Xiaotian did not look up, still looking at her sister's fingers, is this really delicious? Smell speech absent-minded way: "you are not always at home."

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what to say for a long time. After enduring for a long time, he said: "this time is different. This time dad may go out for a long time."

Xiaotian finally raised his head and looked at him, "how long?"

"Long time!" Zhao Chengfeng.

Xiaotian was silent for a long time, looking at Zhao Chengfeng in search of him, "old man, are you embezzling public funds?"

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know where he came up with such a sentence, and said: "what nonsense, your father is not an official, what kind of public money is embezzled?"

"What's the matter? I'm out of debt and running away?"

"Can't you miss your dad? What's more, with your father's ability, do we owe others money? " Zhao Chengfeng is really angry. Why are the children on TV so sensible and touching?

Xiaotian put out his hand innocently, "it's not my fault. The children in our kindergarten all sum up like this. They say that as long as one day, whose father says to him, son, this time his father will go out for a long time, you have to take care of his mother. Do you understand? If it doesn't run, it's probably double regulated, and another 20% is running in debt. "

Zhao Chengfeng was speechless for a long time. "What kind of broken kindergartens are you? Besides, can't your children's father be on a business trip?"

"How can I know that I'm still a child, and you have to ask your adults to discuss such a deep problem with me?" Xiao Tian said, then he looked down at his sister who ate her fingers. He suddenly licked his lips and asked with a smile, "Dad, can I try my sister's fingers?"

"Go away!" I don't know whether he is sensible or not.

Zhao Chengfeng holds her daughter and goes to the room. He is determined to say good to Shanshan later. Our daughter must teach us well. Don't teach a kid like Xiaotian and Beibei.

Xiaotian smiles and follows behind him, but he doesn't care. He reaches for his father's clothes and says with a smile, "don't worry, Dad. If you're not at home, I'll take good care of my sister. If anyone dares to bully her, I'll beat her to death."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng looked down at the boy with a thief's smile on his face. He couldn't help laughing, "smelly boy, I don't know who he looks like. But it's not bad. "

Then he squatted down, and the top of his forehead touched his forehead, and said, "not only to protect my sister, but also to make my mother angry and listen to my mother!"

Xiaotian smelled the speech and said, "Dad, you're a little embarrassed!"

But after a look at Zhao Chengfeng, the boy sighed again, "ah, I'm afraid of you. I'll try my best."

"Son of a bitch." Zhao Chengfeng laughs and scolds, then laughs. He gets up and walks inside the house again, but he feels that his hand holding the clothes pendulum behind him doesn't move.

Looking back, I saw that the boy was full of tears.

Seeing him looking back, the boy tried not to cry, but his mouth was not flat. "Dad, you should come back quickly, and don't bring me so many moms. I can't beat my ass enough..."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't know whether he should cry or smile. He was sad, but with a smile on his face, he reached out and wiped it for him. He said gently, "OK, Dad, listen to you. I'll come back soon, and I won't take my mother home!"

With that, I can't help holding Xiaotian in my arms, but I don't want to meet my daughter in swaddling clothes. The baby's tender cry suddenly rings.

All of a sudden, Yuan Shanshan and others in the room were startled, and all the women ran out together.

"What's the matter, Chengfeng? Why is the baby crying?"

As soon as he came out, he saw that Zhao Chengfeng was coaxing the baby, but his eyes were red, while Xiaotian, a little kid, secretly wiped his tears.

All the girls couldn't help but be stunned. They understood everything in an instant. They all felt strange, sour and warm. Once upon a time, Zhao Chengfeng was a prodigal son, but now he would be envious of leaving.

He finally grew from a prodigal son to a man.

Unfortunately, this man has to travel far now. What they can do is not to let the man worry, so although they are not willing to give up and sour, they can only pretend to shut it out.

Because only in this way can they ensure that they will not cry in front of him, but at this moment, they can't help it.

Zhao Chengfeng reluctantly made an effort to smile, "nothing, nothing, the wind in the capital is really big!"

But I couldn't help sighing, "I really can't bear it. I really don't want to go."

What strength, what accomplishments, if not accompanied by family, what's the meaning of immortality.

It's a pity that life is impermanent, and many times you can't help yourself.


Zhao Chengfeng didn't wait for Qingqiu and Zhao Feilong to come back. He had some questions to ask them, but now it's too late.

On the third day after he returned to the capital, the officer surnamed Lu found him again. Everything was ready, but the situation was not stable, so he had to hurry up.

"How much more time?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

He still has a lot of things to arrange. I'm really worried to leave now.

"There are at most two days left, so we must start tomorrow afternoon at the latest." The army's official way.

"In such a hurry?" Zhao Chengfeng had some accidents.

Although I know the time is urgent, I didn't expect it to be so urgent.

"No way, the situation is not as good as we expected!" The army officer's voice was a little low, and then he said, "if you are going to wait for your father, you don't have to. He and Miss Xia's elder martial sister are in that place."

In Zhao Chengfeng's heart, he felt a little surprised, but it seemed to be expected.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "now can you tell me the specific situation, where is the entrance and which world it leads to?"

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's question, the army officer said with a bitter smile, "the location of the entrance can tell you that it is an abandoned cave in the hands of a Western sect."

"Abandoned cave?"

"Yes, it used to be a cave world called heaven mountain, which is about the same as the inner gate world now, but that cave had completely declined as early as 2000 years ago. Most of the people in it moved to another world before the disaster, and a small number of people moved to the earth world, Most of the inheritance of Western magic comes from that cave. Even a certain sect was founded by those people. "

"What we want to borrow now is the gate of time and space used by the people in the cave world when they fled. However, the gate itself has been abandoned for a long time. Although the sect has been trying to repair it, there has been no successful precedent in the past 200 years."

"So, to be honest, I don't know much about it. No, to be exact, everyone doesn't know much about where the space door leads to and what the world is like over there. Here is the only information we get from that sect. You can have a look at it."

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