The international friend was kicked to the ground. When he heard this, he looked puzzled and said in secret: "I can understand you beating me, but what's the meaning of stop? I'm the one being chased, OK?"

But before he could protest, it was a dragon scale man who came after him.

This dragon scale member became an ancient warrior only after a great change, but he was just in the early stage of Lingwu, and his speed was not as fast as this international friend.

I saw the boss kick the international friend over, but I was very glad to catch up with him and make up for it.

Play dead also want to kick again, Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped, said with a smile: "OK, almost got, we are law enforcement now, to civilized law enforcement."

The dragon scale member was stunned, "ah, law enforcement? Boss, when did we become law enforcers? "

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "the Chinese government has handed this place over to us. You can tell us that now we are law enforcers. We should enforce the law in a civilized way."

The dragon scale member was overjoyed and immediately turned his head and yelled, "listen, brother of dragon scale, we have been authorized by the Chinese authorities. Now we are law enforcement officers. Someone doesn't want to beat his grandson!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he called out the "internal rules" directly. He was angry and funny. He raised his foot and kicked him in the ass.

The boy got a slap on his ass before he remembered "civilized law enforcement". He quickly added: "the boss said that beating people is OK, but civilized law enforcement is necessary!"

Huisheng and blood monk and others could not help covering their faces when they heard the words. They said in their heart, "brother, how can you tell the truth? You can't tell the truth these days, or you will be cross provincial."

A group of scurrying international friends, who are still being chased, are full of tears

Zhao Chengfeng: "I'm special. When did I say that?"

Fortunately, although these guys are chaotic, they are still very efficient. After they turned their faces and became law enforcers, they soon calmed down the riot. The only strange thing is that a group of international friends squatted, while the Chinese side joined the law enforcers unconsciously, except for a few people who were more "upright".

The people who followed the dragon scale yelled at the "victim" loudly, "squat down, squat down, squat down for me, be honest! Damn, civilized law enforcement, civilized law enforcement. "

The reincarnation of dragon scale and others also turned a blind eye to this, but they were more harsh to the words "civilized law enforcement".

Everyone glared at the guy who said "wrong words" before.

The latter also knew that he had said something wrong. He bowed his head and dared not speak. He just secretly glared at the group of guys who mixed into the team and secretly hated: "it's all the pots of these temporary workers. If you yell at me, I will die."

After the scene was controlled, Zhao Chengfeng stepped out slowly and looked around, "everyone, my name is Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng's Zhao, Zhao Chengfeng's Cheng, Zhao Chengfeng's Feng. I think many of you here may know me."

Outside the crowd, there were many onlookers. Although the riot just now was a conflict between the Chinese native faction and the outsiders, not all of them participated. In fact, a large part of them, whether they were Chinese born warriors or from other countries, did not participate.

Some of these people are unwilling to get into trouble, some are too weak, and others, on the contrary, hold their own identity and disdain to participate in such matters.

But they didn't participate, but it doesn't mean they don't pay attention to it, otherwise they won't stand here.

They also heard what Zhao Chengfeng and long scale said just now. They have different ideas. Some people think about what will change in the future, others wait for others to come out, and some people don't think so at all. They don't pay much attention to Zhao Chengfeng and others.

As the saying goes, literature is no first, martial arts is no second. Although there are people who have heard of Zhao Chengfeng's reputation before, after all, they are the first team among these people and have some reputation.

But as a warrior, especially one with some strength, no one will think that he is inferior to others.

When Zhao Chengfeng said that Huaxia had given him the management power, many people laughed, "if you want to manage it, let him manage it. For such a large camp, there must be someone who mends, cleans and provides food. It used to be Huaxia official, but now it's no different to change someone."

As for what they have to pay, they have never thought about it. Chinese officials have never said what they have to pay before. Why should Zhao Chengfeng pay?

There are still some people who are eager to try, thinking: "if we do a good job in such a big camp, with so many warriors and so many crystal nuclei going in and out every day, we should have a lot of oil and water. Then can we have a share?"

At this time, when I heard Zhao Chengfeng speaking, one of the crowd laughed, "what is Zhao Chengfeng's Zhao, Zhao Chengfeng's success and Zhao Chengfeng's wind? It's really woodlouse!"

It's not a big sound, but the most present one is also a warrior in the realm of Lingwu. Naturally, his ear power is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and he can hear it clearly.

It immediately caused a chuckle.

But Huisheng and others looked cold, and immediately looked at the place where the voice came out.

But the man was not stupid. After talking, he immediately hid his figure and just stood in the crowd laughing.

But he didn't know that although he thought he was smart, he still made a stupid mistake.

It's the habit of seeing the world and other people in your own way.

He thought he would not be found, but that was just what he thought.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng and several people in the crowd clearly found him.

Including the three thousand yuan nishang that left but did not go far away; A young white man with short blonde hair and a handsome face; There is also a tall man with a stiff suit and a square face, who looks like a middle-aged uncle. But if you feel it carefully, you can feel that his life characteristics are not like a middle-aged uncle. Maybe he is only 20 or 30 years old, or even younger, or maybe he is about 20 or 20 years old. The reason why he looks like uncle is just the illusion caused by his face and figure.

Beside him was a little girl with a white cat in her arms. White porcelain like skin, some baby fat cheeks, a black and red lace dress, and a pair of knee, the same black and red stockings, feet wearing a pair of red shoes. The whole person is like a lovely Gothic doll!

Standing in everything, they feel like a father and daughter going to a banquet. No, to be more precise, a little princess goes to a party with her little friends, accompanied by a loyal and honest bodyguard.

However, although the four found it, their faces changed slightly, but none of them even looked in that direction.

All four of them seem to be observing Zhao Chengfeng, and in such a moment, they all find out about each other, feel each other and sweep away. Bi immediately takes it back, and no one moves.

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