After 3000 yuan left, the young white man put back the edge of his sword scabbard, nodded to Zhao Chengfeng and left.

I didn't say a word from beginning to end.

"Webb, let's go too. It's not interesting here at all!" Gottloy yawned wearily. I don't know if I'm talking to the big man or the white cat in my arms.

Then he took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, spat out his tongue at him, pulled his eyelids, made a grimace, and turned away with a snort.

Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry. He doesn't know how to offend the little girl.

What made him speechless was that after little Lori turned around, the white cat even called at him and even raised its paws.

"The beast!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but feel a little flustered. Suddenly, he felt that the white cat seemed a little familiar.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't remember where the white cat had been. Suddenly, he heard the kid next to him exclaim in surprise: "wait a minute, boss, isn't the white cat that we wanted to chase and kill that day, and then had to give up because of problems in Dazhen? How could she be caught by that little Lori? Can this alien creature be domesticated? "

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned when he heard the speech. After thinking about it, he thought that he really wanted to see the second-class cat dissimilated creature that day. "It seems that he really is. I'll go back and let my brothers have a chance to try. If the dissimilated creature can also be domesticated and domesticated, that's very important information."


"Boss, although we have taken this camp, it seems that all the people are gone. Are we charging too much?"

Zhao Chengfeng has crushed two magic martial arts masters in a row, but no one dares to jump even if they really have the ability to threaten him.

However, many people did not stay in the camp, but left the camp one after another, leaving less than one tenth of the total camp.

The camp, which is already very open, is even more open.

"What do you worry about? If they all leave, we'll end up living in the camp by ourselves. It's better to have no trouble from outsiders. Besides, although these people have left now, they will come back sooner or later. " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care.

"Although it is safe in the wild so far, when the degree of dissimilation of alien organisms is getting higher and higher, more and more of them will multiply. In the future, unless their strength is really very strong, living in the wild will be like looking for death."

Hearing this, all the people nodded their heads and said: "yes, recently, the speed of dissimilation of dissimilated creatures has become faster and faster, and it seems that these things are reproducing very fast. Especially now the scope of dissimilation is getting larger and larger, but the number of warriors is difficult to increase rapidly. I feel that they can't kill them now, I'm afraid that there will be a large number of second-order alienated creatures soon, and even third-order alienated creatures may appear. "

At this point, Huisheng couldn't help worrying: "if so, the current defense measures in our camp are not enough. Boss, we have to find a way!"

"I've thought about that a long time ago." Zhao Chengfeng immediately said his previous idea.

Hearing the speech, all the people laughed and said, "the boss is still clever. If you can really move those secret places, use them as campsites, and equip them with some arrays, it will be safe."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "no, although I have plans to bring the camp over, I don't plan to open the secret place to outsiders, at least not in the short term! My plan is to take the secret place as the core, and then build an open camp outside the secret place. After a certain time, for example, we have a more stable rear base besides the secret place. Then consider opening one or two secret places as appropriate to create a place similar to the commercial core. "

When he said this, Huisheng and others all nodded, and then they gave their own suggestions to constantly supplement Zhao Chengfeng's plan.

Unconsciously, when people come back to God, they find that the sky is already bright. They stayed up all night, but they didn't feel sleepy. On the contrary, they were energetic.

Because through this night's continuous discussion, a great plan has taken shape in everyone's words.

When people think of the future, they are all agitated and sleepy.

Finally, the kid mumbled to himself, "if only there were any more legendary teleportation array!"

Zhao Chengfeng was dumbfounded and said, "I'll go back to my Laozi and Qingjie and ask about that kind of thing, but I don't think it's possible. It's too illusory. Even if we have, it's not something we can afford to do now, so we'd better focus on the present. Even if there is no transmission array, we can open up some relatively safe channels between them. "

After the discussion, Zhao Chengfeng said: "now the situation here is basically stable. In order to realize this plan as soon as possible, it's better to arrange what can be arranged before we leave. So now I'll give it to you for the time being. I'll go back to the capital these two days! "

"Boss, don't worry. We are safe here."

"Boss, there is another question. When you go abroad this time, do you have a good idea of who you want to take and who will stay?"

When it comes to this problem, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but have a headache. However, he has to face it after all. After thinking about it, he finally said: "the specific situation depends on how many places can be given to me, but generally speaking, I'm afraid you want to stay!"

Hear Zhao Chengfeng say so, everyone is a Leng, some accident. I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng let Huisheng stay.

Because in the eyes of all people, rebirth is absolutely the core of their group next only to Zhao Chengfeng.

His strength is good, his popularity is the best, he is calm and resourceful, and his medical skills are first-class and exquisite. It can be said that he has helped Zhao Chengfeng more than anyone else.

Rebirth look is also a move, silent, and then resolutely nodded: "I listen to the boss's arrangement."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard Huisheng's answer, he knew that Huisheng would never refuse his own arrangement, but he felt relieved and guilty. He reached out and patted Huisheng on the shoulder. "I can't help it. After I leave, although I plan to leave it to your sister-in-law, in addition to that, there must be a person who can stir up the big beam to manage these bastards, Help your sister-in-law. And this man, brother Sheng, among us, you can see for yourself who can do it except you? "

Hearing what Zhao Chengfeng said, everyone couldn't help laughing. The blood monk even clapped back to life with a bit of schadenfreude, "brother Sheng, you are the one who can do more!"

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