The army officer said and handed Zhao Chengfeng a stack of materials.

Zhao Chengfeng took it, and the more he looked, the worse he looked.

This so-called information, in fact, is closely related to the former army officers. In addition, there are some words left by people who belong to the original world.

However, most of the people who chose to enter the world of the earth at that time were at the bottom, and what they could know was hearsay.

For example, who someone listens to, what it might be like over there and so on.

How unreliable this thing is, how thoughtless it is.

The only sure thing is that there is a world with vitality, aura and higher civilization.

"Didn't any of those people ever come back?" Zhao Chengfeng asked with a frown as he closed the information.

The army officer shook his head. "I'm sorry not."

Then he added: "even the sect later tried to send someone to pass by in a certain period of time, but there was also no news. It was said that some things had been sent back. That's why we dare to make the above conjectures. "

"It's said?" Zhao Chengfeng is so confused.

"Well, what if we can't come back?"

The army officer gave a bitter smile again, and then said, "it says that if you regret now and intend to give up, we can understand you. How about you make a decision? However, this time, because of your father and miss Qingqiu's help, it is said that they are more stable. Moreover, miss Qingqiu and your father also said that they can sense that there is indeed a stable world there. "

It is said that Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry at the speech.

But after pondering for a long time, he finally made a decision to go.

Because he had a reason to have to go.

Seeing that he had made the decision, the army officer laughed happily, "well, in that case, you should prepare early, and we will come to pick you up tomorrow."

"No, you can go directly to Beihai. I'll wait for you there. Besides, I said last time that I would take some people with me. I don't know if I can get two places?"

"This..." the army officer pondered, "well, I'll make a phone call."

"Good." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

Army officer went to one side, did not know who to call, soon came back, master Zhao Chengfeng, "the quota is OK, but at most can only give him two, because that channel now although in your father and miss Qingqiu's help temporarily stable, but the number is too many or cause a burden."

Zhao Chengfeng thought and nodded, "two places are enough. Originally, he wanted to fight for one for Tang Wei, but for such an uncertain thing, don't take Tang Wei anyway."

And no quota, also just can let him be very good to refuse Tang Wei.


"How's it going?" After the army officer left, Xia Bingbing and others immediately came out, some worried asked.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at the girls, their mother and their three children, including Beibei, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to Beihai this afternoon. I may walk around tomorrow, so..."

"I'll go with you to Beihai!" His words haven't finished, Xia Bingbing and Shangguan Yan son with one voice of way.

After that, the two girls looked at each other again. Xia Bingbing said, "I'm going to Beihai anyway. The situation is not dangerous now, so I also want to improve my strength. In addition, I want to make a field investigation before my elder martial sister comes back."

Then he took a look at Shangguan Yan'er and said, "if I'm alone, you can't rest assured. Let Yan'er and Liangzi go with me."

Xiaochuan Liangzi, did not expect Xia Bingbing would take her, immediately nodded happily, Shangguan Yan'er also grateful to see Xia Bingbing, and then nodded to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles, "what else can I say?"

In fact, other women also want to go, but most of them haven't practiced yet, and Yuan Shanshan has to take care of her children, so she can't do it.

Even though the girls did not give up, they knew that Zhao Chengfeng's trip had become inevitable. What they said would make him unable to let go, and they could only force him to laugh and send him out.

Next time, if this happens again, they hope that they will never become a burden for Zhao Chengfeng.


Because the alienation area is getting bigger and bigger, and even the aura interference outside the alienation area is getting stronger and stronger, so the car can only go to Xijiang province and has to stop.

After that, we had to use the most primitive means of transportation - Malay instead of walking. With the strength of the three people, we didn't encounter any danger along the way, but along the way, we can see the shadows of alienated creatures constantly flashing around.

And the original broad road has also been seriously damaged.

Seeing the devastated scene, Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing can't help but be dejected, "it's only how long, how this alienation area has become so desolate, as if it's been desolate for hundreds of years."

Zhao Chengfeng also sighed softly, "this is nothing, until Beihai City, you just know what is tragic."

"It's insane!" Shangguan Yan'er scolds.

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing are silent.

Up to now, the condemnation of language gas has no effect. Everything depends on the future war. The winner lives and dies.

To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, as soon as they arrived at the camp outside Beihai, the army officer arrived.

As soon as we met, he said, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, the situation has changed. We're afraid we're going to start now."

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng is unprepared. Looking back at Xia Bingbing and Shan guanyan'er, the two women are also at a loss.

I thought there would be a short time to get together, but I didn't expect there would be any more.

Finally, the two women nodded together, "Chengfeng, take care, come back alive anyway."

Everything came in such a hurry that I didn't know how to say a thousand words. In the end, it could only be turned into the simplest words.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded. He didn't know what to say. He turned to Huisheng and said, "let the kid and the shadow come over. We're going to start!"

However, there was no need for Huisheng to send someone to inform them that they had come in a hurry and even had their luggage taken care of. Compared with Zhao Chengfeng, they were very excited.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help muttering, "NIMA, as expected, is still a single dog."

Shangguan Yan'er and Xia Bingbing gave him a white look with a smile, "then you should be a single dog, too."

With that, I felt a little relieved.

Zhao Chengfeng only laughs, "then I'll go."

The two women nodded together.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at Huisheng and other dragon scale brothers, and then heavily patted Huisheng on the shoulder, "brother Sheng, my wife, children and all brothers are given to you!"

Huisheng grinned and said nothing.

Zhao Chengfeng patted the brothers on the shoulder one by one, and some of them were also speechless.

After a while, he turned to the army officer and said, "let's go!"

The latter can't wait for a long time. Hearing the speech, he immediately turned over and got on the horse. Zhao Chengfeng and others also got on the horse.

He whipped the whip and went away.

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