"Go away!" Huisheng didn't scold him, but he also laughed. Zhao Chengfeng said that he wanted him to stay. Although he didn't have any opinions, he was still a little uncomfortable. However, when Zhao Chengfeng said it openly, there was no mustard in his heart, and some were just moved.

Because this is Zhao Chengfeng's trust in him.

"Boss, don't worry. As long as I have a breath, I will never let my sister-in-law be in any danger, nor will I let our brother's foundation suffer any loss." The way of reincarnation is solemn, and the eyes are a little moist.,

Who knows, before he finished, Zhao Chengfeng gave him a kick, "let go of your sister's fart. What's your fart foundation? I've been talking about my feelings for a long time. You don't understand. Why do you stay here? As for the safety of your sister-in-law, I have my own arrangements. Even if you want to protect her, you have to save your own life before you can talk about anything else. "

"If I don't come back one day and see that you are all dead, then I'll have to do something about it. Besides, I'm going to say that you are as good as a monk? When it comes to murder, can you compare with Lao Ying? You stay because you are calmer than them, so only you can control them and let them live as much as possible when they have a pig's head. "

"It seems that it's a mistake for me to choose you after a long time."

The more Zhao Chengfeng said, the more angry he was, and the more others listened, the more silent he was. In the end, everyone's eyes were red.

Zhao Chengfeng stood up and was about to leave. Huisheng quickly grabbed him, "boss, I'm wrong, but now I understand. Give it to me. I promise to finish the task."

Zhao Chengfeng heart is also a sour, but the eyes are cold looking at him, "how do you want to complete, what is your task."

"Bear it! Boss, before you come back, I will help my sister-in-law develop our strength secretly and store as many resources as possible. In addition, I will try to keep a low profile and forbear, so that all brothers can survive as much as possible. If necessary, even if I give up everything, including dignity, I can survive! "

Zhao Chengfeng took a long breath, then hugged him and finally spat out five words, "brother Sheng, please!"

Then he said, "you can keep a low profile, but don't give in blindly, or you will only feel weak!"

"Well, I saved it!" Huisheng wiped some red eyes and nodded mercilessly.

Zhao Chengfeng just smiles and lets him go.

Then he looked at others, "as for others, I want to listen to your own ideas. Don't think about choosing dangerous places. The earth world is dangerous and full of difficulties, and it's not easy outside. Just say what you think

Everyone was silent and looked at each other a few times. This time, there was no fight or quarrel. Everyone was thinking seriously.

After a moment, the kid was the first to say: "boss, I'll stay. Although I want to follow you to go out, I also know that I'm not as good as the monk and shadow in cultivating talent, and I'm not as good as most other brothers in fighting talent, and I..."

"Smelly boy, who do you say..." although the blood monk was praised for his talent, he heard the kid say that he was not willing to be a son of a bitch, and he immediately wanted to scold him back. But when he saw the kid's face full of bitter smile, he closed his mouth again.

"Well, you are not as good as them in this respect, but you don't have to be discouraged. You have your advantages." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and comforted him.

The kid smell speech eyes suddenly a bright, "really, boss, then you talk about my advantages, these days I began to doubt myself, I now urgent need others to tell me more about my advantages!"

His sudden change caught Zhao Chengfeng by surprise.

He felt his nose in amazement. "Well, there must be something about your advantages, but you can think about it!"

The crowd burst into laughter, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

There is humanity: "I think the advantage of ghost brother is funny force!"

Another person added, "still two force!"

"Go away!" The kids are furious. They're a bunch of bastards. What's wrong with them?

"All right, all right, stop it." Zhao Chengfeng stopped the crowd, but he couldn't help laughing. After laughing, he was worried about the kid's state.

Do kids really have no advantages? Certainly not. He has many advantages, even he is a genius.

If there is no such change in the world, the kid's ability in computer technology is simply the favorite of the times in this era.

But unfortunately, the times are changing rapidly, a big change, once almost penetrated into every corner of the earth's science and technology network, now it has been in danger, in the change zone is completely paralyzed.

The kid's strongest ability suddenly becomes a chicken rib.

As for fighting and cultivation, it's really not a kid's strong point.

In the long run, the kid will be marginalized from the core of the group. It's not that other people dislike him, and his own self-esteem doesn't allow him to make up for himself.

For example, this time, when he went abroad, everyone was scrambling. The kid's character, normally speaking, was to follow him when he rolled and let go. But at this time, he offered to give up.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has no good way to solve this problem. He has to find out by himself. The most important brother can only help him when he needs it.,

So he sighed in his heart and planned to put the kid down in advance.

At this time, the shadow, who had not spoken much, suddenly said, "I think the kid is very suitable for the person to go out this time."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly moved in his heart, "Oh, how do you say that?"

The kid is looking forward to the shadow, because his brother knows that the shadow usually doesn't talk much, but it rarely has no target.

Although he has always had the best relationship with the kid, he can never say that on purpose because of this.

If he says so, there must be his reason.

So he hastened to say: "brother Ying, you are still interesting enough. Tell me quickly, tell me why I am so suitable?"

Seeing him like that, everyone was speechless. The blood monk patted him away. "Do you really know what self doubt is?"

"Monk, what do you mean? I'm all like this. Isn't it enough to doubt?"

"Come on, you two, shut up and listen to the shadow!" As expected, Huisheng is quite dignified in the team. With a low drink, the two cockfighting guys immediately shut their mouths and just stare at each other.

Zhao Chengfeng is also lazy to pay attention to these two guys, just motioned shadow to continue to say.

The shadow said with a smile, "in fact, it's very simple. Although the kid's fighting talent is not good among us, his brain is very flexible, and he is far superior to ordinary people for things with strong theory."

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