Zhao Chengfeng also found these four people. He was slightly surprised. Needless to say, the Japanese woman, the white youth, had some impression.

Yes, he should have seen it in the course of hunting or in the camp.

But he had never been impressed by the strange combination of the two princesses and bodyguards. He should have never seen such a strange combination, otherwise he would not have been impressed.

"What's the name of that girl's dress? It should be called Gothic?" Zhao Chengfeng vaguely remembers that it should be called like this, and it seems that it rose from Japan.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is not as angry as he used to be, he still doesn't like it, but he has to admit that some of the things made by the Japanese are really hateful.

For example, Gothic girls, kimono girls, Navy Girls... Wait a minute, why are all girls?

But none of that matters.

What surprised him was the strength of these four people. Except for the three thousand yuan nishang, he still couldn't see clearly, the other three people all had the strength of the initial stage of the virtual realm.

How to run out so many young virtual masters all at once?

In the past, it was rare to see the young and the old. Now there are three in such a big camp, and the Japanese women. They are probably not too low.

"Are they all promoted here after the great change?"

But then I realized it was impossible.

Of course, Huaxia suffered the most from this great change, but the martial arts who came from Huaxia got the most benefits.

But after so many days, Zhao Chengfeng himself did not say that it was because of the Taiji map in the sea, but no one else had heard of anyone breaking through the void.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that someone has broken through, but it's hidden, but even if there is, it's absolutely rare. At least Zhao Chengfeng never found out.

And these four people, certainly not as early as Zhao Chengfeng and others, can they break through the void in a short time?

Even if it is, then before the great change, these people should at least have the strength no less than the peak of the magic martial arts realm, and such people should not have no reputation at all?

The only possibility is that these people should also be talents secretly cultivated by some big forces or even governments of various countries.

Now the world has changed so much that these people are allowed to come out.

"It seems that everyone is hiding deeply, but I don't know which side they belong to?"

However, although Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, he was not afraid.

First of all, he is quite confident in his own strength. At the beginning of the virtual situation, he thinks he can cope with it.

In addition, for him now, the virtual realm is not the same as before. In fact, it is not impossible for him to break into the virtual realm.

But there was always a feeling in his heart that it was harmful and useless.

It will even affect his future development. Another thing is that although he is at the peak of magic martial arts, his spiritual power can still be improved.

In fact, this kind of state is a little abnormal. Generally speaking, after reaching the peak of a realm, no matter the spiritual power or other things can't be improved.

But he did not. These days he refined and did not know how many nuclei, although the rules were devoured by the Tai Chi diagram, but the aura and essence of life were refined by him.

Now, compared with the time when he came to Beihai ten days ago, his spiritual strength and total amount have increased at least three times, and his meridians are expanding and strengthening as well as Dantian Qihai.

Although he is not sure whether the situation is good or bad, he can only let it be. At least one thing is for sure. In terms of his power, he is far more powerful than the ordinary peak of magic martial arts, and even he is not afraid of the ordinary level of emptiness.

"Stop it all!" Seeing that the situation was almost over, Zhao Chengfeng stopped the crowd.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it all!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth, the people of dragon scale drink all of them. Those who have been beaten also have the opportunity to go back to the crowd with their heads in their arms. Although many people are still resentful, after suffering losses, these people also understand that although this is a change zone and the Chinese government has withdrawn, it is still the territory of the Chinese people. It's not their turn to get a piece of it.

It's just that they are somewhat unwilling. However, at this time, when they want to express resentment in their hearts, the first one is not Zhao Chengfeng and a group of Chinese martial artists, because everyone is on the opposite side of interests. They want to take advantage of it, and the Chinese will not agree. It's a matter of course.

What they resent more is the people around them who watch the fun. Some of these people are from other countries, some even from their own country. But when they were beaten just now, they all held their arms and laughed.

"Damn, a group of bastards, now you laugh, when the Chinese ride on your head, you cry!" A tall white man rubbed his nose and swore angrily around.

However, other people scoff at this. One of them sneers: "idiot, you can't see the situation clearly, but you complain about others. Is there such a fool in the world?"

"What, motherfucker, what are you talking about?" Just after being beaten, the white man was full of resentment and grumbled, but he was ridiculed by others. He became angry and was about to start.

But the man who spoke was not afraid, "if you want to do it, it seems that you haven't suffered enough!"

Then he burst out, and the people around him were slightly surprised. This man's momentum did not go down to the middle stage of magic martial arts. The white man wanted to find someone to vent his anger, but he suddenly mentioned it to the iron plate, and the tendons on his forehead could not stop twitching, but he did not dare to do it, and stood still in the same place, very embarrassed.

At the same time, he looked around and saw that many people were sneering, and even his former companions quietly lowered their heads and drew back from the crowd.

The white man felt very powerless for the first time. He felt very good at first, but he was really cannon fodder.

On the Chinese side, many people also showed a trace of surprise and fear.

They also realized that the fact that they were able to abuse these guys easily just now is not that the strength of the Chinese side is still completely overwhelming the sum of the forces of other parties, but that the real experts of other parties have not come forward.

"Ha ha, fool, do you dare to overstate your strength and say you are too stupid?" The speaker, seeing the scene, was very satisfied, and there was another sneer in his nostril. But the eyes are intentionally or unintentionally sweeping to the Chinese side.

Seems to be saying, "see, don't think you hit a group of garbage is very strong, we don't do it, because we are lazy to do it, not afraid of you."

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