Out of the zone of change, we can finally take modern means of transportation. But just in case, planes are basically out of service all over the world, and we can only take trains.

It took a day and a night to get to the destination.

Through the entrance hidden in the holy land of a certain sect, he entered the abandoned cave once named heaven mountain.

However, here, the army officer can no longer continue. At the entrance of the cave, Zhao Chengfeng and others bid farewell.

They were led by a warrior in that sect.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, the army officer rarely bows to Zhao Chengfeng and others with the etiquette of the river and the lake, "Mr. Zhao, Miss Tang, gentlemen, I can't see you off here any more. I may have had a bad talk before, but I still hope to bear with you. Other words, I don't say much, but the road is bumpy and full of dangers, and the protagonist is solemn all the way. "

Then he added, "come back alive!"

Zhao Chengfeng and others nodded. They also felt sorry for their attitude towards this person. In fact, the other party didn't say anything inappropriate. It was just that he had too much burden in his heart, too complicated mood, and a little angry with others.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng said: "Mr. Lu, take care of yourself!"

After that, he followed the sect warrior all the way to the real gate of time and space.

Zhao Chengfeng and others originally entered the so-called cave world for the first time, but they still had some expectations in their hearts.

But after walking in, I knew why the army officer couldn't move on here.

It's not about keeping secrets. It's just that the environment here is too bad.

Everywhere is a desolate, lifeless to speak of, the whole world in addition to gray, almost no other color.

What's more, the air here is so bad that even martial artists like Zhao Chengfeng feel sore with a breath.

There is no aura in the air, but it is full of a dizzy alien existence.

"This is the death of death!" The warrior explained: "once the world is on the verge of destruction, all the rules related to life will fade in the world, and the atmosphere of extinction, which is extremely harmful to any living creature, will fill the whole space."

"Does that mean that the inner world will become like this when it reaches a certain level?" Asked the kid.

"Yes, in theory, any world will be like this, just as people have a life span, so will the world. Especially in this kind of cave level world, it is often extremely unstable, and even some cave worlds are not as stable as a secret place. The only difference is that the secret place is attached to the world, and the cave will be relatively independent! " The leader explained again.

Zhao Chengfeng and others nodded slightly in their hearts and said in secret: "no wonder those people in the inner world are so crazy. This is a dying struggle."

All of a sudden, he moved in his heart and asked, "Mr. warrior, is there any other cave connected with the earth world besides this heaven mountain and the inner gate world which is about to threaten the earth world?"

"Yes!" The warrior affirmed: "and as far as I know, there is more than one."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he could not help but feel tight in his heart. If so, isn't it that the earth world may face more than one or two enemies?

The warrior, however, shook his head. "There's no need to worry about this. According to the records of my teaching classics, most of the known Dongtian world, except the inner gate world, has the same fate as this paradise mountain, and even more have been completely annihilated."

"Of course, everything must be alive if there is death. When some things die, there must be other things derived. However, nowadays, the rules of the earth world are not obvious, and even the cave world often do not appear, and they usually hide in the void. In a period of time, it will not be related to the earth world, but the future is hard to say, because now the earth world has been forced to change! "

"Oh, I see." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng nodded and exclaimed, "it's a secret to master the existence of a cave. An ordinary warrior knows so much."

When Zhao Chengfeng asked again, the warrior suddenly stretched out his hand and said nervously, "be careful. The road ahead is very dangerous. Please pay attention to my steps. Don't make a wrong step. At the same time, pay attention to the surroundings and the ground."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and looked up. He saw that the front was still gray. He couldn't see the slightest difference, so he asked, "what's the situation here?"

The warrior waved his hand and didn't answer, but picked up a gray stone from the ground and went somewhere.

They couldn't help looking along. At first, they didn't see anything different. But suddenly, they saw that the stone was flying well. Suddenly, it broke into seven or eight pieces, and it was neat. It was even more important to stand up than cutting tofu with a knife.

People see this not from a cold sweat.

I don't know what that is.

But the warrior picked up a stone and threw it in another direction. The stone fell to the ground without making any sound, and the place where the stone fell was annihilated by the people.

That large area, more than ten meters square, was annihilated. Yes, it was annihilation, not collapse.

Zhao Chengfeng and others only feel that their back is only in a cold sweat. What is this special thing.

The warrior then said in a low voice: "these two kinds, the first one is called the dislocation of time and space. Although it seems to be complete, it has actually broken into countless small time and space. Once any object collides with it, it is equal to being split by several time and space."

"The other kind, which we call void depression, seems to be still in good condition. In fact, it has been eroded by void for a long time. However, the part of the earth's surface is constantly being repaired because of the residual force of time and space, so you can see that it was annihilated before, and it will be restored to its original shape soon. But once there is any movement, it will be annihilated again, even around. So be careful in these two places. "

"Can you see that?" The kid swallowed saliva, some difficult asked.

The warrior nodded, "can you see that although it looks the same on the surface, there are some differences when you look at it carefully? Of course, it's hard for ordinary people to see that I have some talent in this area, so the sect will let me lead the way here. "

"Oh, what a talent." Four people can't help but praise.

The man gently smiles and waves his hand. "It's not worth mentioning, but you'd better keep quiet next."

"Sure, sure." They all nodded and joked. Life and death are at stake. Only a fool can die.

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