It's just that Zhao Fei said it was right, but his tone was sarcastic. Qingqiu ignored him.

Zhao Chengfeng also didn't care, and laughed, "what's the matter, as parents, shouldn't they teach their children to be a man and take a step back?"

"Yes, I'm praising you, aren't I?" Zhao Feilong said with a smile: "but it's a pity that I can count your curves with my eyes closed. If you can learn to do it yourself, the sun won't come out from the East."

"Ha ha, it's good, it's good, you know me, Dad." Zhao Chengfeng laughed again. Then he flashed in his eyes and said: "originally I really intended to ignore it. Unfortunately, they are still afraid of invisible hostility. I can't ignore it. However, for this kind of rubbish, I'm not too lazy to push it. "

"A good hand is too lazy to force." Zhao Feilong laughed and nodded to Tang Wei and others as he spoke. He was full of praise. "It's good. It's good. It's close to the realm of magic martial arts in a short time. It's better than this boy."

Looking at the IMP and shadow, he nodded with admiration, "OK, OK, you two boys are also good. Xiaofeng has your help, and I can rest assured."

Three people smell speech to hastily come forward to meet, in the mouth even don't dare, then again toward green hill say hello. But then it was just a light nod, it was a response.

In this regard, the three people have known Qingqiu's character for a long time, so they don't like it.

With a smile, Zhao Feilong turned to Zhao Chengfeng again and continued: "I'm afraid you're going to wait until after the foreign land to kill the three sticks? But I'm afraid your plan will fail. "

"Why?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned at the news.

Just as he was speaking, the Bishop had already announced in a loud voice: "well, now that all the staff have arrived, we can start the transmission without saying more. I don't know which side you are going to start from."

The Bishop's voice was settled, but no one answered.

In other things, everyone may be the first, but in this kind of thing, a fool will be the first.

Although the passage has been repaired, who knows if it has been really repaired, and who knows what's on the opposite side? Is it not for death to rush ahead?

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng and others will not steal the limelight. Instead, they ask Zhao Feilong, "Hey, it's like killing people with a blunt knife to say half a word. What's my plan going to fail? "

Zhao Feilong heard his question, but his face suddenly became a little dignified, "this may just be my guess and your elder martial sister Qingqiu, because we have not used this channel, but in the process of repairing, we vaguely feel that this space channel has a certain randomness in the process of transmission."

"Randomness, what do you mean?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help frowning.

"Randomness means that you end up in a different place through the channel, maybe not in the same place!" Zhao Feilong said with a bitter smile.

"What? "Then..." Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Wei and others all said softly.

"Is that true, Mr. Zhao?" Zhao Chengfeng was about to ask, but someone spoke to him behind him. When he looked back, he found that he was an acquaintance. It was the woman warrior of the Japanese state, 3000 yuan nishang and others.

In addition to her, the Goth Lori and others have also come here. One more surprise to Zhao Chengfeng is MIBI, who has become Ouyang tiger.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly. He was not happy that these people came rashly and overheard their words.

Zhao Feilong and Qingqiu were equally unhappy.

"I'm sorry, we came here to say hello. By the way, we discussed with Mr. Zhao Chengfeng about how to keep watch and help each other in a foreign land. We overheard your conversation and didn't mean to eavesdrop on it. Please forgive Mr. Zhao Chengfeng, Mr. Zhao Feilong, miss Qingqiu and others." I'm sorry.

Others, including miquebee, apologized.

Zhao Chengfeng and others look a little slow. Although they are still a little unhappy, they are not easy to investigate. After all, the other party really didn't mean to eavesdrop, and it's also a mistake that they didn't make sound insulation when they talked on such occasions.

The other party has already apologized. It's not appropriate to say anything more.

See Zhao Chengfeng and others do not pursue, 3000 yuan and others are relieved.

Then he couldn't help but ask: "although it's a bit too much to say like this, it's very important, so I have to venture to ask, Mr. Zhao, are you serious about what you just said?"

Zhao Feilong hesitated, nodded and said: "this is also my guess with elder martial sister Chengfeng. You can't do it right. Just listen to it, and don't take it seriously."

Three thousand courtyard and others smell speech a wry smile, in the heart secretly way: "guess?"? Ha ha, the main part of this restoration work is almost completed by you two. If you both make such a guess, it's probably not far from ten. "

However, all of them are smart people. Zhao Feilong is willing to reply that it's already human feelings. How dare he say anything else? Moreover, they also know that Zhao Feilong's saying is more of a way to avoid responsibility.

Anyway, I told you, nonsense. It's your business whether you take it seriously or not.

Of course, you should bear the consequences.

So no matter how I think about it, all the people say, "of course, we just listen to it. No one will take it seriously."

Zhao Feilong's face softened when he saw that these people were on the road. He laughed and nodded.

Three thousand yuan nishang is also a smile, again asked: "do not know in Mr. Zhao's conjecture, such random, the deviation distance will be how far?"

Her question, including Zhao Chengfeng and others, has also raised their ears, because everyone is concerned about it.

Zhao Feilong once again gave a wry smile. "The so-called randomness means that we can't be sure, and to tell you the truth, I don't know what the foreign world is like. So the distance may be only 30 to 50 steps, or it may be 30 to 5000 miles, 30 to 50000 miles or even more

People also smile bitterly when they hear the words. They don't know if they really believe Zhao Feilong, but this question is really no answer.

"Is there a solution, such as hand in hand, to be separated?" This time, it was Lori who asked. The voice of the little girl was very immature, even younger than the age shown by her body.

After that, I saw that people were looking at her, her face was a little red, and she seemed to be ashamed of her voice, which was probably the reason why she seldom spoke. But it's not that bad.

Zhao Feilong smiles and shakes his head. "Sorry, I can't help it. Hand in hand is not good, because the stability of this channel can't bear two people entering at the same time. "

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