"Yes." For several people's reaction, Mr. wuzhe was not surprised. He nodded calmly, and then saluted: "please, everyone. Our bishop and others are on it. Please go by yourself, and I'll leave first."

"Oh." After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng came back to his senses and found that many people had gathered around the altar. At this time, they all looked down at them. It seemed that most of them had arrived before them, and they were probably the last group.

When Zhao Chengfeng and others looked at him, one of them, a tall old man in religious dress, nodded to them with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng and others moved in their hearts and responded that this should be the bishop in the mouth of the warrior. They immediately nodded slightly, which was a response. At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng also found Zhao Feilong and Qingqiu in the crowd. His heart moved, but he didn't speak. He nodded to say hello.

Zhao Feilong gave a gentle smile and waved his hand to him, but Qingqiu just raised his eyelids and knew whether he rolled his eyes or was a response.

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless.

But he immediately drew back his eyes and bowed to Mr. wuzhe solemnly, "thank you for your guidance, otherwise we can't get here safely!"

"It's my duty. Mr. Zhao is welcome, but I can't accompany you on the way. May God bless you all!" Mr. wuzhe said, then he saluted slightly again, and then saluted in the direction of the bishop. Then he bowed to Zhao Chengfeng and others with a smile and turned away.

Zhao Chengfeng and others quickly return the gift again, and then see off the mysterious warrior who gave them a ride. Seeing him leave without looking back, Zhao Chengfeng and others feel a little emotion.

"It's just a short time, but I like this warrior very much, and I don't think he's an ordinary person." The way of the shadow.

Zhao Chengfeng and others also nodded.

Although they don't even know the name of Mr. wuzhe, along the way, his bearing, insight and ability really make people feel very unusual.

"Hello, Huaxia, when are you going to delay? Don't you find that everyone is waiting for you?" When Zhao Chengfeng sighed, there was a poor Chinese language behind him, and the tone was very impolite.

Zhao Chengfeng and others were stunned. When they looked back, they saw that many people around the altar were looking at them. One of them was full of anger, but his eyes revealed seemingly provocative and contemptuous.

A pair of Zhao Chengfeng and other boss unconvinced feeling.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly. He felt as if he had never seen this man before. Why did he not agree with seven of them and eight of them were not angry.

Turning to the IMP and shadow, he asked, "do you know this man?"

The latter two were also very surprised and shook their heads to show that they were not impressed. I don't understand why this person is hostile to himself and others.

The kid looked at the man and then added, "but it looks like a Korean. You can see that the two people around him and his appearance are almost made from the same mold. This kind of plastic face stick is the most popular. "

After listening to what the kid said, Zhao Chengfeng took a closer look and found that he really felt that way.

Besides, there are two young people who are very similar to him, with the same sneer and provocation.

"Mother's stick, even provocative..." kid a look at the two people sneer at himself, suddenly some urgent hair, open mouth want to accept back.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart to this kind of inexplicable hostility, although also unhappy, but still reached out to stop the kid, "forget it, don't care about them, we go up."

"I'll go, boss. When did you get so good tempered?" The kid accidentally looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

"It has nothing to do with temper, it's just unnecessary, and we're really late. These people really seem to be waiting for us." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head.

The kid glanced at them and found that other people were looking at them, as if they were really waiting for them.

He turned his mouth and murmured, "wait a minute, we won't die. Besides, it's not what we want. We'll be in a hurry after we get the news, but it's just a sudden. There's not even a phone call in the change area, so we can only use horses for transportation."

"What are you muttering about, hurry up!"

Although he was upset, he didn't dare to listen to Zhao Chengfeng's words, so there was nothing wrong with him. Following Zhao Chengfeng, everyone came to the bishop beside the altar, clasped his fist with Chinese etiquette and said, "sorry, bishop, we are late!"

When the bishop heard this, he gave a little smile and was about to speak, but there was another sneer in the crowd, "hum, since you know it's late, you should be more interesting. Is it OK to say 'it's late'


All the people on the altar were stunned and immediately laughed.

"It seems that these Korean people are very dissatisfied with the Chinese people."

"Of course, I'm dissatisfied. You see, Huaxia has ten places this time, which can be said to be the most powerful in the world, while Koryo has only three places. It is said that it has paid a huge price."

"Well, isn't that right? There are so many places in Huaxia. Although I'm a little envious, Huaxia has made a lot of efforts to repair the gate of time and space this time. Even the materials are said to be a large part of Huaxia's work. Moreover, Huaxia is facing the front line of alien invasion and the disaster of change. It's also right to tilt slightly. What's more, there are only three places in Korea, the country of bullets. It's already a lot of places. What else can I refuse? "

"Ha ha, that's what you think. Korean people don't think so. They call themselves great Koryo. Do you see that the leader of the Korean team, named Pu Changhao, is the master of the three Koreans. He claims to be invincible in the world. He was not called to repair the altar this time, but he was very dissatisfied. "

"Poof, is that the short middle-aged man you're talking about? It's not more than the later cultivation of magic martial arts. Although it's very good, what's invincible in the world? Let alone other places, I can't count my hands in the virtual world. There is no virtual state in the restoration altar, and even the skin of time and space is not touched. What qualifications do you have to participate in it? "

"Ha ha, who knows these things."

"Ha ha, no matter. Anyway, they want to fight against Huaxia. Let's just watch the fun. If they can force Huaxia to give up two places, that would be better."

The crowd looked on coldly and murmured.

Although Zhao Chengfeng and others did arrive at the end of the day, the time was set temporarily. Everyone came in a hurry, and we all know that Huaxia is in a special situation now. Once we can't even use communication tools and transportation tools in the change zone, it's normal to come late.

And everyone knows that this time the door of space can be repaired so quickly, and the Chinese side is the biggest contributor. In theory, everyone owes the Chinese favor.

So at this time, even if we are dissatisfied, we will not show it.

What's more, now no one knows what's going on on the other side of the gate of time and space, and what they will face in the future.

Who can guarantee that they won't need to help each other in the future? Isn't it stupid to offend people at this time?

However, Huaxia has been quite strong recently. Some people have come out to attack them, and everyone is happy to see their success.

So everyone is tacit understanding to keep silent and look on coldly.

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