This kind of slightly provocative eyes of this person, people in China, some people's hearts slightly dignified, seems to feel the pressure.

Only the dragon scale people just sneer at this, and the blood monk and the imp even hold a middle finger sarcastically.

As for Zhao Chengfeng, he didn't look at him at all. Except for the four empty people who made him care a little, other people couldn't get into his eyes.

As for a passer-by role in the middle stage of the magic martial arts realm, he doesn't deserve to pay attention at all. Huisheng, blood monk and any one of them can easily handle it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to the entrustment and authorization of the Chinese government, from now on, all the camp management rights and ownership of the change areas will belong to our dragon scale, and will no longer have any relationship with any official organization."

Zhao Chengfeng directly ignored the person and some slightly provocative eyes announced.

In the middle of the magic Wu period, Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and scoffed at the content of Zhao Chengfeng's announcement. He said with a smile, "it doesn't matter to us, whether it's the Chinese government or any messy organization, we don't care who comes to provide our services."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was immediately happy. "I think this gentleman probably didn't hear me clearly. First, I didn't mention the so-called service. I'm talking about management and operation. You should understand that?"

"Operation, management? What's the difference? " Many of the people who had looked on coldly, including that man, were all very pale.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "it seems that you still don't understand. I'll simply say that from today on, if you want to stay in the camp, you have to pay money. Of course, the money I'm talking about can't be any kind of currency issued by various countries in the world, but dissimilated biomaterials or crystal nuclei, We will further announce the specific price later... "

"Wait a minute!" Before Zhao Chengfeng finished, he was interrupted by an angry shout.

The smile on Zhao Chengfeng's face is still the same, but his eyes are slightly cold and he looks at the speaker, "do you have any questions, please raise your hand after I finish speaking?"

"What bullshit? Raise your hand to ask questions. Do you think I'm a primary school student? It's just a camp. If you stay here for a while, do you even need nuclei and biomaterials? Does it mean that you Huaxia want to tear up the agreements with our major forces? " This time, he was talking about a bald black man with a muscular knot. He was as dark as a stone man. It really had a visual impact.

What's more, he has the power of magic martial arts. He is a bit stronger than the white man who spoke before. In addition to his body shape and skin color, he has a sense of barbaric deterrence.

However, although this person speaks irritably, it is a set of, and his skin color is not consistent.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at this person in surprise.

Although governments all over the world say that they want to eliminate racial differences, if there is no racial difference, do they need to emphasize it?

Especially among the practitioners, some ethnic groups are rare, even if they appear, they are often driven by people as slaves.

It's rare for a black man to be able to reach such a state.

"I didn't expect that there were warriors of this level among the black brothers. It seems that after this great change, many of these people have benefited from it."

However, he was just a little surprised, and didn't pay special attention to it. He didn't like or dislike black brothers.

However, he couldn't help laughing at the fact that he threatened himself with an agreement.

"Ha ha, you probably didn't hear me clearly. From today on, all the operation and management rights of the camps in all the alienated areas belong to our dragon scale, which has nothing to do with any other official organizations. Don't say that I don't know any bullshit agreement at all, even if I know it, I won't pay attention to it. If you think someone has violated any agreement, you can go to that person to protest or take other measures, but here I am, I have to follow my rules! "

"Do you understand what I say?"

The black man stared at Zhao Chengfeng and nodded after a while, "OK, I see. You mean there will be no more laws in this area from today on. Hard fists are the truth, right?"

"Ha ha, in this area, no, who said that there is no law in this area, I just want to make laws?" Zhao Chengfeng laughs. He doesn't answer this question directly, but he feels funny. This black brother is really simple enough.

Hard fists are the truth, and it's not only in today's world and this region that it started. Isn't it true that the world has always been like this?

The so-called order is just a compromise between a big fist and a group of small fists.

Otherwise, why should the Americans punish this one today and that one tomorrow.

"Well, why do you make laws? Who gave you the right? " The black man didn't speak yet, but the white man in the middle stage of fantasy once again sneered.

"Yes, Huaxia people, we don't care if you want to run this camp. Why do you make laws?"

"No matter what, this camp originally belongs to the Chinese government. Since they quit, it belongs to everyone. Why do you manage it?"

Some people started. Before, those who were watching the crowd were all clamoring. Because they had their own interests, they did not participate in the conflict between the martial arts and the Chinese martial arts.

Now when I heard that Zhao Chengfeng wanted to collect his crystal nucleus and dissimilated biomaterials, it was tantamount to digging their meat, and they immediately refused.

In their view, the Chinese government provided all this for free before, so Zhao Chengfeng and long scale, as successors, should of course provide them for free.

Not to mention that Zhao Chengfeng even threatened to make laws and regulations here, they were even more reluctant.

They are all warriors, and the laws of common secular countries can't control them. Besides, although Zhao Chengfeng is strong, are they weak? Is it better than everyone else?

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs. Of course he knows what these people are thinking, but he doesn't care. These people are really taking advantage of each other. The reason is that the Chinese government didn't charge these people and didn't manage them strictly because it had some consideration or had a plan to let go.

Now that Zhao Chengfeng is in his hands, how can these people continue to take advantage in vain.

"Why? It's my territory. I'm in charge of my territory. What's the problem? If you don't agree, get out of here! " Zhao Chengfeng looks cold, suddenly a cold drink, such as thunder general, let everyone's heart is a surprise, Yingfei noise was completely suppressed in a moment.

The whole camp was in an involuntary silence.

They all looked at each other, but they couldn't speak for a moment.

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