After a long time, Zhao Chengfeng regained his strength again, so he had time to look at the unfortunate guy who had just been killed by himself.

The more you look at Zhao Chengfeng, the more strange his face looks.

"Yes, it's very similar. This guy can't be my father's illegitimate son. Fuck, how could this happen? "

At that moment, although I saw each other's face clearly, I felt surprised.

But it's not as good as thinking about it.

At this time calm down, Zhao Chengfeng felt particularly uncomfortable and absurd.

As like as two peas, he never thought that one day he would meet someone who was similar to himself and could almost say the same thing. He would be killed by himself.

Even the most similar twins in the earth world can't surpass the similarity between Zhao Chengfeng and the guy in front of him.

If it wasn't for this person's delicate skin and amazing hair and clothes, Zhao Chengfeng even mistakenly thought that he was out of his body and was looking at his body.

"If one day I tell others that I kill myself on my first day in the world, will people think I'm a fool?"

However, Zhao Chengfeng is not a man who has gone to the top of the rope. Although this kind of thing is absurd, it is futile to kill everything.

Originally, he wanted to find something to destroy this person's face, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it, because the feeling was a bit abnormal. Instead of this, he might as well burn him with a fire and come here simply.

After thinking about it, he fumbled about the man again.

A moment later, he spread out what he had found out.

There are a lot of things on this person. There are seven or eight things in all.

One of the most numerous is a small finger size tricolor beads, which are white, green and red.

These pearls not only look very good, the best quality pearls on earth are not comparable, but also contain a faint aura, although not very rich, but also very uniform and pure.

Among them, the most abundant aura is the red beads, which Zhao Chengfeng estimated should be equivalent to one third of the first-order crystal nucleus.

But the purity is better than the crystal nucleus.

Zhao Chengfeng speculated that if this thing is not the currency of the world, it should be a kind of commonly used cultivation resources.

Relatively speaking, the first one is more likely, because although its aura is pure, it is too small.

If it is money, it should be red with the highest value, followed by green and white with the lowest value.

There are more than 20 red ones, more than 70 green ones and only a few white ones.

It seems that this is a house that doesn't like to hold change.

Looking at this person's clothes, Zhao Chengfeng can't see what the material is, but it looks gorgeous and should not be cheap.

"Judging from this, this man should come from a good family."

In addition to these beads, Zhao Chengfeng paid more attention to several pieces of paper which were put together with those beads in a brocade bag. There were words and patterns on the paper, but Zhao Chengfeng could not tell what the function was. However, his careful collection should be helpful.

So Zhao Chengfeng and the beads were all collected together.

In addition, there is something like a jade slip, but Zhao Chengfeng uses his divine sense to perceive it, but he doesn't perceive what's in it. However, this jade slip is more closely collected than those beads and paper. Zhao Chengfeng knows that it will never be useless.

In addition, Zhao Chengfeng did not find anything that might be more valuable.

A pendant, which looks like crystal but feels like jade, should be some kind of ornament when worn with a metal chain. Although it has some aura, it's just ordinary. I'm afraid it's not of high value in this world.

Then there is a sword and a knife.

Something like cosmetics.

"A big man even uses cosmetics. No wonder he has thin skin and white meat." Zhao Chengfeng plans to lose it, but he thinks if it works, such as what kind of medicine it might be.

What's more, there are several things that Zhao Chengfeng can't name, but are obviously daily necessities. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to keep them, so he puts them directly on the body and burns them all later.

All the things have been counted. To Zhao Chengfeng's disappointment, there is nothing like food. Instead, there is a kettle that seems to hold water, but it is empty.

I don't know if it's because I ate it all or didn't bring it at all.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little speechless.

Comparatively speaking, what Zhao Chengfeng needs most is food and water.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect to carry them, but before he entered the gate of time and space, he forgot to put those things into the dimensional things, and as a result, all of them were damaged, or he didn't know where they were lost, and Qingqiu's personality could not be so delicate that he could prepare these things for him in advance.

"For a moment, it's bad luck!"

Mainly inexperienced, he thought that the gate of time and space was just like the portal of playing games, so he went across it and walked out.

Or a road, you can walk all the way.

I didn't think it would be like he didn't think it would be.

Otherwise, he would not be so careless.

Fortunately, some valuable things, he either carefully personal collection, or put into the dimensional things, so there is no loss, otherwise he did not cry.

When he thought of the precious things, he immediately thought of the pupil of the netherworld beast. He quickly took it out and input spiritual power, but the pupil of the netherworld beast was quiet and did not respond.

"Ah, it's true that my father's crow's mouth is right." Although prepared, disappointment is inevitable. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng's unkind remarks to Zhao Feilong.

After all the inventory, Zhao Chengfeng feels that his physical strength has recovered a lot. He doesn't dare to stay around here any longer. In case the person who chases him catches up, he may not be able to deal with his current situation.

Although according to his strength just now, the person who chased him should not be higher than the level of magic martial arts at most, his current situation is also very bad.

What's more, all these are his judgments, not necessarily accurate.

When I left, I lit a big fire directly. Once the fire broke out, it would start a prairie fire.

The corpse was cremated in such a sea of fire, at least to avoid the wild corpses. As long as it was buried in peace, Zhao Chengfeng had no such idea.

Shortly after Zhao Chengfeng left, a group of people almost appeared outside the sea of fire. Looking at the sea of fire, they were surprised.

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