But this kind of performance of the people obviously made the three people misunderstand and mistakenly regard the silence of the people as daring to be angry and speechless.

I think that all of them are the same as them. They hate China deeply, but they dare not speak. They are not so brave as them.

So I can't help sneering.

"A group of cowards, others are afraid of China, but we are not afraid. What if they have two masters in charge? We also have our master's support. Now that China has changed, we need people all over the world to help them. They dare to offend us, great Korea

With this in mind, they took a peek at their master, Park Chang Hao.

The latter felt his apprentice's eyes drooping and his expression was still, but he quietly used his spiritual power to condense his voice into a line and spread it to the middle of the apprentices' ears, saying, "you three are doing very well, but you should pay attention to Huaxia. Huaxia people have always been a country of etiquette. In fact, they are timid. They like to be tolerant when they are in trouble, I'm not afraid they won't give in. "

One of them whispered: "master, since the Chinese like to give in so much, can we force them to hand in the quota? In this case, several younger martial brothers will also have a chance. "

"That's impossible. Even if the Chinese people give in, they will not give up easily because it involves interests. Even if they give it in, we can't call your younger martial brother in time. In the end, we'll take advantage of others. However, you can say that only in this way can you arouse hostility to China from other parties and isolate them. When you are in a foreign land, you can unite with all parties to deal with them. No matter how many Chinese people go, you will not get any benefits. " Park Chang Hao said with a wise face.

The disciples were more convinced, but they also asked, "master, what's our advantage in this way?"

"Idiot, Chinese people don't get any benefits. Nature is weak. At that time, we'll be the closest to China, and we'll be a strip of water. Shouldn't we help them?" Park Chang Hao's eyes flashed cold.

"In a word, we are the descendants of Jizi. We are the real zhengshuo of China after Yao and shun. Now it is our great Koryo who inherits Chinese culture. As for today's Chinese, they have long lost all their culture and are not worthy of being called Chinese. This great change is our opportunity, and it's our turn to help them change their ways. " Park Chang Hao Chang thought about the future and muttered to himself.

All the disciples were also eager to go there.

But one of the disciples still didn't understand, "master, if Huaxia is declining, shouldn't we take a share? Why should we help them?"

"Idiot, what master said about help means that we are in charge for him. Don't you understand?" Another disciple yelled.

"Shut up Park Chang Hao stopped them in a low voice. "Just understand some words. Don't say them. Remember that we are of the same origin as them. All we have to do is what we should do."

"Yes A group of disciples quickly agreed.

"But Shifu, it seems that Zhao Feilong and the woman are very powerful. Besides, Mr. Qi, who is in charge of the team, seems to be very powerful. Shifu, even if you are brave, will you not be able to sing alone?" One of the disciples was a little worried.

"Don't worry, as a teacher, my cultivation has already reached the critical point of this world. Although I can't see the specific cultivation clearly, I can't surpass the critical point of this world. That's all!" Park Chang Hao said: "you can do it freely. At least you will be supported by your teacher before you enter a foreign land. After you arrive at a foreign land, you will have to rely on yourself. The rise of Korea is also on you. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" With master's assurance and encouragement, all the disciples were immediately excited.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng and others, the color of contempt in their eyes is even stronger.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng continued to talk to the bishop and ignored them, he burst into a rage, "Hey, Huaxia boy, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

But Zhao Chengfeng just ignored him, always as if he didn't hear. He said something to the bishop, and then went straight to one side, but he didn't go to the Chinese camp led by Mr. Qi, because he took a glance and saw that there were six people behind Mr. Qi, three of whom he knew, including Nangong Yi, code number zero, and Xiao Wu, Mo Xigan's head. It seemed that the broken wrist had been cured.

But his eyes are still very bad.

There is also a person who can't name, but is also in the ninth group. As for the other three, he didn't know where they came from or whether they came from other forces or other members of the ninth group.

Anyway, it seems that it's not a friendly area, so there's no need to ask for trouble. Just nodding with Mr. Qi, he went straight to Zhao Feilong and Qingqiu.

His reaction not only surprised other onlookers, but also the Korean people.

"Shifu is right. These Chinese people are too tolerant, but we can't do anything with them when they are so tolerant."

Our purpose is to provoke them, and then stir up anger and isolate them. But he doesn't pay any attention to us. What should we do.

Asshole, this Chinese is too much.

The three disciples looked at their master Park Chang Hao for help.

The latter also slightly frowned, "it seems that this Chinese boy is smarter than expected, but it doesn't matter. After you go to a foreign land, continue to think of ways to deal with them. Not only him, but also the rest of the Chinese. "

Three people smell speech slightly nod, although not reconciled, but also can only stop, just in the heart are thinking about the foreign land, how to target the Chinese people.

As soon as other parties saw it, there was no excitement to watch, and they were all slightly disappointed.

"I didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng was quite tolerant?"

"Well, it does look like a guy who is good at forbearance."

Many people who haven't seen Zhao Chengfeng before immediately have such an impression. Some people fear it, others despise it.

However, some people who are familiar with Zhao Chengfeng in the crowd know that this guy is by no means such a face melon, but they just can't see what he wants to do.

But Zhao Chengfeng himself seems to have nothing to do with him. He goes to Qingqiu and Zhao Feilong and waves his hand warmly. "Hi, elder martial sister Qingqiu, long time no see!"

That full face of Hippie smile, as if just Korean provocation did not happen.

This kind of reaction even Zhao Feilong can't help but roll his eyes, "you boy, now you can bear it very much. Those Korean clubs are so provocative to you, you can resist it. It's good."

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