But the black man's face changed, but he nodded and said calmly, "OK, I see! In that case, I challenge you. If you can win me, Jameson will obey your law. "

"Jameson?" The white man seemed to know the black man named Jameson. When he heard the latter speak like this, he was surprised. He seemed a little incredulous. "How can this yellow monkey make laws for us?"

"Hey, tonly, put that away. He's a yellow monkey. What am I? It's no longer about race and color, it's about strength. Although I am not willing to accept this form of law, but here is no longer a civilized world. It's not him, there are still people in his position. " Jameson gave the white man a cold look, then turned to Zhao Chengfeng and said, "Huaxia people, if I lose, I will abide by what you say, but what if you can't win me?"

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng laughed and waved his fingers, "wrong, wrong, in fact, if you can't win, I don't have to abide by my rules."

When he said this, everyone was surprised. He didn't know what the Chinese were talking about. Was he afraid of Jameson?

However, Zhao Chengfeng said, "any rules I said are only within my camp. As long as you don't enter my camp, it has nothing to do with me where you like to go and what you like to do. But since you say you want to challenge me, I'll give you a chance. "

"Not just you, everyone here." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes swept the crowd. At last, intentionally or unintentionally, he stopped for a moment on the four people. The four people sensed his eyes. Except for 3000 yuan's smile, the other three people were silent, as if they had no response at all.

However, Zhao Chengfeng noticed some subtle reactions in these four people's movements. For example, when the white youth's finger touched Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, he quickly knocked on the hilt of the sword, but then stopped.

Although the little girl in Gothic costume didn't move, the white cat in her arms sensed the subtle reaction of the owner, and her ears were so smart that her hair exploded. It's obvious that I sensed the owner's strange gas engine.

It was the big man beside the little girl, who always drooped his eyelids, at least a little trembled and then dropped down.

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised by these four people's reaction. He had planned to challenge them to see what they came from, and by the way, to see who was better and who was weaker.

However, since they took on his fault, he did not do anything else and regained his eyes.

Then he grinned at the crowd and said, "I'll give you a chance today. You don't have to beat me. As long as you can resist ten moves, you can stay in the camp for free. You can resist all my moves. Not only all the facilities in the camp are free, but you can also disobey all the rules except killing people. If you can beat me, what else can you say? This camp is yours. I'll get out of here with my people at once! "

With Zhao Chengfeng's words, the crowd became a sensation again.

"What, ten moves? Is this Chinese too arrogant? "

"Ha ha, I think it's reasonable. Since he wants to eat such a piece of cake, he naturally wants to show us his ability."

"Ha ha, ten moves. In this case, I'll try even if I want to keep a low profile. Although I don't think I can defeat him, ten moves should not be a problem. Anyway, I am also the peak of Lingwu realm. "

"The peak of your Lingwu realm is a bird. Laozi is still in the realm of magic martial arts. Although he has just stepped into it recently, even if he is the peak of the realm of magic martial arts, I have confidence in all kinds of moves."

"I don't want this camp. Let these Chinese people continue to volunteer for us for free. Chinese people are not hospitable. When we guests come, they should treat us."

"Ha ha, that's a good thing to say. This Chinese made such a offer. It's really hospitable!"

Some people had scruples in their hearts, but Zhao Chengfeng's promise immediately excited them.

In fact, many people know that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful. He has been hunting in the change zone for so many days, but he has never done it. Naturally, no one knows.

However, many people are very confident to resist ten or 100 moves. Even some people in the realm of Lingwu are ready to move. He's determined that it's not good to fight hard. Don't you allow me to just dodge instead of fighting.

This Chinese doesn't understand this. What a fool!

"Jameson, get out of the way first, let me come first, arrogant Chinese, and see what you can do!"

Some of them even couldn't wait, but before they spoke, someone jumped out first. It was the white man who spoke before.

This man hated Zhao Chengfeng deeply, but he didn't dare to come out because he didn't have enough confidence. He intended to let people like Jameson try how strong Zhao Chengfeng was, and by the way, consume Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

But when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, he felt that his chance had come.

"This Chinese Yellow skinned monkey, I'm the first one to say that I won't beat him. As long as I get in his way, I'll be famous in the first World War."

The man had a good idea. He was afraid that Jameson would not agree, so without waiting for Jameson to answer, he jumped out in a hurry and stood in front of Jameson.

Ha ha a smile, "Hua Xia boy, you remember that I am the one who defeated you, Tang Li!"

Then he exaggerates Bruce Lee's Kung Fu posture and screams: "ADA ~!"

His show off action immediately attracted a burst of laughter, but also let the person more proud.

The black Jameson frowned. Although he hated this man's behavior, he didn't speak. He slowly stepped back, but his face was dignified. He didn't know why he faintly felt that Tonley was not good.

Although he himself doesn't think that Zhao Chengfeng can really defeat Tang Li in ten moves, no matter what, Tang Li is also in the middle of magic martial arts, and others don't know him, but he knows that Tang Li, like him, has gained a power when he came to China's transformation zone this time.

And it's a very difficult ability. Although he is stronger than Tang Li, he can't easily defeat him.

If Tang Li can't even stop ten moves, how can he challenge Zhao Chengfeng.

This is what he is not willing to admit, let alone believe.

But that kind of bad feeling is always unable to get rid of, so when he left, he said in a low voice, "you'd better be careful, this Chinese feels very strange!"

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