid?"

But the woman showed a surprised expression, "why should I be afraid?"

"Oh, you think you're better?"

In the face of Zhao Chengfeng's cold eyes, the faces of the girls and young people around her changed, but the female warrior was indifferent. She even thought about it seriously, and then said, "it's possible ~"

"Is it possible?" Zhao Chengfeng is a bit surprised. He is now at the peak of magic martial arts. In the earth world, the older generation, fortunately, the younger generation, really don't think anyone can be an opponent.

But the woman seemed confident.

So he felt a little swept, he could not help but be stunned, he could not see through the depth of this woman.

"Well, do you see anything?" The female warrior asked with a smile.

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. Instead, he reached out and held the handle of the sword. If he couldn't see through, he would fight.

He really doesn't believe that there will be so many young people in the earth world who surpass himself.

However, before he grasped the handle of the sword, the female warrior stepped back with a smile, then made a surrender with both hands and said, "don't do it. It's just a joke. I'm just proficient in a secret art of camouflage. My real strength is not as good as you. Where can I really beat you? "

"What's more, we are always Earthlings, aren't we? When we get outside, maybe we can have a chance to cooperate! " Finish saying meaningful saw Zhao Chengfeng one eye.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this sentence, he was also moved. He naturally understood what she meant outside. It seems that some Japanese people have gone out, and this woman is one of them.

At the same time, I wonder how this woman knows that she is also one of the candidates? However, he immediately reflected that this woman should be testing him.

However, he didn't care about it. Other people didn't know about it. Anyway, he didn't take it as a secret.

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