There is no shadow of the sun and the moon in this abandoned world, and it's gray everywhere. It's like a 3D game map made of semi-finished products, which can't distinguish the location and the concept of time.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng and others are warriors, the five senses seem to be chaotic here, not to mention perceiving subtle time changes.

It's ten thousand times deadlier than the wildest desert.

And everywhere is the space-time dislocation and void that ordinary people can't find.

If it wasn't for the warrior to lead the way, Zhao Chengfeng and others couldn't imagine how they would walk in this world.

It's a god like skill that the quick warrior can discern the way in such a place.

On the way, Zhao Chengfeng knocked around, trying to find out if the warrior could understand the world they were going to.

Unfortunately, the warrior just gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I don't know you asked me these words. In fact, before you, almost everyone I met had inquired about them as much as you, but unfortunately, I don't know much about the world on the other side of the door, Because basically all the information we have in our school has been made public to you. "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't seem to be faking when he looks at him. For a moment, he can't tell whether what he said is true or false.

This makes Zhao Chengfeng a little depressed and puzzled.

Again, he asked, "is it true that you have mastered this passage of time and space for so many years, and have never tried to send people there?"

"As a matter of fact, there have been."

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned by the warrior's reply. He was about to ask, but he continued: "but that was a long time ago. At that time, the high-level teachers of our sect were all people who came out of Tiantang mountain, although they chose to come to the earth when Tiantang mountain collapsed. But they are still eager to find a world in which the rules manifest

"It's a pity that those who have been sent away have not been able to come back. Instead, some things have been sent back. That's why we know a little about the opposite world now. But unfortunately, with the change of thousands of years, most of those adults have been around the Lord, and even those materials have not been kept."

The warrior sighs and shakes his head when he talks about it. It seems that he is rather sorry.

Zhao Chengfeng and others naturally felt the same regret, but also more dignified.

Those who have left, did not come back, because do not want to come back, or can not come back?

If it's the former, it's better. If it's the latter, the chances of their safe return this time will be even more slim.

"After that, why didn't you try again? Didn't other countries and governments have such an idea?" Asked the kid.

For this problem, Zhao Chengfeng and Tang Wei and others are also puzzled.

Although the obvious reason is that the channel is unstable, it can be repaired this time. Why can't it be repaired before?

Although this time it was thanks to the help of Zhao Feilong and Qingqiu.

However, there were thousands of years before that. In these thousands of years, is it possible for other forces to do what they really want?

"It's not impossible to fix it." The warrior said with a light smile, with some mocking words: "it's just that the religion is not good, or the various forces and the rulers of successive dynasties are not very enthusiastic about it."

"Not enthusiastic?" Zhao Chengfeng and others could not help but be stunned, some difficult to understand, "there is a world on the other side, and it may even be a world similar to the immortal world. Is it not attractive to those in power and various forces?"

"Ha ha, attraction, of course, but the risk is just as great. If you are the top leaders of a certain force, do you really want to see yourself or a group of other forces beyond your control?" The warrior said here with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng and others were shocked again, and suddenly understood the key.

"Indeed, although the benefits are huge, for the rulers, sometimes stability is greater than development. If they were not forced to the wall this time, they would not change in thousands of years."

Zhao Chengfeng and others are not stupid people. At this time, the warrior broke his words, and they suddenly realized that they couldn't help laughing.

This is not to say that the high-level leaders of the major forces are stupid or stubborn. It is just a natural state of mind that will arise when they are in a certain position. Moreover, in general, the advantages of such a state of mind outweigh the disadvantages.

Only when there is a big change, will this malady of striving to maintain stability come out, and then be forced to make changes. Just like some dynasties in China adopted the policy of seclusion in those years, wasn't it just because of this mentality of maintaining stability?

There is really nothing new under the sun. Human history is just a repetition, but this time on earth, can human survive this pain?

There are some helplessness and sighs in everyone's heart, but no more questions.

And the warrior also followed the crowd with a smile and said nothing more.

I don't know why, people always feel that there is some irony or desolation in his expression.

"It seems that this one has a story, too." Zhao Chengfeng has a secret way in his heart.


"This is the entrance to the passage of time and space."

I left again. I don't know how long, just when Zhao Chengfeng and others were about to be annoyed by the boring environment and scenery, the second destination of this trip finally arrived.

Zhao Chengfeng and others finally saw the legendary time and space channel, or the door of the time and space channel.

In fact, it's not appropriate to say that it's a door. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, it's more like a huge time and space vortex, which is the size of a football field. It's like a hole in the sky, in which the dark energy can't stop spinning, like an upside down ink pool.

At the bottom is something like an altar, which is about half the size of a football field. Like the surrounding mountains, it is also gray white, neither brilliant nor mysterious.

It's an altar. It's a platform built by shoddy workmanship. If there is no black vortex above, no one will associate it with things like time and space.

But because of the existence of the black whirlpool, Zhao Chengfeng and others immediately knew that it must be without saying that Mr. wuzhe.

But after hearing Mr. wuzhe's words, everyone, including Zhao Chengfeng, couldn't help saying, "this is the gate of the passage of time and space."

I don't know whether it is emotion or simple repetition.

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