Tang Wei saw that the ghost and shadow had already entered the gate of time and space. As expected, they had already come to her. After a moment's hesitation, Tang Wei bowed to Qingqiu, then turned around and quickly walked to the gate of time and space.

For a moment, her heart was pounding and nervous, which was the result of her own choice.

But this moment is inevitable.

There is no way to predict what we will face in the future.

Life or death is no longer under control.

Will you really disperse with Zhao Chengfeng and others? If you disperse, can you really protect yourself by yourself?

My heart was in a mess for a moment.

I don't care about Qingqiu.

However, at this moment, there is no choice and turning around, and she does not want to do this turning around, this is her own choice.

"Start, no matter what life it is, this is my new beginning!"

Tang Wei took a long breath, then gritted her teeth, and resolutely stepped into the big battle. Then she felt dizzy. When she reacted, she was no longer in the dead cave world.


Seeing Tang Wei disappear from the battle, Zhao Chengfeng's heart finally falls down. No matter what happens after that, at least it looks very smooth at present.

As for the others, it's no use thinking about them now.

"It's my turn!" Whispered, Zhao Chengfeng turned to Zhao Feilong and said with a smile: "Dad, I haven't held you since I can remember. Come on, let's have a building."

Then he hugged Zhao Feilong fiercely, "Dad, the world of the earth is up to you!"

"Ha ha, you boy..." Zhao Feilong was caught off guard by him. He was a little embarrassed. However, after hearing the speech, he had a ha ha, patted him on the back and said, "don't worry, I'm here."

"Hum, I can't rest assured that you're the only one..." Zhao Chengfeng sneered with distrust, and then said to Qingqiu with a smile, "but at least there is elder martial sister Qingqiu. Elder martial sister, come on, have a hug... "

Just as he was about to take advantage of the situation, he stepped on his face with one foot and turned into a rolling gourd

As soon as he got up and covered his hot face, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. "Elder martial sister, are you too cruel?"

Zhao Feilong is angry and funny. "You deserve it, little son of a bitch. You should use your own Laozi as a bedding!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he laughed, "almost succeeded!"

Qingqiu turned his eyes with disdain. Almost, you are still very early?

But the mouth is just a cold snort, "next time dare to be presumptuous, stripped your skin!"

Then he straightened out: "Zhao Chengfeng, I know about your three-year appointment with the younger martial sister. Although you are very poor at present, I will give you three years for the younger martial sister's face. So, you remember, you only have three years. If you can't come back after three years, or if you still look like rubbish now, then I will still judge that you are not helpful to the younger martial sister. At that time, no matter whether the younger martial sister is willing or not, I will take her away by force! So this time, you should be serious yourself! "

Zhao Chengfeng was silent for a moment, then bowed deeply, "thank you, elder martial sister, you can rest assured that I will come back in three years!"

If it was before, Zhao Chengfeng would be angry when he heard these words. Why should you be an outsider to take care of our affairs? But at this time, he deeply knows that Qingqiu's ability to say such words actually represents his recognition to some extent.

It also means that Qingqiu is trying to make a change.

It's the result of her wholehearted consideration for Xia Bingbing, or for the revival of qinglianmen.

So he said thank you with all his heart.

"Hum, don't do this with me. I'm not a junior sister. I don't know how to look at these pretexts, just your strength and role!" Qingqiu hummed coldly and said it coldly. But when he spoke, he turned his face involuntarily. He didn't seem to want Zhao Chengfeng to see the subtle changes in her eyes.

Then he said, "however, within the scope of the agreement, I will take charge of the earth world for you in the past three years, and I will also help junior sister to complete your plan."

Then he raised his hand and threw a thing at Zhao Chengfeng. When Zhao Chengfeng reached for it, he found that it was a jade medal. He was puzzled, "what is this, and what kind of skill is it?"

On the other side, Zhao Feilong saw this, but his eyes were bright. He looked at Qingqiu in surprise. He seemed surprised at Qingqiu's generosity. He immediately whispered to Zhao Chengfeng, "put it away quickly, boy, you're rich. It's a dimensional thing."

Then he said with a smile to Qingqiu pile: "thank you, Qingqiu girl. Originally, I thought about how to get one for this boy. Unfortunately, I am very poor now. Fortunately, Qingqiu girl, you have solved this problem."

"Well, I didn't give it to him. It's Qinglian's investment in him. Boy, remember, you owe me Qinglian gate. If you don't come back then, hum, you'll see! " Green hill a cold hum, to father and son two people full face disdain.

Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Feilong nodded and bowed, "yes, elder martial sister Qingqiu said yes!"

But at the same time, Zhao Chengfeng asked Zhao Feilong in a low voice, "Dad, is this very valuable?"

"Expensive is not too expensive, if it was in those years, your father and I such things casually ten eight don't call a thing, but now, ah, don't say, it's all tears!"

Zhao Feilong's face is full of what he has seen before, but in exchange for Zhao Chengfeng's scorn.

"Dad, can you do something? He also said that when he was a bull, he had eaten it before, and his elder martial sister gave it to him, so you didn't say anything about it? "

Zhao Feilong suddenly had a toothache. After searching for a long time, he finally came up with a thing, which turned out to be a jade medal.

Zhao Chengfeng took it and saw that the shape of the jade plate was good, very simple, with two strange characters carved on the front and back, like Chinese characters. But Zhao Chengfeng didn't know them at all, and he vaguely felt that these two characters seemed to have more mysterious power than Chinese characters.

In addition to these two words, there are a number of simple patterns, which can't be distinguished. It's hard to understand, "what is this? Is it a dimensional thing?"

Zhao Feilong, however, showed his teeth in pain and waved his hand. "OK, I've got something for you. Get out of here. When you get to a foreign land, you'll know what it is."

"I'll go, Dad. What's your expression? It's like losing a child in middle age. If you don't give me something, are there still illegitimate children outside?"

"Get out of here, don't you see people waiting for you?" Zhao Feilong didn't kick him in the ass, which drove the boy away.

When Zhao Chengfeng got the benefit, he didn't want to write any more ink. He laughed, and then walked to the top of the altar.

But did not see behind him, green hill closely staring at Zhao Feilong, face unprecedented serious, "Fenglei card, who in the end do you give this kind of thing to him, not afraid of him to cause death?"

Zhao Feilong did not answer her previous question, but just smile. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's back, he murmured: "don't worry, although he doesn't like to use his brain, he doesn't have no brain. He can protect his life or kill himself. I believe he can do it well."

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