Looking at the change of his face, the female warrior knew that she had guessed right. She said with a smile in her eyes: "it seems that I have guessed right. In this case, we really have a chance to cooperate. Oh, by the way, my name is 3000 yuan nishang. Please give me more advice. "

After that, he did not wait for Zhao Chengfeng to speak and bowed. However, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, what she did was not the etiquette of Japanese women, but the etiquette of samurai.

Zhao Chengfeng slowly released his hand on the hilt, "my name should not be introduced, and I don't think there will be any cooperation opportunities between us."

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is not so extreme now. After all, there is a Japanese among his own women.

It's just that he always feels a little resistant to this woman.

This feeling can't be explained. Just like Mr. Qi, from his short contact, he can't say what's wrong with him. He may even say good things for him behind his back.

He beat his men, and he didn't come to trouble.

But Zhao Chengfeng always feels very resistant.

It's the same with this woman.

Three thousand yuan nishang heard the speech, did not explain, did not question, but once again with a smile bowed, and then floated away.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at her back and frowns slightly. Then he listens to Tang Wei: "this woman feels very annoying and dangerous!"

Zhao Chengfeng as like as two peas, and then laughed happily. "It is really my humble home. It feels just like me. Is this not a family, not one family?"

Tang Wei glanced at him and said sarcastically, "just like you, I'm just as lustful as you are."

"Who's crazy? I was checking her accomplishments, OK? "

"Look at cultivation? Hum, who believes that? Do you have perspective eyes? "

"Of course not. Why do you have to have perspective eyes to check your accomplishments?" Zhao Chengfeng is speechless. This time, he is really wronged. This time, he really doesn't have sex fans. It can even be said that it's rare to have such a time when he only wants to fight with beautiful women instead of goblins, but he is wronged. How can he reason.

Besides, if I have perspective eyes, it's really color Mimi, OK?

Tang Wei just rolled her eyes at his behavior of crying out for injustice, "who knows, anyway, some people have no persuasion in this respect!"

Then he pointed to the distance with his chin, "it's almost over there. Stop it, or it will kill you!"

"Oh, I'm so angry. Brother Feng, I've managed to be a serious person for a while. No one will believe me!"

Zhao Cheng's manner was so speechless that he turned his head and yelled to those who beat and those who were beaten in the distance, "stop it

When Tang Wei saw that he was so angry that she blew her beard and glared at him. She was amused in her heart, but she hummed coldly: "who cares about you, who makes you do that?"

"I didn't have a choice before, but now..." Zhao Chengfeng said as he walked toward the direction where he was fighting in a ball. As he walked, he turned back to Tang Wei and punched hard: "I want to be a good man!"

But the words didn't finish, but the head banged, can't help but burst into a rage, "I wiped, who hit me!"

When the attacker was stunned, he found that it was Zhao Chengfeng. He said with a smile: "sorry, sorry, wrong number!"

But before he finished, Zhao Chengfeng had already hit him on the nose.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

The man didn't expect that he had apologized and was beaten. He was furious. "What the hell, I've already said that I've got the wrong number."

But before he finished, Zhao Chengfeng had already jumped up and pressed him with a fist.

That person didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng, the "own person", was so unreasonable. He said that he had a wrong number and then hit again. He said that he had a wrong number and then hit again. I can't help yelling.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and just gave him a fat beating.

He said in his heart, "I'm very busy playing a classic bridge. I'm waiting for my family to say," I'm sorry, I'm a messenger. If you want to be a good man, ask the judge if you agree. " Even if you hit me in the head, I'll say, "sorry, wrong number." I gave you the wrong number

On the other side, the blood monk and others, who are chasing a group of international friends, suddenly see Zhao Chengfeng's "capital enemy" here. They are all confused. They trot over and ask, "boss, this is our own man."

The unlucky one who was beaten heard this, immediately blessed heart, quickly cried: "yes, yes, my own people, boss!"

Zhao Chengfeng was amused, but he pretended to be stunned and said, "what, my own people?"

After that, he picked up the unlucky ghost and saw that the goods had been beaten to the head of a pig. He almost couldn't hold back his smile, but he said with a northeast accent: "Oh, Ma, it's really his own silver. NIMA said it earlier!"

Then he slapped the guy on the back of the head and said, "you're a bad luck thing. You've been shouting that you've got the wrong number. Who knows what's wrong? I thought you were disguised by Japanese. "

While talking, he said to the blood monk seriously: "Emma, you don't want to talk about it. Just now a Japanese woman NIMA Chinese thief slipped away. If she doesn't say I don't want to talk about it, she looks like a neon!"

The blood monk and others were holding a smile in their hearts and said, "I don't know how this product has provoked the boss."

But in the mouth all full face earnest way: "is, really not easy to recognize."

After that, he glared at the unlucky fellow, "unlucky thing, you say you have the wrong number all the time. Who knows what you say?"

This unfortunate fellow, in his heart, scolded: "NIMA, you don't know what the wrong number means, and you still come out. And where do you see that I am disguised by Japanese? "

But I didn't dare to reply. Instead, I had to say: "yes, it's my fault. I didn't make it clear. I would have been fine if I had said it earlier."

"That is to say, you see, the flood washed the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family beat the whole family!" When Zhao Chengfeng said this, he seemed to think of something. His face was cold. "Oh, no, who is your family?"

That person a Leng, subconsciously a shrink head, "I fuck, this is make what kind of?"? I'm really not disguised by the Japanese. | "

Even the blood monk and others can't react.

But see Zhao Chengfeng suddenly a stare, toward all around shout a way: "all give me stop, no matter be hit or be hit all give me stop!"

During the conversation, an international friend just ran to this side with his head in his arms. Zhao Chengfeng kicked him to the ground with a flying kick. At the same time, he cursed: "I told you to stop, I didn't hear you!"

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