"The purpose of the boss going out this time is not only to become stronger, but also to find some opportunities as far as possible to help the earth tide over the difficulties. Second, if the first one is not achieved, we must find a way out of the region."

"Therefore, when the boss goes out this time, the people he needs are not only those who can help him fight, but also those who can understand new knowledge outside the territory and collect and sort out intelligence. In this respect, no one among us can match the kid except me, and I have to stay this time, because according to the plan of the boss, In the earth world, we must also establish an intelligence system, which I think only I can accomplish. "

The shadow said slowly.

People laughed, "old shadow, you are not modest, but what you said is really reasonable."

But the kid himself hesitated at this moment, "this, can I? In the past, I was able to collect intelligence because of the Internet, but outside the territory... "

The shadow shook his head and said, "no one wants you to collect them by yourself. It's for you to sort them out and sum them up."

The kid smell speech eyes a bright, "this I pour is good at."

The shadow looked at him and nodded, then said: "besides, there are more things about cultivation and martial arts outside the territory than we can remove. Now it seems to us that imps are not suitable for fighting, but who knows if we can find a suitable way to cultivate and fight outside the territory. For example, the so-called array and puppet outside the territory, to some extent, are similar to the electronic technology and intelligent technology of the earth world. Maybe the kid can take another road there! "

When he heard this, everyone could not help but slightly nod, and Zhao Chengfeng looked at the shadow with appreciation. His heart was very relieved. The shadow could say such a thing, which means he was sure that he had been thinking about the ghost for a while.

How many people in this world can always put the matter of friends and brothers in mind.

How lucky such a man is to be his own brother.

At this time, the kid's eyes are red. He hugs the shadow and doesn't say anything. He just beats the back of the latter. He almost has to shoot the old shadow to bleed. Then he takes Zhao Chengfeng's hand and says, "boss, you can't abandon me."

After that, he rubbed his nose and tears against Zhao Chengfeng's sleeve, which made him sick, "count to three, don't let go, even if you have 10000 places."

When the kid heard this, he was immediately electrified and let go. "No three, no one. I always go to bed and dress when I wave it."

Zhao Chengfeng is really lazy to pay attention to this tease force, can only pretend not to hear, continue to ask shadow: "old shadow, do you have any suggestions?"

"Well, if you recommend another person to choose..." the shadow pondered for a while, and the blood monk and others immediately pointed to their nose and winked at him, but the shadow turned a blind eye to it.

After thinking for a while, he pointed to a man and said, "let him."

It is the former killer who just joined the team.

"Hello, Lao Ying, are you right?"

"Can this guy do it? Apart from other things, his strength is not much better than that of the imps. Considering his rich combat experience, even the imps are far behind in terms of cultivation."

"Lao Ying, you can't refute it just because you both have a shadow in your name."

The accused was also very surprised. Pointing to his nose and opening his mouth, he couldn't react. When the crowd complained, the shadow almost didn't cry. "Hey, boss, I'm not that bad, am I?"

When Xuehe and shangdun rolled up their sleeves, he sneered, "you're not bad. Come on, have a try!"

Zhao Chengfeng put his foot on his ass and scolded: "go away, there are you everywhere, old shadow, you continue to say."

To be honest, he was a bit surprised by shadow recommendation.

In terms of relationship, shadow has limited time to join their team, which is not the core. In terms of strength, just as the blood monk and others said, it is also not ahead.

The shadow said in a leisurely way: "or as I said before, with the strength of the boss today, if we want to fight, any one or two of us can give him little help, even if the old blood really can't cope with the battle, how much help can you give?"

The blood monk looked stiff and showed his teeth.

"Therefore, when we consider candidates, we should consider other aspects of help, such as the kid's intelligence ability, theoretical learning ability and memory. In fact, the medical skills of reincarnation may also be of great use, but the earth world must ask him to stay and preside over it. This is the decision of the boss, so we can only consider other things. "

"Even if you think about other things, where can this boy be better than my monk? Besides, my strength has been left behind now, but who can say that I won't catch up soon, boss, don't you think?" The blood monk is still unconvinced.

Zhao Chengfeng smile, nodded: "strength, you will certainly catch up, not only you, everyone is the same, we must improve."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at the shadow himself, "Lao Yin, what do you say?"

Shadow had a wry smile on his face. Hearing the words, he suddenly stood up and said, "I think I'm suitable. First of all, as the shadow boss said, what ghost brother is good at is sorting out intelligence. In this case, there must be a person who can inquire about information, and I think this task is very suitable for me."

"Secondly, I used to be a killer, so I am more confident in my ability to cope with emergencies."

"The third point is that the situation outside the territory is ever-changing. In case the boss is not around, or he can't give us orders for the time being, I can negotiate with brother ghost, but brother blood seems not to be able to." What he said glanced at the blood monk.

Blood monk smell speech a Leng, "Er, son, OK, even can give monk Ye trip, what do you mean you can agree with the imp, I can't, can't beat this boy, listen to me!"

But his voice declined, the kid immediately quit, "go away, why do I listen to you, why don't you listen to me?"

"Nonsense, I'm more powerful than you. Of course, you should listen to me. If you don't agree, go out and fight!"

See him two people instantly became a pair of cockfighting, everyone can't help laughing.

"OK, that's it. Let's decide the kid and shadow first. If there are more places, we'll consider other people!" Zhao Chengfeng finally said.

After that, he took a look at the shadow intentionally or unintentionally, which made the shadow feel tight in his heart. He immediately understood that he had just set a trap for the blood monk. Zhao Chengfeng obviously didn't want to see this situation.

For a moment, I regret it in my heart.

A hint of guilt.

Zhao Chengfeng see this no longer pursue, a look is also a warning to him.

Under his command, you can use your brain and scold each other, but it is absolutely not allowed to do so. The last sentence of shadow just now is obviously to deliberately seduce the blood monk to quarrel with the kid.

However, it was a small matter after all, and Zhao Chengfeng also saw that he didn't mean it, it was just an inspiration.

So it's just a warning.

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