Outside the camp, everyone did not move, watching a few horses disappear in the dark, so the camp is silent, only the night wind blowing.

People have long been unable to see the shadow of the horse, even the sound of the horse's hooves disappeared, but still no one moved.

I don't know how long later, the two women standing in front of the crowd looked at each other and saw the tears on each other's faces.

They barely laughed at each other.


"Yes, it's gone!"

He was about to go back to the camp, but suddenly he heard the sound of the horse's hooves in the night, and a healthy horse came down.

The two women were stunned. They looked at the horseman and asked, "Why are you back again?"

The man on the horse did not speak. One turned over and fell off the horse. Without waiting to stand firm, he held the two girls in his arms.

The two girls were caught off guard, a little confused.

But listen to the ear: "give me three years, I will come back in three years, and don't leave in three years! Three years later, our family will shoulder the great burden. "

Others can't understand his words, but Xia Bingbing feels as if her heart has been pinched by others. For a moment, her tears can't help bursting into her eyes.

He sobbed: "if you don't go, you will die!"

After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng finally laughed. He had wanted to say it for a long time, and it was finally revealed today.

In the heart only feels a burst of carefree and heroic.

"I'll be back in three years, Yan'er will help me watch her!"

Shangguan Yan'er's face was full of tears, and her eyes were blurred. When she heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry, "yes, but you have to promise me that you won't attract bees and butterflies from now on!"

"The word attracting bees and butterflies shouldn't be used in men, should it?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Will you say yes or no?" Shangguan Yan'er hums coldly.

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and pretended to be hesitant: "well, I can only try my best. After all, you know, I'm too handsome. Although I don't want to recruit people, how can I recruit too many people in case I can't eat."

Shangguan Yan'er is so angry that she reaches out her hand to pinch him, but Zhao Chengfeng has expected that she has already dodged the moment she reaches out her hand.

Provoking Shangguan Yan'er to be angry and angry, she scolded: "get out of here, get out of here, you bastard, you are so angry!"

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng laughs. As soon as he turns over and mounts the horse again, he raises his whip and hits the horse's buttocks. Jianma makes a hiss and goes into the dark again.

Behind, Shangguan Yan'er is gnashing her teeth, but she turns her head to see Xia Bingbing's low smile. She can't help but say: "you're still laughing. You can laugh. I'm so angry!"

Xia Bingbing said with a smile: "it's so easy to be angry. When you came, I was already angry. I'll wait until now."

Shangguan Yan'er blushed and hesitated: "I know him earlier than you."

Xia Bingbing once again said with a smile: "if you say that, the responsibility lies in that you are not with me. I thought I didn't control it, but you didn't control it!"

Shangguan Yan'er suddenly stops talking and stares at her. "I don't know you are so sharp today, but if he dares to go home again, I have to castrate him!"

Just at this moment, I heard a voice coming from afar in the night, "don't worry, from now on, Zhao Chengfeng will be a good man, which I have promised my son!"

Two women smell speech is a Leng, then all smile, "small day this child is really no white pain!"

But then they looked at the night in the distance. After waiting for a long time, they saw that no one would come again. They looked at each other and said, "it seems that we have really left this time."

"Well, yes, it's gone!"

But neither of them moved.

After death, Huisheng and others want to persuade, but it's hard to speak.

Shangguan Yan'er turned back and said, "go and be busy. Let's stay here for a while..."


In the night, Zhao Chengfeng didn't go far at once. He stood far away on the horse, looking back at the spark of the camp and the two shadows at the gate of the camp.

After watching for a long time, he turned his horse's head and chased the army officers waiting in the distance.

"Xiao Zhao, as expected, is a romantic figure. Should he be able to go now?" Seeing Zhao Chengfeng catch up with him again, the army officer couldn't help joking.

Hearing these words, Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and said, "don't say it. When you ask, it seems that I really haven't done anything!"

"Er..." the army officer was shocked.

I said in my heart, "brother, if you run back and forth for more than ten times this night, we will not leave at all!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing and then said, "but I really can't remember. Let's go!"

On hearing this, the army was very relieved. He didn't dare to gossip with him any more. He even said, "let's go, hurry up!"

After that, he hit the horse first. Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing and said hello to the kid and shadow. He also rode the horse to keep up.

But Zhao Chengfeng's words are really intended to play tricks on the army officers.

In fact, he really felt as if he had something to put down.

"By the way, Tang Wei, I didn't seem to say hello to that girl." When Zhao Chengfeng patted his forehead, he remembered what he had forgotten.

Although there is no quota, it is reasonable to tell her, but I forgot just now.

It's also strange. As usual, Tang Wei should have heard the big news just now.

With that girl's temper, there's no reason not to come out and trouble him.

The kid saw him absent-minded, some strange, asked: "boss, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and then asked, "by the way, did you two see Tang Wei today?"

They were stunned. Then they looked at each other and shook their heads. "It's not true. I saw it in the morning, but I didn't see it in the afternoon when you came here."

"That's strange. Is that girl going to be ok?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, worried.

All of a sudden, I felt a gust of wind blowing and grass moving along the road, and then a shadow rushed to the middle of the road.

Everyone was startled, and the kid and shadow instinctively started.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw the shape of the shadow, he quickly pressed them down and called to the shadow, "Tang Wei, what are you doing here? No wonder I haven't found you in the camp for a long time before. "

They all fixed their eyes and saw that the dark shadow was in a tight suit and graceful figure. It wasn't heroic, but it was Tang Wei.

Listen to Zhao Chengfeng's words again, the kid and shadow are both stunned. Subconsciously, they take a look at Zhao Chengfeng and say, "boss, you've been a perfect liar?"

Tang Wei smell speech is also a Leng, "you asked me?"

"Yes, I didn't find you when I came back in the evening. Of course I want to find you." Zhao Chengfeng's face is not red and his heart is not flustered.

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