Tang Wei looked at him for a while, but she couldn't tell whether it was true or not, so she asked, "do you want to take me abroad with you, then you don't have to. I've been waiting here for a long time?"

"You, what a dangerous night. Why are you hiding here?" Zhao Chengfeng immediately embarrassed, some do not know how to say.

"I can't help it. Bingbing, they are all here. They are not with you. I want to go with you. I'm afraid they will misunderstand me." Tang Wei looks a little embarrassed, and falters.

All the people were stunned when they heard the words. Is that a guilty conscience?

And the army officer took a meaningful look at Zhao Chengfeng, which means, "young man, you are really good!"

Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry. He says that it's time for you to gloat. Besides, he says it's urgent. You're helping me out at this time. It's easy for us to leave.

Unfortunately, the army officer did not seem to understand his meaning at all, so he looked at it with a smile.

While Tang Wei had already walked to Zhao Chengfeng's horse, pulled the reins and said, "go ahead quickly!"

"Ah?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and didn't know what he meant.

"Ah, what? I don't have a horse. Of course, I'll ride with you, or you'll ride with the kid and give me one! "

The kid quickly waved his hand and said, "that's no good. I can't ride with the boss. I feel it's very dangerous behind me."

Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he didn't kick the goods back to the camp.

"Is this the time to say that? What's more, it's your sister-in-law. When you talk to her like this, do you want to beat her? "

Fortunately, Tang Wei didn't understand. As soon as she grasped the saddle with her hands, she turned over and sat behind Zhao Chengfeng. She was very skilled.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng called it difficult to ride a tiger. He regretted why he had to agree to this terrible thing?

There is no way but to harden his head and say: "Wei Wei, listen to me, the thing is like this..."

He immediately gave a brief account of what the army officer had said before, and then made a showdown and said, "so there is no quota now. I don't believe you can ask the army officer."

This time, the army officer nodded his head and said: "yes, Miss Tang, because of some accidents, there are not many places. Besides Mr. Zhao and others, we have other candidates to go, so the number of places is really the limit."

Tang Wei smelled the speech, but a sneer, "I said what, prevaricate, quota I have let my grandfather help me finish, two days ago you go back to the capital, I also went to do the assessment, has obtained the quota."

"Er..." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the army officer in astonishment. His face turned black. "Damn, it's hard to get a good quota?"

Army officer also some embarrassed, faltered: "did not expect Miss Tang is one of the candidates, then no problem, let's go?"

"Take your head!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't glare at him angrily. This guy gave him a good impression before. He didn't expect that he was so unreliable. Is this the problem of quota?

Then he said to Tang Wei, "Weiwei, listen to me. I have already briefly described the situation just now. This time, the situation is very unstable, so the risk factor is too high."

"I know, not only I know, but my grandfather also knows." However, Tang Wei's reaction is more calm than Zhao Chengfeng expected.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know how to persuade him. Then he remembered that although this girl often does things that seem out of tune, she is not a spoiled and willful young lady.

In fact, she is more calm and firm than anyone else.

Just to his surprise, Tang Jinhai even knew, "since the old man has known the situation this time, he still let you go!"

"Didn't my grandfather talk to you before?" Tang Wei asked in a cold voice, and then frowned: "OK, let's go. You are in a hurry. Obviously you are in a hurry. Don't delay."

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng knew that he had talked with Mr. Tang before, and Mr. Tang did entrust him to take Tang Wei with him, but now and then, who could have predicted that it was so dangerous?

No, Mr. Tang may have known something about his level for a long time.

In that case, why did he?

Zhao Chengfeng has yet to talk about it, but Tang Wei is already impatient. She urges, "are you going or not? If it wasn't for my grandfather, I would have gone alone. You are so wordy. You always say danger, danger. Since it's so dangerous, why do you want to go into business? Are you not afraid that once you go, you will never come back, and that so many of your women will belong to others in the future? "

Zhao Chengfeng was furious when he heard that she had not fallen off her horse. Fortunately, Tang Wei also realized that she had gone too far. She apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I've gone too far. However, Zhao Chengfeng, you have to know that you can't save the world by yourself. You have reasons to do it, and others have reasons to do it."

"You just think about how dangerous it is to go, but if it's really safe to stay on earth, you still need to do it. Now, where is the safe place?"

"My Tang family has been in the army for generations to defend our country. My grandfather and my father are like this. If they come to me in peaceful times, it would be OK. But now the whole human race is in danger, and I just have the chance to become a warrior. How can I be a shrinking head tortoise again and lose the prestige of my Tang family generation."

When Tang Wei finished, she didn't wait for Zhao Chengfeng to reply. She crossed him, pulled the reins and drank, "drive!"

Zhao Chengfeng hasn't said a word yet. Ma has gone out ahead of others.

I couldn't help but sigh.

He would like to say that this kind of thing should be handed over to a man, but he knows that it's ok if he doesn't say it. If he says it, it will add fuel to the fire. I'm afraid Tang Wei will never go with him again.

Compared with Zhao Chengfeng, Lu officers are more sympathetic to Tang Wei's words.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's horse is far away, he and the kid beat the horse to catch up. When he came near, he couldn't help but sigh: "the Tang family is worthy of being a general. Miss Tang made someone feel inferior."

"However, Mr. Zhao, you don't have to worry too much. It's dangerous, but the main purpose of sending you out is to seek a chance of life. At worst, you have to leave a fire, not to die. You just want to go to danger. Maybe it's just the opposite. Maybe you can save your life when you go out? "

Zhao Chengfeng turned to look at him and said with a sneer, "do army officers feel lucky to be alive?"

There was another sentence in his heart, "can it really be controlled?"

But he didn't say that after all.

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