"Hum." Green hill a cold hum, seem to have some disapproval.

Zhao Feilong, however, laughs, "and don't you think you're optimistic about him? Even if you've given away the dimensional things, qinglianmen should not be so rich that it's easy to give away the dimensional things? You are optimistic about it. Besides, he is my son. If you don't give it to him or to whom, will it be possible to have an illegitimate son? "

As soon as Qingqiu rolled his eyes, he gave him a white look. The two father and son were absolutely close.

Immediately in the eyes but again emerge a trace of complex color, but flash away, and restore calm, cold way: "I'm just a doctor."

"It seems that you have realized that you and my daughter-in-law Bingbing alone can't revive qinglianmen." Zhao Feilong's meaningful way.

The latter does not speak, but silence represents acquiescence.

She has only recently come to realize this, or has a clear understanding of it.

Although the younger martial sister is the talent selected by the master, her talent is certainly very good, and her system is also very suitable for qinglianmen's skills. Moreover, her cultivation has been steadily improving, not too fast, but she wins in steadiness and has a good foundation.

But from the constant getting along with Xia Bingbing, she also realized Xia Bingbing's deficiency, or Xia Bingbing's talent bias.

In fact, everyone's talent has its own bias. Some are suitable for management, some for fighting, some for array, and some for refining medicine.

These things are often influenced by cultivation, but they cannot be determined by cultivation.

It's just like if a person doesn't have the talent of array, no matter how high his cultivation is, he can't become a master of array.

Some people are born to fight, almost instinctively, and can make use of everything as fighting conditions.

The disadvantage of Xia Bingbing is that she is not a combat type talent at all. Her talent lies in management. She may be a good leader, but it's a bit difficult for her to find a way out in adversity.

Even the day after tomorrow's training, may be able to improve, can make her stronger, but can not become stronger, the strongest.

But today's qinglianmen certainly need a leader, a helmsman, but it needs a person who can overcome the difficulties.

She thought she could play this role, but it's a pity that although her fighting talent is not bad, it's not as good as she thought. The most important thing is that the limitation of cultivation talent determines her future to some extent.

So she had to look elsewhere, such as Zhao Chengfeng, the girl named Tang Wei before.


Looking at the man standing on the edge of the altar and about to step into the gate of time and space, Qingqiu whispered to himself, "is it too late? Three years, where can he go? "

Am I too paranoid, a rookie who hasn't even stepped into the virtual world, but I expect him to bear such a heavy burden in three years. Qingqiu, when did you become so naive?

At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng on the altar seemed to feel something. He turned around and gave him a brilliant smile. He said something in his mouth. Then he stepped in and disappeared.

Qingqiu was slightly absent-minded. It seemed that he was still listening to what the guy said before he left.

All of a sudden, I felt someone patted me on the shoulder. Without looking back, I knew it was Zhao Feilong. In my ear, I heard Zhao Feilong's words: "Qingqiu mushroom is cool. Your master chose my daughter-in-law to be his successor. You know how to invest in my son. If you don't say anything else, you people in qinglianmen are really impatient. You will be prosperous in the future!"


"I can survive. I thought I was dead!"

A strange wasteland, a man half dead lying on the ground, clothes, hair are all soaked with sweat, face is also white frightening.

But there was a strong joy in his eyes for the rest of his life.

This man is no other than Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng, who has never used the time and space channel, also never knew that the original time and space transmission process would be so painful.

In the whole process, he felt as if he had been thrown into a super powerful meat grinder and ground 18000 times, or he had been trampled by the great men of the whole earth in turn, and there was no pause in the middle.

No wonder this kind of teleportation can only be used by martial arts, and ordinary people can't survive.

But, fortunately, it's still alive.

It's so happy to be alive.

For a long time, he finally recovered a little strength, at least able to turn his head.

Looking around, I made sure that I was in a barren plain. There were plenty of weeds and shrubs around, but there were no tall trees. There was only a lonely tree far away, which looked lonely in the wilderness.

Because he couldn't get up, he couldn't see further.

If you want to use the divine consciousness to feel, you find that the divine consciousness is also exhausted, and if you don't use the divine consciousness, you don't feel that once you use the divine consciousness, you immediately feel that the world is out of place with him.

But it's not the kind of exclusion that Zhao Feilong describes that is not tolerated by the world. At least he doesn't feel any feeling of being squeezed by space or pushing outward.

"It seems that the level of the world is still relatively high, at least not so low as to be unable to accommodate a magic realm of life."

Feel the gravity and material strength around you again. It seems that the density of the earth world is a little higher, and the gravity is also a little stronger, but it is not much stronger.

"It seems that this should be a sub level world of high quality. Of course, it may also be a lower quality theme plane world. "

Zhao Chengfeng can't be sure, because he has no experience in this aspect, and his only reference object is the earth.

But in the earth world, the only thing Zhao Chengfeng can be sure of is a sub plane world. As for whether the quality of the sub plane world is higher or lower, he can't decide.

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng's inner hope is that it is the latter. Although it is not absolute, it is certainly easier for a dominant world to produce a powerful civilization than a secondary world.

In contrast, he can get more in this world.

Although the danger is relatively greater.

However, the purpose of his going out of the earth world is not to muddle along, but to have the opportunity to change the fate of the earth, at least the fate of his relatives and friends.

As for the speed of time, he can't judge now, but according to the common sense of physics, the greater the mass, the slower the speed of time, which probably means that his time is more urgent.

Although very painful, although unable to move, but this sense of urgency makes him dare not relax, in the recovery of physical strength, he is also trying to explore the divine consciousness again and again, to feel the breath of this world.

According to Zhao Feilong and Qingqiu's previous teaching, this can speed up his promotion of the affinity between the world and himself.

Zhao Feilong has repeatedly told us that this is a very important level.

For a warrior, understanding nature, or rules, is the foundation and core of everything.

The affinity between man and heaven not only affects cultivation, but also affects the ability of food intake.

Finally, I don't know how long after that, he felt that he had recovered a lot, and was about to get up.

Suddenly I heard an animal disturbing the grass.

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