Zhao Chengfeng was so nervous that he gave up the plan to get up and lay motionless in the same place. At the same time, he was on guard and gathered all his strength to prepare for the strongest attack he could make at any time.

Although he didn't know whether it was a human or an animal, or some other strange species, maybe it was just a harmless creature like a rabbit or a mouse.

But he didn't dare to be careless.

A person in such a strange and unknown world, any little carelessness can be fatal.

At the same time, the voice seemed to come this way. It was getting closer and closer. It was a little messy, like running. But the breath was confused, shortness of breath, and obviously panic.

Although he hasn't seen it yet, Zhao Chengfeng quickly judges that it's a human, at least an intelligent creature, because he hears the sound of friction between cloth and grass.

And the sound of stepping on the ground is not the sound of quadruped, paw or hoof stepping on the ground, so we can basically judge that it is a biped with shoes on.

A biped that can wear shoes and clothes, even if it is not human, should be similar to human.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not relax at all, because human beings do not represent kindness, sometimes even the opposite.

If animals are not hungry, and have not been frightened and threatened, even beasts may pass by people, but human behavior is often not completely determined by these factors.

Animals may attack people with high probability, but for few reasons, so it is relatively easy for experienced people to deal with it.

Humans may not be all aggressive, but if they attack humans, they may have a thousand or more reasons.

This is more uncertainty for people like Zhao Chengfeng.

Suddenly, the pace suddenly stopped.

"Looks like he found me!"

Although I don't know how the other party found it, Zhao Chengfeng clearly affirmed that the other party must have found itself.


A moment later, the footsteps moved again, which seemed to be the same as before, still messy and flustered.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's years of combat experience and military experience are not in vain, so he keenly captures that there is a trace of cover up and performance in this mess and panic.

They're paralyzing him.

Zhao Chengfeng sneers.

This person may regard him as an enemy ambushing here, so after the other party found him for the first time, there was a pause, but soon decided to pretend not to know to paralyze the enemy.

Therefore, this person should be planning to kill himself at this time.

From these details, we can judge that the other side is a person with combat experience, but not particularly rich, who dares to kill but does not kill many people.

Otherwise, if this person is really experienced and even used to killing people, there should not be a short pause, and the disguise behind is too deliberate.

On the contrary, if the person has no combat experience or has never killed a person, the choice to make after finding him is to yell or turn around and run away.

Although we have judged these details, we even know that it may be a misunderstanding.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not intend to explain, or even turn an enemy into a friend.

First of all, he doesn't know the language. He doesn't even know whether the other party's way of communication is in the general sense.

However, two different worlds are unlikely to be related to each other, and the possibility of using similar languages is almost zero.

Although Qingqiu had given him a pill called Tongyu pill, which could solve similar problems, he had no time to take it out because it was in the dimension.

And tongyudan's role is only to enable him to quickly learn and master any language during the period of efficacy, but it is impossible to swallow it and immediately communicate smoothly.

After all, people are not computers, and tongyudan is not a program that can load any language. Its ability only temporarily strengthens human's talent in language learning.

This kind of reinforcement may shorten the process by hundreds, even thousands, tens of thousands of times, but it still takes time.

The most important thing is that this is a person who has killed people and has murderous spirit.

What's more, this person is being chased or run away for some reason. In this case, how much probability will the other party let go and increase the risk of being tracked?

So almost without much consideration, we chose the simplest and most direct method.

"One, two, three, four..." Zhao Chengfeng closed his eyes, but his ears stood up, and he didn't dare to relax.

He constantly through each other to make any sound details, constantly analyze each other's identity, habits, stride, height, and so on, while counting each other's steps, calculate the distance.

At the same time, bring yourself into the other side and judge the timing of the other side's hand.

Just when he counted to 20, the other party's footsteps changed again. For a moment, the confusion of the previous disguise was gone, and the panic was suppressed.

And between twenty and twenty-one steps, there was an extremely subtle pause, breathing and heartbeat even slowed down in this instant.

In an instant, Zhao Chengfeng knew that the other party was going to fight, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and then the whole person started to play with the support of his whole body.

At that moment, his whole body seemed to be a man who had been touched by the machine, and the whole movement didn't stop at all.

As soon as it started, the dragon and Phoenix show had already started.

Almost no gap, Zhao Chengfeng has come to the enemy's body.

They didn't see each other's face and identity until this moment, and they couldn't help showing a trace of surprise.

Especially when the man was about to start, he saw that he was lying on the ground motionless, and the man who didn't know how to live or die suddenly started to play.

When he saw Zhao Chengfeng's face again, he was surprised that he forgot to move his sword

Waiting for his flustered reaction, Zhao Chengfeng's fingers have touched his throat.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand this man's exclamation, but he vaguely felt that it should be "don't" or "spare my life".

But at this time, Zhao Chengfeng would not hesitate. With a click, he crushed the man's throat. Then he flew the weapon in the other party's hand, and with his last strength, he put his head under his armpit and twisted it.

Although he was surprised by each other's appearance and wanted to catch a prisoner, it was a pity that his physical strength was not enough to support him to make these plans.

Hard to recover the strength, has just been in the hit of the consumption of 7788, once hesitated, who is the prisoner of it is difficult to say.

Feeling the other party's breath and spasm completely disappeared, Zhao Chengfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground, gasping.

"Sure enough, the affinity is not enough, every action consumes more!"

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